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archlinuxArch LinuxASA-201602-11
HistoryFeb 10, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

botan: multiple issues

Arch Linux





  • CVE-2016-2194 (denial of service)

The ressol function implements the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm for finding
square roots could be sent into a nearly infinite loop due to a
misplaced conditional check. This could occur if a composite modulus is
provided, as this algorithm is only defined for primes. This function is
exposed to attacker controlled input via the OS2ECP function during ECC
point decompression.

  • CVE-2016-2195 (arbitrary code execution)

The PointGFp constructor did not check that the affine coordinate
arguments were less than the prime, but then in curve multiplication
assumed that both arguments if multiplied would fit into an integer
twice the size of the prime.
The bigint_mul and bigint_sqr functions received the size of the output
buffer, but only used it to dispatch to a faster algorithm in cases
where there was sufficient output space to call an unrolled
multiplication function.
The result is a heap overflow accessible via ECC point decoding, which
accepted untrusted inputs. This is likely exploitable for remote code
On systems which use the mlock pool allocator, it would allow an
attacker to overwrite memory held in secure_vector objects. After this
point the write will hit the guard page at the end of the mmap’ed region
so it probably could not be used for code execution directly, but would
allow overwriting adjacent key material.

  • CVE-2016-2196 (arbitrary code execution)

The P-521 reduction function would overwrite zero to one word following
the allocated block. This could potentially result in remote code
execution or a crash.

anyanyanybotan< 1.11.28-1UNKNOWN