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HistoryJul 12, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

MS16-087: Security update for Windows print spooler components: July 12, 2016


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<html><body><p>Resolves a vulnerability in Windows that could allow remote code execution if an attacker is able to execute a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack on a workstation or print server, or set up a rogue print server on a target network.</p><h2>Notice</h2><p>This security update was re-released September 12, 2017, to address known issues in update <a href=“”>3170455</a> for <a href=“” target=“_self”>CVE-2016-3238</a>.<br /><br />Microsoft has made available the following updates for currently-supported versions of Microsoft Windows. For more information, go to the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:</p><ul><li>Re-released update <a href=“”>3170455</a> for Windows Server 2008</li><li>Monthly rollup <a href=“”>4038777</a> and security update <a href=“”>4038779</a> for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2</li><li>Monthly rollup <a href=“”>4038799</a> and security update <a href=“” target>4038786</a> for Windows Server 2012</li><li>Monthly rollup <a href=“”>4038792</a> and security update <a href=“” target>4038793</a> for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2</li><li>Cumulative update <a href=“”>4038781</a> for Windows 10</li><li>Cumulative update <a href=“”>4038781</a> for Windows 10 Version 1511</li><li>Cumulative update <a href=“”>4038782</a> for Windows 10 Version 1607 and Windows Server 2016</li></ul><p>Microsoft recommends that customers who are running Windows Server 2008 reinstall update <a href=“”>3170455</a>. Microsoft recommends that customers who are running other supported versions of Windows install the appropriate update. For more information, go to Microsoft Knowledge Base article <a href=“”>3170455</a>.</p><p><br /><strong>Other changes that are included in the MS16-087 re-release</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Added Event logging to help determine cause of printer driver installation errors </strong></li></ul><p>Previously, the only way for a customer to know why a driver failed the new restriction checks which that implemented as part of MS16-087 was to gather print etw logs, then send to Microsoft for analysis.</p><p>We have added functionality to log the cause of failures to the event logger so that customers can investigate the root cause of driver failures themselves.</p><p>Information that will be logged:</p><p>1. If a driver is not package-aware or is not properly signed, the following message is logged:</p><p><span><span><span><strong>MSG_CSRSPL_UNTRUSTED_DRIVER</strong>: “The print spooler failed to download package for driver <<em>driverName</em>>. Error code= <<em>errorCodeFromListBelow</em>>. Blocking driver as there could be a possibility of potential tampering.”</span></span></span></p><p>2. If a driver fails validation of a signature by using the provided catalog, the following message is logged:</p><p><strong><span><span><span>VALIDATEDRVINFO_FAILED</span></span></span></strong><span><span><span>: “In VALIDATINGDRVINFO, Adding printer driver <<em>driverName</em>> failed, error code <<em>errorCodeFromListBelow</em>>.</span></span></span></p><p><strong><span><span><span>Possible Error codes: </span></span></span></strong></p><table><tbody><tr><td width=“138”><p><strong><span><span><span>Code</span></span></span></strong></p></td><td width=“360”><p><strong><span><span><span>Meaning</span></span></span></strong></p></td></tr><tr><td width=“138”><p><span><span><span>0x800F0243L</span></span></span></p></td><td width=“360”><p><span><span><span>Publisher not trusted</span></span></span></p></td></tr><tr><td width=“138”><p><span><span><span>0x800F024BL</span></span></span></p></td><td width=“360”><p><span><span><span>Hash not in catalog</span></span></span></p></td></tr><tr><td width=“138”><p><span><span><span>0x800F022FL</span></span></span></p></td><td width=“360”><p><span><span><span>No Catalog for OEM INF</span></span></span></p></td></tr><tr><td width=“138”><p><span><span><span>0x800F023FL</span></span></span></p></td><td width=“360”><p><span><span><span>No authenticode catalog</span></span></span></p></td></tr><tr><td width=“138”><p><span><span><span>0x800F0240L</span></span></span></p></td><td width=“360”><p><span><span><span>Authenticode disallowed</span></span></span></p></td></tr><tr><td width=“138”><p><span><span><span>0x800F0249L</span></span></span></p></td><td width=“360”><p><span><span><span>Generic “Driver install blocked”</span></span></span></p></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p><h2>Summary</h2><div>This security update resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows. The more severe of the vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if an attacker is able to execute a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack on a workstation or print server, or set up a rogue print server on a target network.<br /><br />To learn more about the vulnerability, see <a href=“” target=”_self">Microsoft Security Bulletin MS16-087</a>.</div><h2>More Information</h2><div><span>Important</span><br /> <ul><li>After you install this security update, in order to deploy Point and Print drivers from print servers to clients, you must apply the following Windows update rollup on the Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 printer server:<div><a href=“”>3000850 </a> November 2014 update rollup for Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2</div></li><li>All future security and nonsecurity updates for Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2 require update <a href=“” target=“_self”>2919355</a> to be installed. We recommend that you install update <a href=“” target=“_self”>2919355</a> on your Windows RT 8.1-based, Windows 8.1-based, or Windows Server 2012 R2-based computer so that you receive future updates.</li><li>If you install a language pack after you install this update, you must reinstall this update. Therefore, we recommend that you install any language packs that you need before you install this update. For more information, see <a href=“” target=“_self”>Add language packs to Windows</a>.</li></ul></div><h2>Additional information about this security update</h2><div>The following articles contain additional information about this security update as it relates to individual product versions. The articles may contain known issue information.<br /> <ul><li><a href=“” target=“_self”>3170455</a> MS16-087: Description of the security update for Windows print spooler components: July 12, 2016</li><li><a href=“” target=“_self”>3163912</a> Cumulative update for Windows 10: July 12, 2016</li><li><a href=“” target=“_self”>3172985</a> Cumulative update for Windows 10 Version 1511 and Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4: July 12, 2016</li></ul> <h3>Known issues</h3>If you’re using network printing in your environment, you may experience one of the following issues:<br /> <ul><li>You may be prompted by a warning about installing a printer driver, or the driver may fail to install without notification after you apply MS16-087. The symptoms here depend on the specific scenario.<br /> <h4>Scenario 1</h4>For non-package-aware v3 printer drivers, the following warning message may be displayed when users try to connect to point-and-print printers:<br /><br /><img alt=“Do you trust this printer?” src=“/Library/Images/3182771.png” title=“Do you trust this printer?” /><br /> <h4>Scenario 2</h4>Package-aware drivers must be signed with a trusted certificate. The verification process checks whether all the files that are included in the driver are hashed in the catalog. If that verification fails, the driver is deemed untrustworthy. In this situation, driver installation is blocked, and the following warning message is displayed:<br /><br /><img alt=“Add printer” src=“/Library/Images/3182772.png” title=“Add printer” /><br /> <h4>Scenario 3</h4>For non-interactive scenarios (for example, the printer is installed through an automated script), when the printer driver matches the criteria that’s described in either Scenario 1 or Scenario 2, printer installation fails, and no warning message is displayed.<br /><br />In these situations, contact your network administrator to obtain an updated driver from the printer manufacturer.<br /><br /><a></a><span>Guidance for network administrators</span>:<br /> <ul><li>Update the affected printer driver. Package-aware V3 printer drivers were introduced in Windows Vista. Installing a package-aware printer driver will resolve the issue.</li><li>If a specific legacy printer does not have the appropriate printer driver available, preinstalling the problematic printer driver on the client system will resolve the issue.</li></ul>For more information about these scenarios, see the following Microsoft resources:<br /> <ul><li><a href=“” target=“_self”>Print and Document Services architecture</a></li><li><a href=“” target=“_self”>Package-aware print drivers</a></li></ul></li><li>After you apply security update MS16-087 (KB <a href=“”>3170455 </a>) and try to connect to a trusted package-aware printer that is installed on a system that is running Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2, you cannot connect to the printer.<br /><br />To resolve this issue, apply the following Windows update rollup on the Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 printer server:<div><a href=“”>3000850 </a> November 2014 update rollup for Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2</div></li></ul><a></a><h4>Oct 2016 Update: Mitigation for known issues</h4>Microsoft has released an update for October 2016 that lets network administrators configure policies that permit the installation of print drivers that they consider are safe. This update also allows for network administrators to deploy printer connections that they consider safe.<br /><br />The updates are contained in the following roll-up packages.<br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td>Windows 10 RTM</td><td><a href=“”>KB 3192440 </a></td></tr><tr><td>Windows 10 1511</td><td><a href=“”>KB 3192441 </a></td></tr><tr><td>Windows 10 1607</td><td><a href=“”>KB 3194798 </a></td></tr><tr><td>Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2</td><td><a href=“”>KB 3192403 </a></td></tr><tr><td>Windows Server 2012</td><td><a href=“”>KB 3192406 </a></td></tr><tr><td>Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2</td><td><a href=“”>KB 3192404 </a></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4>Configuring Group Policy to add print servers to allowed list</h4><ol><li>Click <span>Start</span>, and then click <span>Run</span>.</li><li>Type <span>gpedit.msc</span>, and then click <span>OK</span>.</li><li>Expand <span>Computer Configuration</span>, and then expand<span> Administrative Templates</span>.</li><li>Click <span>Printers</span>.</li><li>Double click <span>Point and Print Restrictions</span>, and then select the <span>Enabled</span> option.</li><li>Under <span>Options</span>, select the <span>Users can only point and print to these servers</span> check box, and then type the fully qualified server names in the text box, separated by semi-colons.</li><li>Under <span>Security Prompts</span>, select <span>Do not show warning or elevation prompt</span> in both the <span>When installing drivers for a new connection</span> and <span>When updating drivers for an existing connection</span> lists.</li><li>Click <span>Apply</span>, and then <span>OK</span>.</li><li>In the <span>Printers</span> policy page, double-click <span>Package Point and Print – Approved servers</span>.</li><li>Select the <span>Enabled</span> option.</li><li>Under <span>Options</span>, click <span>Show</span>.</li><li>Type one fully qualified server name in each row.</li><li>Click <span>OK</span>.</li><li>Click <span>Apply</span>, and then click <span>OK</span>.</li><li>If you are using a stand-alone client, restart the client, and then verify that these policies are in effect.</li><li>If you use domain policies, push the policies to the domain clients, and then verify that these policies are in effect.</li></ol><span> Note</span> After you enable these group policies, you have to add all printer servers to both the <span>Point and Print Restrictions</span> list and the <span>Package Point and Print – Approved server</span> list. This is true regardless of package awareness.<br /> <h4>Oct 2016 Update Frequently Asked Questions</h4><ul><li><span> Q: Should we uninstall the previous update?</span><br />A: No. The previous update fixes the vulnerability. The October 2016 update provides mitigation to give network administrators the ability to install drivers they consider to be safe.</li><li><span> Q: Even with the October 2016 update installed and the group policies configured, the “<span>Do you trust this printer</span>” message is still displayed when I try to install a local printer. Why is that?</span><br />A: This mitigation targets network printers and not local printers, so this behavior is expected.<br /><br /><span>Note </span> If you do receive the “<span>Do you trust this printer</span>” message, either replace your current driver by using a trusted package-aware driver, or install the driver files to the local driver store before you install the local printer. For more information, see the <a href=“#guidance” target>Guidance for network administrators</a> section.</li></ul></div><h2>How to obtain and install the update</h2><div><a></a><h3>Method 1: Windows Update</h3><div>This update is available through Windows Update. When you turn on automatic updating, this update will be downloaded and installed automatically. For more information about how to turn on automatic updating, see <a href=“” target=“_self”>Get security updates automatically</a>.<br /><br /><span>Note</span> For Windows RT 8.1, this update is available through Windows Update only.</div><div><div><div><span><span></span></span><span><span>Method 2: Microsoft Download Center</span></span></div><div><p>You can obtain the stand-alone update package through the Microsoft Download Center. Follow the installation instructions on the download page to install the update.<br /><br />Click the download link in <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Security Bulletin MS16-087</a> that corresponds to the version of Windows that you are running.</p></div></div></div></div><h2>More Information</h2><div><div><div><div><span><span></span></span><span><span>Security update deployment information</span></span></div><div><p> </p><div><h4><span>Windows Vista (all editions) </span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software.</span><br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Security update file names</span></span></td><td><span>For all supported 32-bit editions of Windows Vista:<br /><span>Windows6.0-KB3170455-x86.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Vista:<br /><span>Windows6.0-KB3170455-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Installation switches</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal information</span></span></td><td><span>WUSA.exe does not support uninstalling updates. To uninstall an update that is installed by WUSA, click <strong>Control Panel</strong>, and then click <strong>Security</strong>. Under <strong>Windows Update</strong>, click <strong>View installed updates</strong>, and then select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3170455</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Registry key verification</span></span></td><td><span><span>Note</span> A registry key does not exist to validate the presence of this update. </span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4><span>Windows Server 2008 (all editions) </span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software.</span><br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Security update file names</span></span></td><td><span>For all supported 32-bit editions of Windows Server 2008:<br /><span>Windows6.0-KB3170455-x86.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2008:<br /><span>Windows6.0-KB3170455-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2008:<br /><span>Windows6.0-KB3170455-ia64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Installation switches</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal information</span></span></td><td><span>WUSA.exe does not support uninstalling updates. To uninstall an update that is installed by WUSA, click <strong>Control Panel</strong>, and then click <strong>Security</strong>. Under <strong>Windows Update</strong>, click <strong>View installed updates</strong>, and then select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3170455</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Registry key verification</span></span></td><td><span><span>Note</span> A registry key does not exist to validate the presence of this update. </span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4><span>Windows 7 (all editions)</span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software.</span><br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Security update file name</span></span></td><td><span>For all supported 32-bit editions of Windows 7:<br /><span>Windows6.1-KB3170455-x86.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported x64-based editions of Windows 7:<br /><span>Windows6.1-KB3170455-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Installation switches</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal information</span></span></td><td><span>To uninstall an update that is installed by WUSA, use the <span>/Uninstall</span> setup switch or click <strong>Control Panel</strong>, click <strong>System and Security</strong>, click <strong>Windows Update</strong>, click <strong>View installed updates</strong>, and then select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3170455</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Registry key verification</span></span></td><td><span><span>Note</span> A registry key does not exist to validate the presence of this update. </span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4><span>Windows Server 2008 R2 (all editions) </span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software.</span><br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Security update file name</span></span></td><td><span>For all supported x64-based editions of Windows Server 2008 R2:<br /><span>Windows6.1-KB3170455-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported Itanium-based editions of Windows Server 2008 R2:<br /><span>Windows6.1-KB3170455-ia64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Installation switches</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal information</span></span></td><td><span>To uninstall an update that is installed by WUSA, use the <span>/Uninstall</span> setup switch or click <strong>Control Panel</strong>, click <strong>System and Security</strong>, click <strong>Windows Update</strong>, click <strong>View installed updates</strong>, and then select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3170455</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Registry key verification</span></span></td><td><span><span>Note</span> A registry key does not exist to validate the presence of this update. </span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4><span>Windows 8.1 (all editions)</span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software. </span><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Security update file name</span></span></td><td><span>For all supported 32-bit editions of Windows 8.1:<br /><span>Windows8.1-KB3170455-x86.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported x64-based editions of Windows 8.1:<br /><span>Windows8.1-KB3170455-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Installation switches</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal information</span></span></td><td><span>To uninstall an update that is installed by WUSA, use the <span>/Uninstall</span> setup switch or click <strong>Control Panel</strong>, click <strong>System and Security</strong>, click <strong>Windows Update</strong>, click <strong>Installed updates</strong> under <strong>See also</strong>, and then select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3170455</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Registry key verification</span></span></td><td><span><span>Note</span> A registry key does not exist to validate the presence of this update. </span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4><span>Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 (all editions)</span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software.</span><br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Security update file name</span></span></td><td><span>For all supported editions of Windows Server 2012:<br /><span>Windows8-RT-KB3170455-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported editions of Windows Server 2012 R2:<br /><span>Windows8.1-KB3170455-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Installation switches</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal information</span></span></td><td><span>To uninstall an update that is installed by WUSA, use the <span>/Uninstall</span> setup switch or click <strong>Control Panel</strong>, click <strong>System and Security</strong>, click <strong>Windows Update</strong>, click <strong>Installed updates</strong> under <strong>See also</strong>, and then select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3170455</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Registry key verification</span></span></td><td><span><span>Note</span> A registry key does not exist to validate the presence of this update. </span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4><span>Windows RT 8.1 (all editions)</span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software.</span><br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Deployment</span></span></td><td><span>This update is available via <a href=“” target=“_self”>Windows Update</a> only. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart Requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal Information</span></span></td><td><span>Click <span>Control Panel</span>, click <span>System and Security</span>, click <span>Windows Update</span>, and then under <span>See also</span>, click <span>Installed updates</span> and select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File Information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3170455</a></span></td></tr></tbody></table></div><h4><span>Windows 10 (all editions)</span></h4><span><span>Reference table</span><br /><br />The following table contains the security update information for this software.</span><br /><br /> <div><table><tbody><tr><td><span><span>Security update file name</span></span></td><td><span>For all supported 32-bit editions of Windows 10:<br /><span>Windows10.0-KB3163912-x86.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported x64-based editions of Windows 10:<br /><span>Windows10.0-KB3163912-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported 32-bit editions of Windows 10 Version 1511:<br /><span>Windows10.0-KB3172985-x86.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td><span>For all supported x64-based editions of Windows 10 Version 1511:<br /><span>Windows10.0-KB3172985-x64.msu</span></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Installation switches</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 934307</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Restart requirement</span></span></td><td><span>In some cases, this update does not require a system restart. If the required files are being used, this update will require a system restart. If this behavior occurs, you receive a message that advises you to restart your system. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Removal information</span></span></td><td><span>To uninstall an update that is installed by WUSA, use the <span>/Uninstall</span> setup switch or click <strong>Control Panel</strong>, click <strong>System and Security</strong>, click <strong>Windows Update</strong>, click <strong>Installed updates</strong> under <strong>See also</strong>, and then select from the list of updates. </span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>File information</span></span></td><td><span>See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3163912</a><br />See <a href=“” target=“_self”>Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 3172985</a></span></td></tr><tr><td><span><span>Registry key verification</span></span></td><td><span><span>Note</span> A registry key does not exist to validate the presence of this update. </span></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><span><span></span></span><span><span>How to obtain help and support for this security update</span></span></div><div><p> </p><div><span>Help for installing updates: <a href=“” target=“_self”>Support for Microsoft Update</a><br /><br />Security solutions for IT professionals: <a href=“” target=“_self”>TechNet Security Troubleshooting and Support</a><br /><br />Help for protecting your Windows-based computer from viruses and malware: <a href=“” target=“_self”>Virus Solution and Security Center</a><br /><br />Local support according to your country: <a href=“” target=“_self”>International Support</a></span></div></div></div></div><a></a></div></body></html>