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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2015-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.BLACKBERRY_QUALCOMM_BYPASS_CHECK.NBIN
HistoryFeb 06, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

BlackBerry OS <= 7.1 Local Security Bypasses

This script is Copyright (C) 2015-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

BlackBerry devices that are Qualcomm-based and running BlackBerry OS prior to version 7.1 are vulnerable to multiple, local security bypass vulnerabilities.

A local attacker, with access to the USB port on the device, can load a modified kernel, make persistent changes between boots, access any data contained on the device, and access any hardware on the device (i.e. camera, microphone, etc.).

Binary data blackberry_qualcomm_bypass_check.nbin