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HistoryNov 06, 2019 - 2:22 a.m.

MS10-033: Vulnerabilities in Media Decompression could allow remote code execution


0.922 High




<html><body><p>Resolves vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows that could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted media file or receives specially crafted streaming content from a website or any application that delivers web content.</p><h2>INTRODUCTION</h2><div>Microsoft has released security bulletin MS10-033. To view the complete security bulletin, visit one of the following Microsoft websites: <ul><li>Home users:<br /><div><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”></a></div><span>Skip the details</span>: Download the updates for your home computer or laptop from the Microsoft Update website now: <div><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”></a></div></li><li>IT professionals:<br /><div><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”></a></div></li></ul><span><h3>How to obtain help and support for this security update</h3>For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY in the United States and Canada or by contacting your local Microsoft subsidiary. For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary for support issues with security updates, visit the Microsoft International Support website: <div><a href=β€œ” target=β€œ_self”></a></div> North American customers can also obtain instant access to unlimited no-charge email support or to unlimited individual chat support by visiting the following Microsoft website: <div><a href=β€œ;prid=7552” target=β€œ_self”>;prid=7552</a></div> For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through your usual support contacts.</span></div><h2>More Information</h2><div><h3>Known issues and more information about this security update</h3><span>For more information about this security update and for information about any known issues with specific releases of this software, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:<br /><div><a href=β€œ”>979482 </a>MS10-033: Description of the security update for Asycfilt.dll (COM component): June 8, 2010<br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>975562 </a>MS10-033: Description of the security update for Quartz.dll (DirectShow): June 8, 2010<br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>978695 </a>MS10-033: Description of the security update for Windows Media Format Runtime: June 8, 2010<br /></div></span><span><div><a href=β€œ”>979332 </a>MS10-033: Description of the security update for Windows Media Encoder 9: June 8, 2010<br /></div></span></div></body></html>