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HistoryOct 18, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

KRACK: WPA2 series of vulnerabilities in the event of early warning-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


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2017 10 on 16 September, called KRACK vulnerability flaws bug invasion attack method is expressed, for WiFi+WPA2 collect intrusion attack.
KRACK tension is the application of 802. 11i 4-way handshake vulnerability in the flaws bug to the ultimate completion of the decryption and fabricated encrypted WiFi traffic, the vulnerability flaws of the bug from the imec-DistriNet of Mathy Vanhoef and KU Leuven invention. This vulnerability flaws bug confound a variety of intrusion attack patterns, AP popular terminal, the relay terminal, and the client are affected.
Based on krackattacks. com and the sector manufacturers announced the network security notification Bulletin comprehensive analysis, contains Linux,Android, Cisco wireless products, OpenBSD, MacOS, Windows, iOS and other product or platform, the impact was widespread.
360CERT initiatives of the client product users, IoT, router manufacturers as soon as possible to stop the coherent vulnerability flaws bug the evaluation of the query visit.
Reference:tips for translation the key heavy intrusion: forced WPA2 reuse the Nonce.
0x01 confound the impact
KRACK vulnerability flaws bug the size of widespread, affect large.
KRACK vulnerability flaws bug may be formed WiFi+WPA2 encrypted network traffic may be intrusion the attacker to decrypt or inject vicious thoughts intrusion packet, the CAN will leak contains password, etc., 隐衷 information, but the application HTTPS application layer encryption layer flow is not affected.
360CERT a comprehensive analysis, this vulnerability flaws bug confound the impact is large, vulnerability flaws bug-grade tensions, no large-scale realistic intrusion case generated, the temporary assessment for a large collection of network security turmoil.
Vulnerability flaws bug information
CVE-2017-13077: 4-way handshake when the key pair(PTK-TK)overload vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13078: 4-way handshake when the GTK overloaded vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13079: 4-way handshake when the IGTK overload vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13080: group key handshake GTK overloaded vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13081: group key handshake when the IGTK overload vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13082: take over the FT reconnection pleadingly, the key pair(PTK-TK)overload vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13084 rotate: PeerKey handshake when the STK key overload vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13086: TDLS handshake when the TDLS,TPK overload vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13087: disposal of WNM sleep in the form of the corresponding frame GTK overloaded vulnerability flaws bug
CVE-2017-13088: disposal of WNM sleep in the form of the corresponding frame IGTK overload vulnerability flaws bug
Impact version
Note:the sector information on the origin[reference 3]
Arch Linux
Extreme Networks
Intel Corporation
Mojo Networks
Turris ’ Omnia
Watchguard Cloud
Windows 10
0x02 sector skills information
Note:the sector information from the[reference 1]and[reference 4]
802.11 i the agreement, i.e.: WPA2 agreements via the process in two from the force of the mechanism to package data transmission secrecy. The first one is in the record layer via the process of encryption of the WiFi frame method, the package frustration is plaintext read or sniffing. The encryption mechanism on weekdays is via the process of AES-CCM method, of course, also there is sector to start the GCM form, and another sector of the old RC4-TKIP method.
The necessary exertions at the discretion of the AES-CCM(also contains the GCM, TKIP)is a stream cipher, which means that the reuse of the encryption parameters of the key and the nonce(i.e. initialization vector)the environment is able to be the invasion attack. 802.11 i is based on the packet count(packet number, number)method, which is in the session established after the initial value is 0, and will absolutely not incremented(while to 2^48 time, it will trigger the update key to manipulate it. As a result, assuming that the packet Count is not reset environment, it is possible to win preparedness key+nonce reuse invasion attack.
The second mechanism is the AP and the client supplicant between the 4-way handshake process, the tensions used to negotiate the encryption key. KRACK vulnerability flaws bugs will be indirectly applied to the 4-way handshake#3 packet#3 packet can be used for the client a new key device application.
! [](/Article/UploadPic/2017-10/20171018161235834. png? www. myhack58. com)
KRACK of nervous vulnerability flaws bug is that the #3 package can be vicious thoughts blocked. When this environment is generated, the AP Client will retransmit this news, will lead to strange of a key in the client be re-installed. Bring a reaction is will also incur packet count will be reset to 0 for sector clients, such as Android6, the key is reset to 0), The Ultimate, it will trigger the key+nonce reuse invasion attack. The invasion of the attacker to be able to apply it to all traffic decryption, TCP coerce, etc.
Anything else, otherwise the following 2 types of intrusion attacks:
Contains the customer really based on GTK intrusion attacks;
For the AP really 802. 11 RFT handshake invasion attack;
More specific tips details can be found 360CERT translation of the key heavy intrusion: forced WPA2 reuse the Nonce.
Q & A
Note:the sector information from the[reference 1]
I need to swap the WiFi password?
Change WiFi password and does not contribute to the attack and the vulnerability flaws bug you with unnecessary changes. The same, you should Deposit concern that you application client, Android, IoT product can update, the router firmware can update. Of course if you do, then you can take this update down your WiFi password.
Only support AES Suite WPA2 is also affected by the vulnerability. the bug affect?
Yes, also subject to.
My equipment can also affected?
If your equipment Support WiFi+WPA2 adapter(such as mobile phones, laptops, etc.), it can also be affected, please consult the coherent vendors.
If my router did not announce the update?
While the invasion of the attacker’s application can be for the customers really, what, then router, etc. is also dangerous. Initiative you first contact your vendor to determine next whether there are network security updates, of course, you can also choice to have the network security updates 360 network security router.
I should temporarily switch to WEP until my gear is updated?
No, this is definitely not a good choice.
This intrusion seems very difficult?
Just theory and no then difficult, and even quite popular briefly. Absolutely don’t think this intrusion is very difficult.
0x03 network security initiatives
The initiative of the user as soon as the evaluation itself, the client,and the device corresponding to the network security update