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centosCentOS ProjectCESA-2015:2290
HistoryNov 30, 2015 - 7:47 p.m.

pcs security update

CentOS Project

5 Medium


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.067 Low




CentOS Errata and Security Advisory CESA-2015:2290

The pcs package provides a configuration tool for Corosync and Pacemaker.
It permits users to easily view, modify and create Pacemaker based
clusters. The pcs package includes Rack, which provides a minimal interface
between webservers that support Ruby and Ruby frameworks.

A flaw was found in a way Rack processed parameters of incoming requests.
An attacker could use this flaw to send a crafted request that would cause
an application using Rack to crash. (CVE-2015-3225)

Red Hat would like to thank Ruby upstream developers for reporting this.
Upstream acknowledges Tomek Rabczak from the NCC Group as the original

The pcs package has been upgraded to upstream version 0.9.143, which
provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previous version.

The following enhancements are described in more detail in the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 7.2 Release Notes, linked to from the References section:

  • The pcs resource move and pcs resource ban commands now display a warning
    message to clarify the commands’ behavior (BZ#1201452)

  • New command to move a Pacemaker resource to its preferred node

This update also fixes the following bugs:

  • Before this update, a bug caused location, ordering, and colocation
    constraints related to a resource group to be removed when removing any
    resource from that group. This bug has been fixed, and the constraints are
    now preserved until the group has no resources left, and is removed.

  • Previously, when a user disabled a resource clone or multi-state
    resource, and then later enabled a primitive resource within it, the clone
    or multi-state resource remained disabled. With this update, enabling a
    resource within a disabled clone or multi-state resource enables it.

  • When the web UI displayed a list of resource attributes, a bug caused
    the list to be truncated at the first “=” character. This update fixes the
    bug and now the web UI displays lists of resource attributes correctly.

  • The documentation for the “pcs stonith confirm” command was not clear.
    This could lead to incorrect usage of the command, which could in turn
    cause data corruption. With this update, the documentation has been
    improved and the “pcs stonith confirm” command is now more clearly
    explained. (BZ#1245264)

  • Previously, if there were any unauthenticated nodes, creating a new
    cluster, adding a node to an existing cluster, or adding a cluster to the
    web UI failed with the message “Node is not authenticated”. With this
    update, when the web UI detects a problem with authentication, the web UI
    displays a dialog to authenticate nodes as necessary. (BZ#1158569)

  • Previously, the web UI displayed only primitive resources. Thus there was
    no way to set attributes, constraints and other properties separately for a
    parent resource and a child resource. This has now been fixed, and
    resources are displayed in a tree structure, meaning all resource elements
    can be viewed and edited independently. (BZ#1189857)

In addition, this update adds the following enhancements:

  • A dashboard has been added which shows the status of clusters in the web
    UI. Previously, it was not possible to view all important information about
    clusters in one place. Now, a dashboard showing the status of clusters has
    been added to the main page of the web UI. (BZ#1158566)

  • With this update, the pcsd daemon automatically synchronizes pcsd
    configuration across a cluster. This enables the web UI to be run from any
    node, allowing management even if any particular node is down. (BZ#1158577)

  • The web UI can now be used to set permissions for users and groups on a
    cluster. This allows users and groups to have their access restricted to
    certain operations on certain clusters. (BZ#1158571)

All pcs users are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which
corrects these issues and add these enhancements.

Merged security bulletin from advisories:

Affected packages:

Upstream details at:

CentOS7x86_64pcs< 0.9.143-15.el7pcs-0.9.143-15.el7.x86_64.rpm

5 Medium


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.067 Low


