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HistoryJan 19, 2016 - 11:17 p.m.

Imgur: Big Bug in SSL : breach compression attack (CVE-2013-3587) affect






Hi imgur Security Team,

This is an urgent issue and wish you fix it as soon as possible …

so this web application " " " is potentially vulnerable to the BREACH attack.

An attacker with the ability to:

Inject partial chosen plaintext into a victim’s requests
Measure the size of encrypted traffic
can leverage information leaked by compression to recover targeted parts of the plaintext.

BREACH (Browser Reconnaissance & Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression of Hypertext) is a category of vulnerabilities and not a specific instance affecting a specific piece of software. To be vulnerable, a web application must:

Be served from a server that uses HTTP-level compression
Reflect user-input in HTTP response bodies
Reflect a secret (such as a CSRF token) in HTTP response bodies

URL: /signin/

Attack details
This alert was issued because the following conditions were met:

The page content is served via HTTPS
The server is using HTTP-level compression
URL encoded GET input redirect was reflected into the HTTP response body.
HTTP response body contains a secret named csrf
The impact of this vulnerability
An attacker can leverage information leaked by compression to recover targeted parts of the plaintext.
How to fix this vulnerability
The mitigations are ordered by effectiveness (not by their practicality - as this may differ from one application to another).

Disabling HTTP compression
Separating secrets from user input
Randomizing secrets per request
Masking secrets (effectively randomizing by XORing with a random secret per request)
Protecting vulnerable pages with CSRF
Length hiding (by adding random number of bytes to the responses)
Rate-limiting the requests

Good Fix ,