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exploitpackMiND C0reEXPLOITPACK:A0E3E3C45818FB222521F3154D44D999
HistoryAug 29, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

GuestBookPlus - HTML Injection Bypass Comments Limit

MiND C0re

GuestBookPlus - HTML Injection Bypass Comments Limit

#                         In the name of ALLAH !                      #
# GuestBookPlus Script PHP (HTML Injection) Vuln.
#      _____ __    __  /_  __/  #
#     / ___/ \ \  / /   / /     #
#    (__  )   \ \/ /   / /      #
#   /____/     \__/   /_/       #
# Name: GuestBookPlus Script PHP (HTML Injection) 
# Vendor:
# Date: 2010-08-15
# Author: MiND
# Greets: Sa-ViRuS.CoM , RENO , Dr.php , ! BaD BoY ! , Gov.HaCker , Anti-Secure , Dr.$audi all Sa-ViRuS.CoM Members ..
# Contact: [email protected]
# Home: WwW.Sa-ViRuS.CoM

[~]Note : Its not free ,, Its by 28 $
[~]You Can Buy It From :

[~] HTML Injection Vuln . : Add a new comment using sign button
Put on the name & body of your comment any html code like: 
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" />               <==== ( thats redirecting to ) 

[~] Another note : You can bypass the limit of comments per day in this guestbook script 
By deleting the saved cookie in your computer ;)