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HistorySep 30, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

How to extract the broiler residual value-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


Often have friends ask me what to give the chickens what’s the use? The broiler can do things or a lot of, here I only illustrate some of the things that want to be able to play a topic role.

First of all, hands on course to have a preliminary broiler chickens. Broilers obtained in many ways, you can be the most simple IPC$or this period of time very popular the RPC overflow, etc., there is not much to say. The following from the author’s experience, talk about the chickens several usage.

** 1, and then won the broiler**

Generally we get the broiler Shaw is not what good stuff, these others left behind garbage of the chicken, not the machine hardware difference, is that the bandwidth is much less poor, however, the use of existing broiler looking for a good broiler is the best method. This way you can hide yourself, even if is the other party found, and the other in the tracing of time to get the IP is also our broilers IP, so give it find out our true origin brought no small difficulty;and secondly for the like me also in the use of five or six years ago, the old machine friends, the use of such a broiler or stronger.

** 2, Open the personal home page**

These days, Online of the free space is getting less, the broiler is opened on the personal home page, also not what problem, but because the Administrators just look at the IIS Management Program, and that our changes will be clearly exposed in the Administrator’s eyes, so we also want some method to put our changes to hidden.

Open the IIs Manager, selected a folder, then right-click, Select "Explorer"to the site root directory create a new folder (here, named free), and then to the winnt\system32 under a new folder named homepage, go back to IIS Manager and refresh you will see free this directory, select it, right click, Select “New->virtual directory”, we give this virtual directory named axin, and then put the virtual directory point to the winnt\system32\homepage, the setup is completed, now to put a home in, open a browser to http://ip/free/ax and you should be able to normal browsing! Well leave him be, open My Computer, locate the website root directory, delete free this folder, and then back to the browser to refresh the look, the pages still exist, go back to the TTS Manager refresh the look, free this directory is not, and how, good!

** 3, ADDoSattack**

DDoShas always been the human not shame, is generally believed that only those boring villain will only be using these three on the way, but there you have it the presence of truth. That hacking farce, the White House ultimately does not is because of the 8 million"honker"DDoSto attack and can not access? VisibleDDoSand there is no good and bad points, the key to see you somewhere. In General, the 1 station the broiler can deal with 56K-640K ADSL, 2 can deal with 2M, seen in broilers and broiler bandwidth determines theDDoSpower. Here recommend two individuals considered to be more strongDDoSsoftware, is domestic goods. The first paragraph is aDDOSPing, the latest version V2. 0 0, software can be described as kind of the leader, can be a series ofwebthe position of the host and the Server query command to attack, while support for a variety of different connection speeds, and also can set their own per second transmitted data packet size. If you encounter this fiends, it can be really unlucky in the end. The second paragraph is now more popular smallDDoSdictator, although some say the software memory in the back door, but its power and ease of use is still worth a try.

** 4, Open Agent**

Now the agent is too little, especially SOCK5, either to the password, either useless for a few days just hanging out, and those agents who don’t know, is not someone deliberately opened to monitor your own, hearts are not the end all. Or your own more secure online open proxy software there are many, relatively simple and safe to the number of Snake SkSockServer proxy springboard, completely under DOS operation, the software provides the installation instructions are also very detailed, here is not discussed how to install. After the installation is done then with SocksCap such a fool the agent software can be used.

** 5, the holder of the private server.**

Since the game is not much interest, so in the broiler on a rack private Server your never thought. Until once on gray see on how to use the broiler to make money of discussion when noticed, it seems this is also a good choice. Although this is contrary to the manufacturer’s interests, but the face of the manufacturers of high-exploits, there’s still a lot of friends willing to private server where visit. On private server how to set up in here not discussed, but there is a point to note, the private server of the machine’s hardware configuration requirements are very high, and the bandwidth of the same is quite strict, and if the General machine or give up the idea better.

Broiler use not only the above several, you can play your own imagination and technology, but it is also to be noted, that is, try to be careful, or else is the administrator found out, it didn’t play.