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HistorySep 04, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

K12487579 : Apache vulnerabilities CVE-2018-1282, CVE-2018-1284, CVE-2018-1295, CVE-2018-1308, and CVE-2018-1315


6 Medium

AI Score



0.024 Low




Security Advisory Description

This vulnerability in Apache Hive JDBC driver 0.7.1 to 2.3.2 allows carefully crafted arguments to be used to bypass the argument escaping/cleanup that JDBC driver does in PreparedStatement implementation.

In Apache Hive 0.6.0 to 2.3.2, malicious user might use any xpath UDFs (xpath/xpath_string/xpath_boolean/xpath_number/xpath_double/xpath_float/xpath_long/xpath_int/xpath_short) to expose the content of a file on the machine running HiveServer2 owned by HiveServer2 user (usually hive) if hive.server2.enable.doAs=false.

In Apache Ignite 2.3 or earlier, the serialization mechanism does not have a list of classes allowed for serialization/deserialization, which makes it possible to run arbitrary code when 3-rd party vulnerable classes are present in Ignite classpath. The vulnerability can be exploited if the one sends a specially prepared form of a serialized object to one of the deserialization endpoints of some Ignite components - discovery SPI, Ignite persistence, Memcached endpoint, socket steamer.

This vulnerability in Apache Solr 1.2 to 6.6.2 and 7.0.0 to 7.2.1 relates to an XML external entity expansion (XXE) in the &dataConfig=<inlinexml> parameter of Solr’s DataImportHandler. It can be used as XXE using file/ftp/http protocols in order to read arbitrary local files from the Solr server or the internal network.

In Apache Hive 2.1.0 to 2.3.2, when ‘COPY FROM FTP’ statement is run using HPL/SQL extension to Hive, a compromised/malicious FTP server can cause the file to be written to an arbitrary location on the cluster where the command is run from. This is because FTP client code in HPL/SQL does not verify the destination location of the downloaded file. This does not affect hive cli user and hiveserver2 user as hplsql is a separate command line script and needs to be invoked differently.


There is no impact; F5 products are not affected by this vulnerability.