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HistorySep 13, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Bluetooth agreement revealed eight major security vulnerability bug, capable of affecting fifty-three billion Bluetooth the efficacy of the equipment-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net






If you use a Bluetooth-enabled device, whether smartphone, laptop, or Smart TV, Smart Car, or other IoT devices, have to be careful. Recent researchers found the Bluetooth Protocol, 8 0-day vulnerabilities, of which 3 are classified as severity level. These vulnerabilities may affect the 53 million smart devices, Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, system devices, and IoT devices, etc. as long as the use of Bluetooth technology, it is possible to caught.
! [](/Article/UploadPic/2017-9/2017913204432802. png? www. myhack58. com)
Armis companies, a researcher will use this 8 a vulnerability named BlueBorne it. Hackers can exploit these vulnerabilities to initiate a remote attack that does not require any user interaction will be able to take over the equipment, spread malicious programs or even man in the middle attacks, the access network device and obtain the device key data.
As long as your device open Bluetooth, and in the hack device of Bluetooth connection range, the hacker will be able to attack, even without a successful connection.
Having a worm propagation characteristics, can have a serious impact
The researchers found that BlueBorne has worm propagation characteristics, can be like WannaCry as the worldwide spread rapidly, disrupting the company, the organization’s network. Armis lab, a research group leader Ben Seri represents, in the study of these vulnerabilities when they find out you can use BlueBorne create a botnet, and install ransomware. But he also believes that highly skilled attackers are very difficult to exploit these vulnerabilities to initiate a global worm attack, because at the same time to find all Bluetooth-enabled devices, at the same time for all the platform to initiate attacks, and the use of an infected device to automatically a wide range of spread, these three points are very difficult to achieve.
However, BlueBorne can be used for network monitoring, data theft, extortion, and even the use of IoT devices create is similar to Mirai a large botnet, or use your mobile device to create similar to the WireX botnet and other malicious activity, the harm can not be ignored.
First, spread through the air, making the attacks more infectious and spread effortlessly.; and
Second, BlueBorne attacks can bypass current security measures, and not to be found, because the traditional method does not guard against airborne threats. Airborne assault may also allow a hacker to“security”of an isolated network not connected to the Internet, nor connect to the Internet in any other device, which may endanger the industrial system, government agencies and critical infrastructure;
Finally, with the traditional malicious software or attacks, this attack requires no user interaction, the user need not click on links or download suspicious files, don’t need to take any action to start the attack.
! [](/Article/UploadPic/2017-9/2017913204433877. png? www. myhack58. com)
The researchers said the vulnerability is by far the most serious Bluetooth vulnerability. Prior to the identification to the Bluetooth vulnerability exists only on the Protocol level, but BlueBorne was present in the implementation level, the ability to bypass a variety of authentication mechanisms, to achieve the the target device to completely take over.
Armis reminder: be wary of the BlueBorne with physical devices combined attack. For example, a go to the Bank Parcel Delivery courier may carry a maliciously encoded Bluetooth device. Once he entered the Bank, and this device will just infect other people’s devices, and let the attacker in the original security of the network to find the stronghold.
Affect the wide range, as soon as patched
According to researcher disclosure, these 8 vulnerabilities are:
Android Bluetooth network encapsulation Protocol remote code execution vulnerability, CVE-2017-0781)
Android Bluetooth network encapsulation Protocol Personal Area(PAN)in the Protocol file remote code execution vulnerability, CVE-2017-0782)
Android Bluetooth Pineapple logical Vulnerability(CVE-2017-0783)
Android information disclosure Vulnerability(CVE-2017-0785)
Linux kernel remote code execution vulnerability, CVE-2017-1000250)
The Linux Bluetooth stack(BlueZ) information disclosure Vulnerability(CVE-2017-1000250)
Windows Bluetooth Pineapple logical Vulnerability(CVE-2017-8628)
Apple low-power audio Protocol remote code execution vulnerability(CVE Pending)
A vulnerability is discovered, the researchers first time to report to all potentially affected major corporations, including Google, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and the Linux Foundation. Wherein the affected area is as follows:
Android: Android all version mobile phones, tablets and wearable devices are subject to the above four Android Bluetooth vulnerability. And using only the Bluetooth low power consumption of Android devices are not affected. Google in 9 months of security fixes have been issued related to the patch.
Windows: from Vista, after all Windows versions are affected. Microsoft says Windows Phone will not be affected by BlueBorne impact. In fact, Microsoft has in the 7 months it quietly posted insurance payments have been Windows Bluetooth Pineapple logical Vulnerability(CVE-2017-8628)of the patch, but in the 9 May 12, the repair may only disclose the details.
Linux: all run BlueZ Linux equipment are subject to information disclosure Vulnerability, CVE-2017-1000250 impact; since 2011, the 10 on the release of 3.3-rc1 after the version of Linux are affected by a remote code execution vulnerability, CVE-2017-1000250 impact; Samsung Linux-based Tizen system is also affected;
iOS: all iOS 9.3.5 and previous versions of the iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, the Apple TV 7.2.2 and prior versions are affected. iOS 10 has been to fix these vulnerabilities.
According to the Armis estimates, about 20 billion for all affected equipment 40% equipment is unable to repair the vulnerability, because these devices version is too old, already no longer supported.
Currently, Google and Microsoft have released a repair patch, the user can download the update. While Apple’s latest version of mobile system iOS 10. X is very secure.
A Microsoft spokesperson said:
Microsoft in July released a security patch that enabled the Windows Update and apply the security update the users will be automatically protected. Our first update is in order to protect the safety of users; but, as a responsible industry partner, we temporarily not to disclose information until the other suppliers also developed and successfully released to update the program so far.
Android users from the Google Play Store to install the Armis team development “BlueBorne Vulnerability Scanner” app for checking your device is vulnerable to BlueBorne attack. If you find the presence of the vulnerability, recommended that when not in use“turn off”the Bluetooth function.
The following attached Armis of the vulnerability analysis report and a different system of attack demo video, take. to:
Report original: Technical White Paper.pdf