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HistoryOct 16, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

K17452 : OpenSSH vulnerabilities CVE-2001-0361, CVE-2001-0572, CVE-2004-2069, CVE-2006-0225, and CVE-2006-0883


10 High

AI Score



0.061 Low




Security Advisory Description

Implementations of SSH version 1.5, including (1) OpenSSH up to version 2.3.0, (2) AppGate, and (3) ssh-1 up to version 1.2.31, in certain configurations, allow a remote attacker to decrypt and/or alter traffic via a β€œBleichenbacher attack” on PKCS#1 version 1.5.

The SSH protocols 1 and 2 (aka SSH-2) as implemented in OpenSSH and other packages have various weaknesses which can allow a remote attacker to obtain the following information via sniffing: (1) password lengths or ranges of lengths, which simplifies brute force password guessing, (2) whether RSA or DSA authentication is being used, (3) the number of authorized_keys in RSA authentication, or (4) the lengths of shell commands.

sshd.c in OpenSSH 3.6.1p2 and 3.7.1p2 and possibly other versions, when using privilege separation, does not properly signal the non-privileged process when a session has been terminated after exceeding the LoginGraceTime setting, which leaves the connection open and allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (connection consumption).

scp in OpenSSH 4.2p1 allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands via filenames that contain shell metacharacters or spaces, which are expanded twice.

OpenSSH on FreeBSD 5.3 and 5.4, when used with OpenPAM, does not properly handle when a forked child process terminates during PAM authentication, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (client connection refusal) by connecting multiple times to the SSH server, waiting for the password prompt, then disconnecting.


There is no impact; F5 products are not affected by this vulnerability.