Lucene search

nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2020-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.DEBIAN_DLA-2483.NASL
HistoryDec 11, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

Debian DLA-2483-1 : linux-4.19 security update

This script is Copyright (C) 2020-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

9.3 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



8.2 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



8.3 High

AI Score



0.003 Low




Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux kernel that may lead to the execution of arbitrary code, privilege escalation, denial of service or information leaks.


‘Team bobfuzzer’ reported a bug in Btrfs that could lead to an assertion failure (WARN). A user permitted to mount and access arbitrary filesystems could use this to cause a denial of service (crash) if the panic_on_warn kernel parameter is set.


‘Team bobfuzzer’ reported a bug in Btrfs that could lead to a use-after-free. A user permitted to mount and access arbitrary filesystems could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


The syzbot tool discovered a race condition in the block I/O tracer (blktrace) that could lead to a system crash. Since blktrace can only be controlled by privileged users, the security impact of this is unclear.


‘Team bobfuzzer’ reported a bug in Btrfs that could lead to an out-of-bounds write. A user permitted to mount and access arbitrary filesystems could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


A race condition was discovered in the Android binder driver, that could result in a use-after-free. On systems using this driver, a local user could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


Multiple researchers discovered that the powercap subsystem allowed all users to read CPU energy meters, by default. On systems using Intel CPUs, this provided a side channel that could leak sensitive information between user processes, or from the kernel to user processes. The energy meters are now readable only by root, by default.

This issue can be mitigated by running :

chmod go-r /sys/devices/virtual/powercap///energy_uj

This needs to be repeated each time the system is booted with an unfixed kernel version.


A race condition was discovered in the performance events subsystem, which could lead to a use-after-free. A local user permitted to access performance events could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.

Debian’s kernel configuration does not allow unprivileged users to access peformance events by default, which fully mitigates this issue.


Yuan Ming and Bodong Zhao discovered a race condition in the virtual terminal (vt) driver that could lead to a use-after-free. A local user with the CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG capability could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


Yuan Ming and Bodong Zhao discovered a race condition in the virtual terminal (vt) driver that could lead to a use-after-free. A local user with access to a virtual terminal, or with the CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG capability, could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


Bodong Zhao discovered a bug in the Sun keyboard driver (sunkbd) that could lead to a use-after-free. On a system using this driver, a local user could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


kiyin(尹亮) discovered a potential memory leak in the performance events subsystem. A local user permitted to access performance events could use this to cause a denial of service (memory exhaustion).

Debian’s kernel configuration does not allow unprivileged users to access peformance events by default, which fully mitigates this issue.


Keyu Man reported that strict rate-limiting of ICMP packet transmission provided a side-channel that could help networked attackers to carry out packet spoofing. In particular, this made it practical for off-path networked attackers to ‘poison’ DNS caches with spoofed responses (‘SAD DNS’ attack).

This issue has been mitigated by randomising whether packets are counted against the rate limit.

CVE-2020-27673 / XSA-332

Julien Grall from Arm discovered a bug in the Xen event handling code.
Where Linux was used in a Xen dom0, unprivileged (domU) guests could cause a denial of service (excessive CPU usage or hang) in dom0.

CVE-2020-27675 / XSA-331

Jinoh Kang of Theori discovered a race condition in the Xen event handling code. Where Linux was used in a Xen dom0, unprivileged (domU) guests could cause a denial of service (crash) in dom0.


Shisong Qin and Bodong Zhao discovered a bug in the Speakup screen reader subsystem. Speakup assumed that it would only be bound to one terminal (tty) device at a time, but did not enforce this. A local user could exploit this bug to cause a denial of service (crash or memory exhaustion).


Yuan Ming discovered a bug in the virtual terminal (vt) driver that could lead to an out-of-bounds read. A local user with access to a virtual terminal, or with the CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG capability, could possibly use this to obtain sensitive information from the kernel or to cause a denial of service (crash).

The specific ioctl operation affected by this bug (KD_FONT_OP_COPY) has been disabled, as it is not believed that any programs depended on it.

For Debian 9 stretch, these problems have been fixed in version 4.19.160-2~deb9u1.

We recommend that you upgrade your linux-4.19 packages.

For the detailed security status of linux-4.19 please refer to its security tracker page at:

NOTE: Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the DLA security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were
# extracted from Debian Security Advisory DLA-2483-1. The text
# itself is copyright (C) Software in the Public Interest, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2024/02/02");

  script_xref(name:"CEA-ID", value:"CEA-2020-0138");

  script_name(english:"Debian DLA-2483-1 : linux-4.19 security update");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Debian host is missing a security update.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux kernel that
may lead to the execution of arbitrary code, privilege escalation,
denial of service or information leaks.


'Team bobfuzzer' reported a bug in Btrfs that could lead to an
assertion failure (WARN). A user permitted to mount and access
arbitrary filesystems could use this to cause a denial of service
(crash) if the panic_on_warn kernel parameter is set.


'Team bobfuzzer' reported a bug in Btrfs that could lead to a
use-after-free. A user permitted to mount and access arbitrary
filesystems could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or
memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


The syzbot tool discovered a race condition in the block I/O tracer
(blktrace) that could lead to a system crash. Since blktrace can only
be controlled by privileged users, the security impact of this is


'Team bobfuzzer' reported a bug in Btrfs that could lead to an
out-of-bounds write. A user permitted to mount and access arbitrary
filesystems could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or
memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


A race condition was discovered in the Android binder driver, that
could result in a use-after-free. On systems using this driver, a
local user could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or
memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


Multiple researchers discovered that the powercap subsystem allowed
all users to read CPU energy meters, by default. On systems using
Intel CPUs, this provided a side channel that could leak sensitive
information between user processes, or from the kernel to user
processes. The energy meters are now readable only by root, by

This issue can be mitigated by running :

chmod go-r /sys/devices/virtual/powercap/*/*/energy_uj

This needs to be repeated each time the system is booted
with an unfixed kernel version.


A race condition was discovered in the performance events subsystem,
which could lead to a use-after-free. A local user permitted to access
performance events could use this to cause a denial of service (crash
or memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.

Debian's kernel configuration does not allow unprivileged
users to access peformance events by default, which fully
mitigates this issue.


Yuan Ming and Bodong Zhao discovered a race condition in the virtual
terminal (vt) driver that could lead to a use-after-free. A local user
with the CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG capability could use this to cause a
denial of service (crash or memory corruption) or possibly for
privilege escalation.


Yuan Ming and Bodong Zhao discovered a race condition in the virtual
terminal (vt) driver that could lead to a use-after-free. A local user
with access to a virtual terminal, or with the CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG
capability, could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or
memory corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


Bodong Zhao discovered a bug in the Sun keyboard driver (sunkbd) that
could lead to a use-after-free. On a system using this driver, a local
user could use this to cause a denial of service (crash or memory
corruption) or possibly for privilege escalation.


kiyin(尹亮) discovered a potential memory leak in the
performance events subsystem. A local user permitted to access
performance events could use this to cause a denial of service (memory

Debian's kernel configuration does not allow unprivileged
users to access peformance events by default, which fully
mitigates this issue.


Keyu Man reported that strict rate-limiting of ICMP packet
transmission provided a side-channel that could help networked
attackers to carry out packet spoofing. In particular, this made it
practical for off-path networked attackers to 'poison' DNS caches with
spoofed responses ('SAD DNS' attack).

This issue has been mitigated by randomising whether packets
are counted against the rate limit.

CVE-2020-27673 / XSA-332

Julien Grall from Arm discovered a bug in the Xen event handling code.
Where Linux was used in a Xen dom0, unprivileged (domU) guests could
cause a denial of service (excessive CPU usage or hang) in dom0.

CVE-2020-27675 / XSA-331

Jinoh Kang of Theori discovered a race condition in the Xen event
handling code. Where Linux was used in a Xen dom0, unprivileged (domU)
guests could cause a denial of service (crash) in dom0.


Shisong Qin and Bodong Zhao discovered a bug in the Speakup screen
reader subsystem. Speakup assumed that it would only be bound to one
terminal (tty) device at a time, but did not enforce this. A local
user could exploit this bug to cause a denial of service (crash or
memory exhaustion).


Yuan Ming discovered a bug in the virtual terminal (vt) driver that
could lead to an out-of-bounds read. A local user with access to a
virtual terminal, or with the CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG capability, could
possibly use this to obtain sensitive information from the kernel or
to cause a denial of service (crash).

The specific ioctl operation affected by this bug
(KD_FONT_OP_COPY) has been disabled, as it is not believed
that any programs depended on it.

For Debian 9 stretch, these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your linux-4.19 packages.

For the detailed security status of linux-4.19 please refer to its
security tracker page at:

NOTE: Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description
block directly from the DLA security advisory. Tenable has attempted
to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without
introducing additional issues.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Upgrade the affected packages.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2019-19816");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss3_score_source", value:"CVE-2019-19770");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"Exploits are available");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploit_available", value:"true");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2019/11/21");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2020/12/10");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2020/12/11");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:linux-config-4.19");
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  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-686");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-686-pae");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-all");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-all-amd64");
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  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:debian:debian_linux:linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-common-rt");
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  script_family(english:"Debian Local Security Checks");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2020-2024 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/Debian/release", "Host/Debian/dpkg-l");



if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/release")) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Debian");
if (!get_kb_item("Host/Debian/dpkg-l")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);

flag = 0;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-config-4.19", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
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if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-all-i386", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-amd64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-arm64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-armmp", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
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if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-cloud-amd64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
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if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-common-rt", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-marvell", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rpi", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-686-pae", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-amd64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-headers-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-arm64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
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if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-686", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-686-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
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if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-arm64-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-armmp", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-armmp-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-armmp-lpae", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-armmp-lpae-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-cloud-amd64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-cloud-amd64-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-marvell", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-marvell-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rpi", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rpi-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-686-pae", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-686-pae-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-amd64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-amd64-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-arm64", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-arm64-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-armmp", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.10-rt-armmp-dbg", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-kbuild-4.19", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-perf-4.19", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-source-4.19", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;
if (deb_check(release:"9.0", prefix:"linux-support-4.19.0-0.bpo.10", reference:"4.19.160-2~deb9u1")) flag++;

if (flag)
  if (report_verbosity > 0) security_hole(port:0, extra:deb_report_get());
  else security_hole(0);
else audit(AUDIT_HOST_NOT, "affected");
Rows per page:
1-10 of 541


9.3 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



8.2 High


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity


Privileges Required


User Interaction




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



8.3 High

AI Score



0.003 Low


