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HistorySep 10, 2020 - 4:31 a.m.

Sensitive data exposure via /secure/QueryComponent!Default.jspa endpoint - CVE-2020-14179


0.965 High




h3. Summary
Affected versions of Atlassian Jira Server and Data Center allow remote, unauthenticated attackers to view custom field names and custom SLA names via an Information Disclosure vulnerability in the /secure/QueryComponent!Default.jspa endpoint.

h3. Affected versions:

  • version < 8.5.8
  • 8.6.0 ≀ version < 8.11.1

h4. Fixed versions:

  • 8.5.8
  • 8.11.1 and above, including 8.13.x

h3. Note on fix
We’ve been unable to fully fix this issue due to short SLA and possible performance problems that fix could introduce. Please check the workaround section for mitigation steps.

h3. Workaround - Fix Versions
To workaround this bug on Jira versions listed in β€œfixed in versions” above, one of the two techniques can be used:

h3. Workaround - Non-fix versions
If you are running Jira that is below one of the β€œfixed in versions” above and should not be open to unauthenticated users, you may block the affected endpoint from anonymous users by using the URL rewrite system.

First, add the public.access.disabled [dark feature|] as above. This blocks access to the Jira issue navigator when unauthenticated.

Then, on each node, block the QueryComponent endpoints:

Edit the file JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml

Insert a new rule, directly underneath the last </rule> line (but before the </urlrewrite> line):

<condition type=β€œsession-attribute” name=β€œseraph_defaultauthenticator_user” operator=β€œnotequal”>.+</condition>
<set type=β€œstatus”>403</set>

Restart the node

(i) If for whatever reason you have scripted basic authentication calls to these endpoints (EG, python/curl requests), they will all be blocked, authenticated or not.