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cloudfoundryCloud FoundryCFOUNDRY:3AF1B4C88568790CEE3553421FBAC70F
HistoryJun 05, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

USN-3658-1: procps-ng vulnerabilities | Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry

0.006 Low







Canonical Ubuntu

Versions Affected

  • Canonical Ubuntu 14.04


It was discovered that the procps-ng top utility incorrectly read its configuration file from the current working directory. A local attacker could possibly use this issue to escalate privileges. (CVE-2018-1122)

It was discovered that the procps-ng ps tool incorrectly handled memory. A local user could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2018-1123)

It was discovered that libprocps incorrectly handled the file2strvec() function. A local attacker could possibly use this to execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2018-1124)

It was discovered that the procps-ng pgrep utility incorrectly handled memory. A local attacker could possibly use this issue to cause de denial of service. (CVE-2018-1125)

It was discovered that procps-ng incorrectly handled memory. A local attacker could use this issue to cause a denial of service, or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2018-1126)

Affected Cloud Foundry Products and Versions

Severity is medium unless otherwise noted.

  • Cloud Foundry BOSH stemcells are vulnerable, including:
    • 3363.x versions prior to 3363.64
    • 3421.x versions prior to 3421.64
    • 3445.x versions prior to 3445.49
    • 3468.x versions prior to 3468.47
    • 3541.x versions prior to 3541.30
    • 3586.x versions prior to 3586.16
    • All other stemcells not listed.
  • All versions of Cloud Foundry cflinuxfs2 prior to 1.210.0


OSS users are strongly encouraged to follow one of the mitigations below:

  • The Cloud Foundry project recommends upgrading the following BOSH stemcells:
    • Upgrade 3363.x versions to 3363.64
    • Upgrade 3421.x versions to 3421.64
    • Upgrade 3445.x versions to 3445.49
    • Upgrade 3468.x versions to 3468.47
    • Upgrade 3541.x versions to 3541.30
    • Upgrade 3586.x versions to 3586.16
    • All other stemcells should be upgraded to the latest version available on
  • The Cloud Foundry project recommends that Cloud Foundry deployments run with cflinuxfs2 version 1.210.0 or later.
