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HistoryMar 17, 2022 - 1:41 p.m.

Internet Bug Bounty: Use of uninitialized value of in req_parsebody method of lua_request.c


0.314 Low




###Software Versions
Ubuntu - 18.04 64-bit
Apache 2.4.51 - 64 bit

Cause of Bug

This bug is present in the req_parsebody method of lua_request.c file.
Below mentioned lines of code cause this bug.

 const char  *data;
 int         i;
 size_t      vlen = 0;
 size_t      len = 0;
 if (lua_read_body(r, &data, (apr_off_t*) &size, max_post_size) != OK) {
     return 2;
 len = strlen(multipart);
 i = 0;
    start = strstr((char *) data, multipart);

Note that the const char *data pointer is not initialized with a value.
That pointer is passed to the lua_read_body method to store data sent by HTTP request.
If the HTTP request does not contain any data, then a value will not be set for const char *data pointer.
So const char *data pointer will remain uninitialized.

Then const char *data pointer is passed as a parameter to “strstr” function.
Segmentation fault will happen in “strstr” function, if it cannot access memory pointed by const char *data pointer.

I noticed a difference between Apache 64 bit build and 32 bit build.
64 bit build - Pointer value ofconst char *data pointer is 0x1.
So a Segmentation fault happens in strstr function.
32 bit build - Pointer value of const char *data pointer has a valid memory address.
So Segmentation fault does NOT happen in strstr function.


  1. Build Apache web server with Lua module
    ./configure --enable-lua=shared

  2. Enable Lua module with Apache web server.
    Add these lines to httpd.conf file.

   LoadModule lua_module modules/

   <Files "*.lua">
    SetHandler lua-script
  1. Copy attached F1658382 file to htdocs folder.

  2. Start Apache web server in debug single worker mode.
    ./httpd -X -d /home/apache/install-directory/

  3. Send this HTTP request with CURL.
    curl -v -X POST -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data;boundary=-'
    Apache web server will crash. Note that apache web server is started in single worker mode in step 4.

** I selected Denial of Service (CWE-400) as weakness type. But correct weakness type should be Improper Initialization(CWE-665). It was not available to select.**


May be used for a denial of service attack.