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archlinuxArch LinuxASA-201510-5
HistoryOct 08, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

opensmtpd: multiple issues

Arch Linux





  • an oversight in the portable version of fgetln() that allows attackers
    to read and write out-of-bounds memory

  • multiple denial-of-service vulnerabilities that allow local users to
    kill or hang OpenSMTPD

  • a stack-based buffer overflow that allows local users to crash
    OpenSMTPD, or execute arbitrary code as the non-chrooted _smtpd user

  • a hardlink attack (or race-conditioned symlink attack) that allows
    local users to unset the chflags() of arbitrary files

  • a hardlink attack that allows local users to read the first line of
    arbitrary files (for example, root’s hash from /etc/master.passwd)

  • a denial-of-service vulnerability that allows remote attackers to fill
    OpenSMTPD’s queue or mailbox hard-disk partition

  • an out-of-bounds memory read that allows remote attackers to crash
    OpenSMTPD, or leak information and defeat the ASLR protection

  • a use-after-free vulnerability that allows remote attackers to crash
    OpenSMTPD, or execute arbitrary code as the non-chrooted _smtpd user

  • fix an mda buffer truncation bug which allows a user to create forward
    files that pass session checks but fail delivery later down the chain,
    within the user mda

  • fix remote buffer overflow in unprivileged pony process

  • reworked offline enqueue to better protect against hardlink attacks

anyanyanyopensmtpd< 5.7.3p1-1UNKNOWN