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HistoryFeb 10, 2015 - 1:00 a.m.

Ruby on Rails: JSON keys are not properly escaped


0.003 Low




Rails does not escape hash keys properly in to_json when generating json.

Values are escaped as expected

irb(main):001:0> {"a"=>"<>"}.to_json
=> "{\"a\":\"\\u003c\\u003e\"}"

However keys are not:

irb(main):002:0> {"<>"=>"a"}.to_json
=> "{\"<>\":\"a\"}"

This is because the json gem calls .to_s on the keys here which transforms the EscapedString back into a simple String so it doesn’t go through the escaping process that values go through here.

Security consideration: this issue is a vector for XSS when an arbitrary value is used as a key and reflected in a javascript tag. Consider this piece of code:

javascript_tag "var json=#{params.to_json}"

When params is something like {"</script><script>alert(1)//"=>"xss"} then <> are not escaped as they should and the javascript tag looks like this:

var json={"</script><script>alert(1)//":"xss"}

The </script> inside the json object will terminate the opening script tag because it has precedence over everything else, and alert(1) is executed.

I believe this issue also applies to 4.2-stable and master.

Note that I opened a PR for a related issue in the json gem ( which occurs when ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json = false because the forward slash is never escaped (neither in rails nor in the json gem). It might be worth fixing this in rails as well.