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HistoryDec 15, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

UCloud-201612-002: Linux kernel through kill to mention the right vulnerability Security Alert-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


0.0004 Low




Dear UCloud users:

The Linux kernel is proof of the presence of conditions of competition of high-risk vulnerabilities, exploit the vulnerability from low rights processes executing kernel code, harm the serious. Please check you are using the kernel is in the affected range, and timely upgrades.

Scope of impact

centos 5 and 6 are not affected
centos 7 default is not affected by the impact of open namespaces after the affected)
ubuntu 12.04 14.04 affected
Debian 7, and 8 affected


Please make a backup of the work, in order to avoid a kernel repair after an accident situation

  1. A self-compiled fix, access repair code, download address:
  2. Through the package Manager to download the update, after the update you need to restart to take effect:
    1)centos7 upgrade methods:
    Official not yet released a Fix Pack
    2)ubuntu: the
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic
    sudo reboot
    uname-a view system version for the following, the description of the upgrade success:
    ubuntu 14.04 : 3.13.0-105.152
    ubuntu 12.04 : 3.2.0-118.161
    3)Debian: the
    The official website is not yet published update package

Vulnerability details

CVE-2016-8655: Linux (net/packet/af_packet. c)the presence of conditions of competition vulnerability that can allow low-privileged process to obtain the kernel code to execute permission. Vulnerability as early as 2011(v3. 2-rc1)version are found in 2016 11 on v4. 9-rc8 version is fixed.
POC: the