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HistorySep 06, 2020 - 7:37 p.m.

XSS Vulnerability in Legacy System x IMM2 - Lenovo Support NL

xss vulnerability" "legacy system" "imm2" "lenovo" "code execution" "security advisory" "medium severity" "cve-2020-8340" "cross-site scripting" "firmware upgrade" "lenovo-specific" "internal security review





**Lenovo Security Advisory:**LEN-44717

**Potential Impact:**Code execution


**Scope of Impact:**Lenovo-specific

**CVE Identifier:**CVE-2020-8340

Summary Description:

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was discovered in the legacy IBM and Lenovo System x IMM2 (Integrated Management Module 2) embedded Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) web interface during an internal security review. This vulnerability could allow JavaScript code to be executed in the user’s web browser if the user is convinced to visit a crafted URL, possibly through phishing.

Successful exploitation requires specific knowledge about the user’s network to be included in the crafted URL. Impact is limited to the normal access restrictions and permissions of the user clicking the crafted URL, and subject to the user being able to connect to and already being authenticated to IMM2 or other systems. The JavaScript code is not executed on IMM2 itself.

Mitigation Strategy for Customers (what you should do to protect yourself):

Upgrade to IMM2 firmware version 5.60 (or newer) for the following System x products.

- x240, Machine Types: 7162, 2588
- x440, Machine Type 7167, 2590
- x3750 M4, Machine Type: 8753
- x3250 M6, Machine type 3633, 3943
- nx360 M5, Machine type 5465, 5467
- x280/x480/x880 X6 , Machine Type 7196, 4258
- x3850 X6 and x3950 X6, Machine type 6241   
- x3550 M5, Machine Type 5463, 8869
- x3650 M5, Machine Type 5462, 8871   
- x3500 M5, Machine Type 5464, 5478 

Upgrade to IMM2 firmware version 5.61 (or newer) for the following System x products.

- x240 M5, Machine Types: 9532, 2591

Revision History:

Revision Date Description
2 2020-09-11 Added x240 M5
1 2020-09-08 Initial release

For a complete list of all Lenovo Product Security Advisories, click here.

For the most up to date information, please remain current with updates and advisories from Lenovo regarding your equipment and software. The information provided in this advisory is provided on an β€œas is” basis without any warranty or guarantee of any kind. Lenovo reserves the right to change or update this advisory at any time.



