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HistoryDec 20, 2021 - 12:35 a.m.

Node.js: Prototype pollution via console.table properties


0.006 Low





Attacker control of the second properties parameter of console.table may lead to prototype pollution.


Due to the formatting logic of the console.table function it is not safe to allow user controlled input to be passed to the properties parameter while simultaneously passing a plain object with at least one property as the first parameter.

The prototype pollution has very limited control, in that it only allows an empty string to be assigned numerical keys of the object prototype.

Steps To Reproduce:

The vulnerability can be reproduced in the Node.js REPL, tested with version v16.7.0:

  1. Run the following: console.table({foo: 'bar'}, ['__proto__'])
  2. Verify that the object prototype has been polluted: Object.prototype[0] === ''

The pollution will vary depending on the number of properties on the object passed as the first parameter, with each additional property assigning another incrementing index of the object prototype. This means that if the first parameter is also controlled by the attacker, it is possible to assign empty strings from 0..n to the object prototype, for any n:

> console.table({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, ['__proto__'])
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property '0' on string ''

> Object.prototype
[Object: null prototype] { '0': '', '1': '', '2': '' }

The vulnerable assignment can be found here in the Node.js console.table implementation.

A suggested remediation is to ignore properties named '__proto__', or to use a different data structure to store the computed table fields. For example:

 const keys = properties || ObjectKeys(item);
 for (const key of keys) {
+  if (key === '__proto__') {
+    continue
+  }
   if (map[key] === undefined)
     map[key] = [];


Users of console.table have no reason to expect the danger of passing on user input to the second properties array, and may therefore do so without sanitation. In the even that for example a web server is exposed to this vulnerability, it is likely to be a very effective denial of service attack. In extremely rare cases the prototype pollution can lead to more severe attack vectors such as bypassing authorization mechanisms, although due to limited control of the pollution this is unlikely.

Supporting Material/References:


Users of console.table have no reason to expect the danger of passing on user input to the second properties array, and may therefore do so without sanitation. In the even that for example a web server is exposed to this vulnerability, it is likely to be a very effective denial of service attack. In extremely rare cases the prototype pollution can lead to more severe attack vectors such as bypassing authorization mechanisms, although due to limited control of the pollution this is unlikely.