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exploitdbChip d3 bi0sEDB-ID:11999
HistoryApr 01, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Joomla! Component webERPcustomer - Local File Inclusion

Chip d3 bi0s

AI Score




Joomla Component webERPcustomer Local File Inclusion

Author		: Chip D3 Bi0s
Group		: LatinHackTeam
Email & msn	: [email protected]
Date		: 31 March 2010
Critical Lvl	: Moderate
Impact		: Exposure of sensitive information
Where		: From Remote

Affected software description:

Application	: webERPcustomer
version		: 1.2.1
Developer	: Mo Kelly
License		: GPL            type  : Commercial
Price		: 20.00 USD
Date Added	: 24 June 2009
Download	:

Description     :

webERPcustomer is a Joomla! component integrated with webERP. Upon logging in and clicking the webERPcustomer
menu selection the user/salesperson will be able to view and update webERP customer master records assigned
to them and access/update associated wiki data. webERPcustomer is an easy way to allow sales persons to update
their customer data.

The Joomla user name and webERP salesperson code must be the same and the Joomla database user must be given
rights to the webERP database.

webERP is an open source accounting package that is very popular. At Rockwall Computer we are writing modules
and components integrated with webERP so that companies can access and update data in webERP using Joomla modules
and components. This reduces training time and the user interface is more friendly and powerful.

For instance, this accounts receivable customer and branch record update is much easier to access than through webERP.
Clicking the note/pencil opens the webERP wiki notes for that customer. This method of access to a sales persons
including the wiki integration makes it very powerful!

file error	: components/com_weberpcustomer/weberpcustomer.php

how to exploit


[!] Produced in South America

AI Score


