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HistoryMay 06, 2017 - 1:15 a.m.

TMM vulnerability CVE-2017-6137






F5 Product Development has assigned ID 635412 (BIG-IP) to this vulnerability. Additionally, BIG-IP iHealth may list Heuristic H82851041 on the Diagnostics >Identified>Medium page.

To determine if your release is known to be vulnerable, the components or features that are affected by the vulnerability, and for information about releases or hotfixes that address the vulnerability, refer to the following table.

Product Versions known to be vulnerable Versions known to be not vulnerable Severity Vulnerable component or feature
BIG-IP LTM 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1
11.2.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP AAM 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP AFM 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP Analytics 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1
11.2.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP APM 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1
11.2.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP ASM 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1
11.2.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP DNS 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP Edge Gateway None 11.2.1 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IP GTM 11.6.1 HF1 11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1
11.2.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP Link Controller 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1
11.2.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP PEM 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.4.0 - 11.6.1 Medium TMM
BIG-IP PSM None 11.4.0 - 11.4.1 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IP WebAccelerator None 11.2.1 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IP WebSafe 12.1.0 - 12.1.2
12.0.0 HF3 - HF4
11.6.1 HF1 13.0.0
12.1.2 HF1
11.6.1 HF2
11.6.0 - 11.6.1 Medium None
ARX None 6.2.0 - 6.4.0 Not vulnerable None
Enterprise Manager None 3.1.1 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IQ Cloud None 4.4.0 - 4.5.0 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IQ Device None 4.4.0 - 4.5.0 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IQ Security None 4.4.0 - 4.5.0 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IQ ADC None 4.5.0 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IQ Centralized Management None 5.0.0 - 5.2.0
4.6.0 Not vulnerable None
BIG-IQ Cloud and Orchestration None 1.0.0 Not vulnerable None
F5 iWorkflow None 2.0.0 - 2.1.0 Not vulnerable None
LineRate None 2.5.0 - 2.6.2 Not vulnerable None
Traffix SDC None 5.0.0 - 5.1.0
4.0.0 - 4.4.0 Not vulnerable None

If you are running a version listed in the Versions known to be vulnerable column, you can eliminate this vulnerability by upgrading to a version listed in theVersions known to be not vulnerable column. If the table lists only an older version than what you are currently running, or does not list a non-vulnerable version, then no upgrade candidate currently exists.


To mitigate this vulnerability, you can disable TMM fast forward flows. To do so, perform the following procedure:

Impact of workaround: Performing the following procedure requires that you reboot the BIG-IP system. The**tmm.ffwd.enable **database variable allows a TMM at 100 percent capacity to forward connections to a TMM under less intensive CPU load.

  1. Log in to the command line.
  2. To disable TMM’s fast forward flow, type the following command:

tmsh modify sys db tmm.ffwd.enable value false

  1. To reboot the BIG-IP system, type the following command:




