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HistoryDec 12, 2012 - 12:00 a.m.

yourphp cms-stored xss-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


yourphp is based on thinkphp framework for the development of the open source cms, there is a storage-typexssvulnerability

In the demo of the cms when found this vulnerability, in order to have the power of persuasion, then using the official demo displayxssprocess,

In yourphp official http://demo5. yourphp. cn operates, the demo use yourphp version 2.1, but the latest release of the yourphp2. 2 also has this problem.

The problem is in the online message function. 9

Vulnerability to prove:

Submit an online message function, because the cms online leave a message after the submission requires the administrator to review only the foreground is displayed, so I willxsscode through a plurality of empty carriage returns to hide, so in the background review, the administrator slightly careless will review through, see below:

1, submit a message, in the message content by a plurality of empty row hiddenxsscode


2, in the background of the audit when it is easy to muddle through

Because it is a demo, the official didn’t change the backend password, so it can be displayed here back office operations, back office address:

Username and password are both:yourphp


3, success


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