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archlinuxArch LinuxASA-201412-16
HistoryDec 15, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

docker: multiple issues

Arch Linux

0.014 Low




  • CVE-2014-9356 (path traversal)
    Path traversal attacks are possible in the processing of absolute
    symlinks. In checking symlinks for traversals, only relative links were
    considered. This allowed path traversals to exist where they should have
    otherwise been prevented. This was exploitable via both archive
    extraction and through volume mounts.
    This vulnerability allowed malicious images or builds from malicious
    Dockerfiles to write files to the host system and escape
    containerization, leading to privilege escalation.

  • CVE-2014-9357 (privilege escalation)
    It has been discovered that the introduction of chroot for archive
    extraction in Docker 1.3.2 had introduced a privilege escalation
    vulnerability. Malicious images or builds from malicious Dockerfiles
    could escalate privileges and execute arbitrary code as a privileged
    root user on the Docker host by providing a malicious ‘xz’ binary.

  • CVE-2014-9358 (path traversal)
    It has been discovered that Docker does not sufficiently validate Image
    IDs as provided either via ‘docker load’ or through registry
    communications. This allows for path traversal attacks, causing graph
    corruption and manipulation by malicious images, as well as repository
    spoofing attacks.

anyanyanydocker< 1:1.4.0-1UNKNOWN