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cnvdChina National Vulnerability DatabaseCNVD-2022-31686
HistoryApr 20, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Oracle MySQL Input Validation Error Vulnerability (CNVD-2022-31686)

China National Vulnerability Database

0.001 Low




Oracle MySQL is an open source relational database management system from Oracle Corporation. MySQL Server is one of the database server components, and MySQL Connectors is one of the drivers for connecting to applications that use MySQL. Oracle MySQL is vulnerable to an input validation error. A vulnerability exists in Oracle MySQL, which allows a highly privileged attacker with network access over multiple protocols to compromise the MySQL server. An attacker could use the vulnerability to cause an unauthorized capability to cause the MySQL server to hang or crash frequently and repeatedly (full DOS), as well as to provide unauthorized read access to a subset of the MySQL server’s accessible data.