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HistoryApr 20, 2020 - 2:50 p.m.

Security Bulletin: Rational Automation Framework Environment Wizard Vulnerability (CVE-2012-4816)







Accessing the IBM Rational Automation Framework web user interface via the standard port 80 forces a login prompt to the user. However, a user can bypass this by hitting the default application server port 8080 and browsing various context roots until they locate the wizard.

Vulnerability Details

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Accessing the Rational Automation Framework (RAF) web UI via the standard port 80 forces a login prompt to the user. However, a user can bypass this by hitting the default application server port 8080 and browsing various context roots until they locate the wizard.

CVSS Base Score: 7.5 **CVSS Temporal Score:**See <; for the current score *CVSS Environmental Score:**Undefined CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)

Affected Products and Versions

Rational Automation Framework 3.0 and later on all supported platforms.



Workarounds and Mitigations


Environment Generation Security Patch for Tomcat

1. Modify the files below to fix the Env Gen Wizard default access without login.

Path: C:\IBM\\Apache\tomcat\conf
File: tomcat-users.xml

Add user profile between the <tomcat-users> tag
&lt;role rolename="admin"/&gt;
&lt;user username="admin" password="test123" roles="admin"/&gt;

2. Add the below components above the </web-app> tag

Path: C:\IBM\Apache\tomcat\webapps\rafw\WEB-INF
File: Web.xml

&lt;display-name&gt;Environment Generation&lt;/display-name&gt;


&lt;realm-name&gt;Secure Area&lt;/realm-name&gt;

3. Restart BuildForge.

Environment Generation Security Patch for WebSphere Application Server (WAS 7.0 & 8.0)

Update the web.xml File

1. There are two copies of the web.xml file, located in the following directories:



Note: If this is a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, there is an additional web.xml that must be updated:


2. Insert the below basic authentication and security role to the three web.xml files

&lt;display-name&gt;Environment Generation&lt;/display-name&gt;
&lt;web-resource-name&gt;Security constraint for Env Gen&lt;/web-resource-name&gt;


3. Enable WebSphere Application Server security:

Open WebSphere Administrative console using the url http://:/ibm/console

  • In the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, click Security > Global Security.
  • Select Enable administrative security.
  • Ensure Enable application security is selected

4. Map Security Roles in Web.xml to WAS Manage User/Group.

  • Select Application > WebSphere Enterprise Applications > Rational Automation Framework
  • Under the Detailed Properties section you will see a link Security role to user/group mapping. _
    The link will appear only if your web.xml is setup correctly click the Security role to user/group mapping_
  • Select the roles you wish to use for authentication
  • Click on Map Users or Map groups
  • Click search and select users (that are setup in your websphere under Users and Groups menu)
  • Use the arrows to move the selected users/groups to the right hand box
  • Click ok and save to master configuration.

Use: https://:9443/rbf-services/LoginServlet if there is any problem in RAF server auto-redirect.

**Try logging in using default WAS port :http://:9080/rafw/env **







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