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HistoryDec 14, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

USN-3116-1: DBus vulnerabilities | Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry

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USN-3116-1: DBus vulnerabilities



Canonical Ubuntu

Versions Affected

  • Canonical Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


It was discovered that DBus incorrectly validated the source of Activation Failure signals. A local attacker could use this issue to cause a denial of service. This issue only applied to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu14.04 LTS. (CVE-2015-0245)

It was discovered that DBus incorrectly handled certain format strings. A local attacker could use this issue to cause a denial of service, or possibly execute arbitrary code. This issue is only exposed to unprivileged users when the fix for CVE-2015-0245 is not applied, hence this issue is only likely to affect Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Ubuntu 16.04LTS and Ubuntu 16.10 have been updated as a preventative measure in the event that a new attack vector for this issue is discovered.(No CVE number)

Affected Products and Versions

_Severity is medium unless otherwise noted.

  • Cloud Foundry BOSH stemcells are vulnerable, including:
    • All versions prior to 3151.5
    • 3233.x versions prior to 3233.6
    • 3263.x versions prior to 3263.12
    • 3312.x versions prior to 3312.7
    • All other versions
  • All versions of Cloud Foundry cflinuxfs2 prior to v.1.90.0


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • The Cloud Foundry team recommends upgrading to the following BOSH stemcells:
    • Upgrade all lower versions of 3151.x to version 3151.5
    • Upgrade all lower versions of 3233.x to version 3233.6
    • Upgrade all lower versions of 3263.x to version 3263.12
    • Upgrade all lower versions of 3312.x to version 3312.7
  • The Cloud Foundry project recommends that Cloud Foundry deployments run with cflinuxfs2 v.1.90.0 or later versions
