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HistoryMar 17, 2022 - 2:17 p.m.

OpenSSL exposed to Denial-of-service vulnerability causing Infinite Loop

Hive Pro

0.013 Low




THREAT LEVEL: Amber. For a detailed advisory, download the pdf file here. A security flaw exists in OpenSSL software library that could lead to a denial-of-service (DoS) condition when parsing certificates. The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2022-0778, arises from parsing a malformed certificate with invalid explicit elliptic-curve parameters, resulting in an "infinite loop". The flaw is in the function BN_mod_sqrt(), which is used to compute the modular square root. Because certificate parsing occurs prior to certificate signature verification, any process that parses an externally supplied certificate may be subject to a denial-of-service attack. As a result, vulnerable situations include: TLS clients consuming server certificates TLS servers consuming client certificates Hosting providers taking certificates or private keys from customers Certificate authorities parsing certification requests from subscribers Anything else which parses ASN.1 elliptic curve parameters The vulnerability is fixed in versions 1.0.2zd (for premium support customers), 1.1.1n, and 3.0.2. While, OpenSSL 1.1.0 is also affected, no fix has been released as it has reached end-of-life. Potential MITRE ATT&CK TTPs are:TA0042: Resource DevelopmentT1588: Obtain CapabilitiesT1588.006: Obtain Capabilities: VulnerabilitiesTA0001: Initial AccessT1190: Exploit Public-Facing ApplicationTA0040: ImpactT1499: Endpoint Denial of ServiceT1499.004: Endpoint Denial of Service: Application or System Exploitation Vulnerability Details Patch Link References