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htbridgeHigh-Tech BridgeHTB23147
HistoryMar 06, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

Path Traversal in AWS XMS

High-Tech Bridge





High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab discovered path traversal vulnerability in AWS XMS, which can be exploited to read contents of arbitrary files.

  1. Path Traversal in AWS XMS: CVE-2013-2474
    The vulnerability exists due to insufficient filtration of β€œwhat” HTTP GET parameter passed to β€œ/importer.php” script before using it in PHP β€œfile()” function. A remote attacker can read contents of arbitrary files on the target system.
    The vulnerable script sets β€œtext/javascript” Content-Type for the output data, which makes exploitation of the vulnerability via a web browser inconvenient. Exploitation via telnet or wget utilities is easier.
    The following PoC (Proof of Concept) code uses wget utility to download source code of β€œ/default.php” file, which contains application configuration data and administrator’s credentials:
    wget http://[host]/importer.php?what=defaults.php%00.js
    To bypass protections against NULL-byte injection (implemented in PHP 5.3.4 and later versions) or enabled β€œmagic_quotes_gpc”, alternative techniques based on path normalization and length restrictions can be used.
    The second PoC code uses a large amount of β€˜/’ symbols (4096 is sufficient for the majority of platforms) to bypass the restrictions and get source code of the β€œ/default.php” file:
    wget http://[host]/importer.php?what=defaults.php///////…//////.js