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HistoryApr 16, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

360 security browser to fix more Chrome kernel vulnerabilities and plugging the hacking of door-vulnerability warning-the black bar safety net


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Recently, a new version of 360 browser first to fix the Google Chrome kernel exposed a number of security vulnerabilities, of which more than half of the vulnerabilities are high-risk vulnerability that could be used for arbitrary code execution or DoS attacks. Since the 360 browser uses IE and Chrome Dual-Core, the first to repair these kernel vulnerabilities will greatly enhance their security.


This fixes CVE-2018-6031 vulnerability, for example, the vulnerability endanger the Chrome 64.0.3282.119 all previous versions. An attacker can exploit the vulnerability in the browser’s context the execution of arbitrary code, and bypass security restrictions, perform unauthorized actions. Once the cookie-based authentication credentials by an attacker steal the phone, they can use this to initiate other attacks.

360 browser product owner in an interview: the 360 company always put safety as their core advantage. The first in the industry to fix the Chrome kernel vulnerabilities, blocking hacker attacks, the majority of users will get more secure browsing experience.

! [](/Article/UploadPic/2018-4/2018416183727248. png)

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