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HistoryApr 03, 2020 - 2:48 p.m.

U.S. Dept Of Defense: Remote Code Execution via Insecure Deserialization in Telerik UI


0.918 High




I found an outdated version of Telerik Web UI (v2016.2.607.40) at the following URL: https://███/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?type=rau.
This means that we can achieve full RCE by chaining two different CVEs: CVE-2017-11317, which allows us to upload arbitrary files on the server, and CVE-2019-18935, which is a deserialization vulnerability.

First of all, the only thing that I tried to prove that I had successfully achieved code execution was making the server sleep for 10 seconds.
No data was compromised.

Steps to reproduce

The steps that I followed are thoroughly described in this blog post: <;.
Here’s a quick summary:

  • Download the files in the attachments
  • Make sure you have pycryptodome installed (pip3 install pycryptodome)
  • Run the following command: python3 -u https://█████/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?type=rau -v 2016.2.607.40 -f 'C:\Windows\Temp' -p sleep_042020163752,45_amd64.dll
  • The sleep_042020160430,40_amd64.dll is supposed to Sleep(10). This will make the server hang for roughly ten seconds, and after that you will get a response like this one: [*] Response time: 12.88 seconds
  • The exploit worked.

Things to note

I had to edit the original exploit code provided in the aforementioned blog post ( because I noticed that when uploading the .dll file the server added a .tmp at the end of the file name.
That’s why the original code was failing to exploit the deserialization part.
I added + '.tmp' at the end of line 95 and after that it worked just fine.

A DLL file can only work once. This means that to test the vulnerability again a new DLL has to be compiled.
For this reason I provided several DLLs in the attachments so you don’t have to compile them (especially because a windows machine with Visual Studio installed is required).

I didn’t upload a reverse shell because I thought it was not a great idea, but if needed I could do it.

How to fix

Just upgrade Telerik for ASP.NET AJAX to R3 2019 SP1 (v2019.3.1023) or later.


Full Remote Code Execution on the vulnerable server.