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HistoryDec 22, 2020 - 11:30 a.m.

0D1N v3.4 - Tool For Automating Customized Attacks Against Web Applications (Full Made In C Language With Pthreads, Have A Fast Performance)

web applications
customized attacks
thread pool
c language
brute force
directory disclosure
sql injection
xss vulnerabilities
command injection
random proxy
attack examples
directory brute force
sql injection attack

AI Score




0d1n is a tool for automating customized attacks against web applications. This tool is very faster because uses thread pool and C language.

0d1n is a tool for automating customized attacks against web applications. Video demo:

Tool functions:

  • Brute force login and passwords in auth forms

  • Directory disclosure ( use PATH list to brute, and find HTTP status code )

  • Test to find SQL Injection and XSS vulnerabilities

  • Test to find SSRF

  • Test to find COmmand injection

  • Options to load ANTI-CSRF token each request

  • Options to use random proxy per request

  • other functions…

To run and install follow this steps:

require libcurl-dev or libcurl-devel(on rpm linux based)

$ git clone <;

You need libcurl to run, look the following to install::

$ sudo apt-get install libcurl-dev  
or try libcurl4-dev... libcurl*  
if rpm distro  
$ sudo yum install libcurl-devel  

To install follow this cmd:

$ cd 0d1n  
$ make; sudo make install USER=name_your_user;   
$ cd 0d1n_view; make; sudo make install USER=name_your_user;   

Up the view server to look the reports online:

$ sudo 0d1n_view   

Now in other console you can run the tool:

$ 0d1n  

to uninstall follow this steps:

$ cd 0d1n; sudo make uninstall  
$ cd 0d1n_view; sudo make uninstall  

Attack examples:

Brute force to find directory

$ 0d1n --host^ --payloads /opt/0d1n/payloads/dir_brute.txt --threads 500 --timeout 3 --log bartsimpsom4 --save_response  

Note: You can change value of threads, if you have a good machine, you can try 800, 1200… each machine have a different context.

For SQL injection attack

$ 0d1n --host '^/product/^/' --payloads /opt/0d1n/payloads/sqli_list.txt --find_string_list /opt/0d1n/payloads/sqli_str2find_list.txt --log log1337 --tamper randcase --threads 800 --timeout 3 --save_response\n"  

Note: Tamper is resource to try bypass the web application firewall

To brute force auth system

0d1n --host '' --post 'user=admin&password=^' --payloads /opt/0d1n/payloads/wordlist.txt --log log007 --threads 500 --timeout 3\n"  

Note: if have csrf token, you can use argv to get this token each request and brute…

Search SQLi in hard mode in login system with csrf token:

0d1n  --host "^" --payloads /opt/0d1n/payloads/sqli.txt --find_string_list /opt/0d1n/payloads/find_responses.txt --token_name user_token --log logtest_fibonaci49 --cookie_jar /home/user_name/cookies.txt --save_response --tamper randcase --threads 100  

Note: Load cookies jar form browser and save in cookies.txt to load.

Notes External libs

  • To gain extreme performance 0d1n uses thread pool of posix threads, you can study this small library: <;

  • The 0d1n uses OpenBSD/NetBSD functions to work with strings some thing like strlcat() and strlcpy() to prevent buffer overflow.

Project Overview on cloc

cooler@gentoo:~/codes$ cloc 0d1n/  
     937 text files.  
     532 unique files.                                            
     451 files ignored.  
Language                     files          blank        comment           code  
JavaScript                     361           9951          15621          52178  
C                               51           4986           4967          26642  
C/C++ Header                    30           1184           2858           4295  
CSS                             10            434            369           2142  
HTML                             7             59              0           1616  
TeX                              2             52              4            206  
Markdown                         3             81              0               137  
make                             4             36              9            130  
Bourne Shell                     2              0              0              4  
SUM:                           487          16835          23846          91213  

Read the docs, and help menu when you execute β€œ0d1n” binary…

Do you have any doubt about 0d1n? please create a issue in this repository, i can help you…

To study old versions look this following:


Download 0D1N

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