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HistoryApr 17, 2018 - 7:02 p.m.

MS09-043: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office Web Components could allow remote code execution


0.968 High




<html><body><p>Resolves vulnerabilities in Office Web Components that could allow remote code execution if a user viewed a specially crafted Web page.</p><h2>INTRODUCTION</h2><div>Microsoft has released security bulletin MS09-043. To view the complete security bulletin, visit one of the following Microsoft Web sites:<br /><br /><ul><li>Home users:<br /><br /><div><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”></a></div><span>Skip the details</span>: Download the updates for your home computer or laptop from the Microsoft Update Web site now:<br /><div><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”></a></div></li><li>IT professionals:<br /><br /><div><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”></a></div></li></ul><span><h3>How to obtain help and support for this security update</h3> <br />Help installing updates: <br /><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”>Support for Microsoft Update</a><br /><br />Security solutions for IT professionals: <br /><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”>TechNet Security Troubleshooting and Support</a><br /><br />Help protect your computer that is running Windows from viruses and malware:<br /><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”>Virus Solution and Security Center</a><br /><br />Local support according to your country: <br /><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”>International Support</a><br /><br /></span></div><h2>More Information</h2><div><h3>Known issues and additional information about this security update</h3><span>For more information about this security update and for information about any known issues with specific releases of this software, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:<br /><br /><div><a href=β€œ”>947318 </a> MS09-043: Description of the security update for Office 2003 Web Components for the 2007 Office system: August 11, 2009<br /><br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>947319 </a> MS09-043: Description of the security update for Office 2003 Web Components and Office XP Web Components in Office 2003: August 11, 2009<br /><br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>947320 </a> MS09-043: Description of the security update for Office XP Web Components in Office XP: August 11, 2009<br /><br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>947826 </a> MS09-043: Description of the security update for Office 2003 Web Components in Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 and in Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006: August 11, 2009<br /><br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>968377 </a> MS09-043: Description of the security update for Microsoft Small Business Accounting 2006 Office Web Components<br /><br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>969172 </a> MS09-043: Description of the security update for Msowc.dll for the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Service Pack 1 development platform: August 11, 2009<br /><br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>971388 </a> MS09-043: Description of the security update for Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components 2000 for Microsoft BizTalk Server 2002<br /><br /></div></span></div></body></html>