Lucene search

nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2015-2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.FEDORA_2015-5864.NASL
HistoryApr 28, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

Fedora 20 : zarafa-7.1.12-1.fc20 (2015-5864)

This script is Copyright (C) 2015-2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

5 Medium


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.049 Low




Zarafa Collaboration Platform 7.1.12 final [48726] ==================================================

  • ZCP-10149: Include Documentation hint for usage of NFS and -o nolock option

    • ZCP-10233: Zarafa-mr-accept script complains in certain cases about php timezone functions

    • ZCP-10578: missing prerequisites for the reverse proxy in the administrator manual

    • ZCP-10639: Incorrect message when trying to add an archive

    • ZCP-10919: a remote admin in multi tenant mode cannot resolve users

    • ZCP-11061: Bandwidth requirement documentation

    • ZCP-11413: Monitor complains on unused config options.

    • ZCP-11418: Compat features do not work with outlook 2010 and windows 8

    • ZCP-11468: Document for a user who wants to use webapp, but is experiencing problems by using an unsupported browser, an easier area to locate the list of supported browsers

    • ZCP-11664: Remove ‘you’ wording from the WebApp User Manual

    • ZCP-11713: Japanese e-mail breaks the body text

    • ZCP-11744: zarafa-restore error in documentation

    • ZCP-11786: zarafa-ws is trying to put files in /usr/share/doc/zarafa

    • ZCP-11869: Documentation is not clear about Multitenant Public Folder attribute

    • ZCP-11929: differences between ‘Managing tenant (company) spaces’ and zarafa-admin

    • ZCP-11931: Outlook Client: synchronisation of an offline profile makes zarafa-server unresponsive

    • ZCP-11937: Setting out of office for the first time sets language to Catalan

    • ZCP-11949: Update documentation to stress that one server must have one database.

    • ZCP-12081: AB Provider UID is defined multiple times and may cause the server to read invalid memory

    • ZCP-12110: Segfault zarafa-server 7.1.8 R1

    • ZCP-12257: include location of the ads plugin in the manual

    • ZCP-12371: Add additional LDAP logging when using extended log level

    • ZCP-12409: zarafa-search crashes with ssl

    • ZCP-12424: Dagent in LMTP mode violates RFC5321

    • ZCP-12461: ECDatabaseMySQL defined twice

    • ZCP-12488: storing attachments in files on disk is not optimal implemented

    • ZCP-12491: Last date of a serial MR is ignored

    • ZCP-12492: Private mails sent from Exchange are not marked private.

    • ZCP-12501: Component documentation

    • ZCP-12534: Sending a mail to a group: The receivers do not see the group correctly.

    • ZCP-12549: remove mail subject from spooler.log

    • ZCP-12550: Zarafa-hidden does not work for cached outlook in ZCP 7.1.10

    • ZCP-12566: gsoap code gets our license attached in community distribution of zcp

    • ZCP-12568: ldap_uri slows down webapp and server after switching the LDAP-Server

    • ZCP-12574: meeting request copy to delegate - german umlauts broken

    • ZCP-12592: Update unsecure swfupload.swf

    • ZCP-12596: senddocument.php allows unauthorized upload of files

    • ZCP-12597: OL2013 15.0.4641.1001 shows private appointments

    • ZCP-12600: Sync seems to fail for larger objects

    • ZCP-12608: Compatibility package does not install correctly with OEM version of Outlook 2013 in every case

    • ZCP-12611: Cannot move appointment to different calendar

    • ZCP-12618: Move temporary patch definitions file to systemwide central location

    • ZCP-12629: zarafa-server binary does not check for existence of sockets and pids when started manually

    • ZCP-12657: Optimization of dagent incoming e-mail processing

    • ZCP-12660: Change runlevel of zarafa-licensed to start before zarafa-server

    • ZCP-12671: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4659.1000 client to compatibility component

    • ZCP-12676: IMAP Failed to read line: Interrupted system call

    • ZCP-12692: Stores should not be orphaned when user_safe_mode is active, even if they are back when correcting backend

    • ZCP-12696: SMTP RFC store violation

    • ZCP-12698: compile fail with recent g++ (4.9)

    • ZCP-12716: mails send with x-mailer ‘CDO for windows 2000’ loses attachments.

    • ZCP-12720: SMTP RFC store violation

    • ZCP-12754: Document that its a bad idea to switch the connection type inside a profile

    • ZCP-12755: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4667.1000 client to compatibility component

    • ZCP-12762: remove userquota_soft_template & userquota_hard_template from documentation

    • ZCP-12766: zarafa-mailbox-permissions doesn’t remove rules for --remove-all-permissions

    • ZCP-12788: Updating the name of a non-active user will change it to a active user

    • ZCP-12790: Message with attachments converted from uuencoded to attachments with

    • ZCP-12791: zarafa-server crashing due to ldap.cfg error

    • ZCP-12801: Attachments aren’t written into the database

    • ZCP-12824: zarafa server still logs indexer instead of search.

    • ZCP-12845: storing attachments in files on disk is not optimal implemented

    • ZCP-12847: Change changelog author for debian/rhel packages

    • ZCP-12850: ECDatabaseMySQL defined twice

    • ZCP-12851: zarafa-gateway: NOOP returns with wrong return code

    • ZCP-12852: Reading an encypted or signed email will change the receive date of the email to server time

    • ZCP-12865: zarafa-gateway.cfg man page missing description of imap_max_fail_commands.

    • ZCP-12877: meeting request copy to delegate - german umlauts broken

    • ZCP-12889: Segfault zarafa-server 7.1.8 R1

    • ZCP-12892: Last date of a serial MR is ignored

    • ZCP-12898: zarafa-webaccess no login after update to 7.1.10 on Ubuntu 10.04

    • ZCP-12901: mails send with x-mailer ‘CDO for windows 2000’ loses attachments.

    • ZCP-12908: zarafa-server crashing due to ldap.cfg error

    • ZCP-12910: Monitor complains on unused config options.

    • ZCP-12914: Add comment in monitor.cfg for companyquota_warning_template

    • ZCP-12918: zarafa spooler queues mails forever if smtpd rejects the mail

    • ZCP-12920: As a user I want to be able to sort the global addresses book by Chinese character

    • ZCP-12921: Chinese character broken once received

    • ZCP-12922: remove userquota_soft_template & userquota_hard_template from documentation

    • ZCP-12923: Building from source fails when xmlto / libical / bison is missing

    • ZCP-12926: ECChannel::HrSelect doesn’t handle EINTR as it should

    • ZCP-12930: zarafa-dagent segfault when deliver special mail

    • ZCP-12934: When reporting this traceback, please include Linux distribution name, system architecture and Zarafa version.

    • ZCP-12944: another chinese decode issue

    • ZCP-12945: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4675.1003 client to compatibility component

    • ZCP-12949: Update documentation for unsupported Oracle Packages

    • ZCP-12950: zarafa-dagent segfault when deliver special mail

    • ZCP-12968: ECChannel::HrSelect doesn’t handle EINTR as it should

    • ZCP-12994: Disabling imap on a pop3 users breaks certain mail.

    • ZCP-12995: Example command given in ‘Out of office management’ is incomplete

    • ZCP-13015: add SSL settings for zcp 7.1

    • ZCP-13019: Update documentation for Debian language pack installation

    • ZCP-13020: zarafa-admin tool mismatch password gives wrong notification

    • ZCP-13024: allowed to create SYSTEM user

    • ZCP-13026: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4693.1000 client to compatibility component

    • ZCP-13030: Add new OL2010 version 14.0.7143.5000 client to compatibility component

    • ZCP-13035: Rather use SSLCERT_FILE & SSLCERT_PASS when setting up SSO for WebApp/WebAccess

    • ZCP-13039: Add comment in monitor.cfg for companyquota_warning_template

    • ZCP-13046: Improve z-push documentation in admin manual

    • ZCP-13047: man page zarafa-admin --hook-store
      –copyto-public could use some extra information

    • ZCP-13055: Zarafa outlook client 7.1.11-48011 does not work well with zarafa auto updater

    • ZCP-13060: zarafa server still logs indexer instead of search.

    • ZCP-13061: Sync seems to fail for larger objects

    • ZCP-13062: Merge the compatibility package installation into the MSI typical install mode

    • ZCP-13082: patch: wrong charset in HTML

    • ZCP-13120: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4701.1000 client to compatibility component

    • ZCP-13123: Simplification of installation targets of compat package for manifest and c2r installations

    • ZCP-13143: Spooler.log gives wrong messages notifications

    • ZCP-13153: Outlook: answering on a message in ‘send items’ results in a message with empty Reply-To:

    • ZCP-13154: it would be helpful if phpmapi would produce a logfile

    • ZCP-13155: WebAccess /etc/zarafa/webaccess/config.php is not a symlink

    • ZCP-13158: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.0.1m on Win32

    • ZCP-13176: zarafa-server binary does not check for existence of sockets and pids when started manually

    • ZCP-13177: patch: wrong charset in HTML

    • ZCP-13179: it would be helpful if phpmapi would produce a logfile

    • ZCP-13180: Spooler.log gives wrong messages notifications

    • ZCP-13187: Message with attachments converted from uuencoded to attachments with

    • ZCP-13190: Setting out of office for the first time sets language to Catalan

    • ZCP-13191: When reporting this traceback, please include Linux distribution name, system architecture and Zarafa version.

    • ZCP-13192: Incorrect message when trying to add an archive

    • ZCP-13194: remove mail subject from spooler.log

    • ZCP-6294: allowed to create SYSTEM user

    • ZCP-6443: zarafa-admin tool mismatch password gives wrong notification

    • ZCP-7085: Updating the name of a non-active user will change it to an active user

    • ZCP-7296: Extension on the administrator manual

Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible without introducing additional issues.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
# The descriptive text and package checks in this plugin were  
# extracted from Fedora Security Advisory 2015-5864.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2021/01/11");

  script_xref(name:"FEDORA", value:"2015-5864");

  script_name(english:"Fedora 20 : zarafa-7.1.12-1.fc20 (2015-5864)");
  script_summary(english:"Checks rpm output for the updated package.");

    value:"The remote Fedora host is missing a security update."
"Zarafa Collaboration Platform 7.1.12 final [48726]

  - ZCP-10149: Include Documentation hint for usage of NFS
    and -o nolock option

    - ZCP-10233: Zarafa-mr-accept script complains in
      certain cases about php timezone functions

    - ZCP-10578: missing prerequisites for the reverse proxy
      in the administrator manual

    - ZCP-10639: Incorrect message when trying to add an

    - ZCP-10919: a remote admin in multi tenant mode cannot
      resolve users

    - ZCP-11061: Bandwidth requirement documentation

    - ZCP-11413: Monitor complains on unused config options.

    - ZCP-11418: Compat features do not work with outlook
      2010 and windows 8

    - ZCP-11468: Document for a user who wants to use
      webapp, but is experiencing problems by using an
      unsupported browser, an easier area to locate the list
      of supported browsers

    - ZCP-11664: Remove 'you' wording from the WebApp User

    - ZCP-11713: Japanese e-mail breaks the body text

    - ZCP-11744: zarafa-restore error in documentation

    - ZCP-11786: zarafa-ws is trying to put files in

    - ZCP-11869: Documentation is not clear about
      Multitenant Public Folder attribute

    - ZCP-11929: differences between 'Managing tenant
      (company) spaces' and zarafa-admin

    - ZCP-11931: Outlook Client: synchronisation of an
      offline profile makes zarafa-server unresponsive

    - ZCP-11937: Setting out of office for the first time
      sets language to Catalan

    - ZCP-11949: Update documentation to stress that one
      server must have one database.

    - ZCP-12081: AB Provider UID is defined multiple times
      and may cause the server to read invalid memory

    - ZCP-12110: Segfault zarafa-server 7.1.8 R1

    - ZCP-12257: include location of the ads plugin in the

    - ZCP-12371: Add additional LDAP logging when using
      extended log level

    - ZCP-12409: zarafa-search crashes with ssl

    - ZCP-12424: Dagent in LMTP mode violates RFC5321

    - ZCP-12461: ECDatabaseMySQL defined twice

    - ZCP-12488: storing attachments in files on disk is not
      optimal implemented

    - ZCP-12491: Last date of a serial MR is ignored

    - ZCP-12492: Private mails sent from Exchange are not
      marked private.

    - ZCP-12501: Component documentation

    - ZCP-12534: Sending a mail to a group: The receivers do
      not see the group correctly.

    - ZCP-12549: remove mail subject from spooler.log

    - ZCP-12550: Zarafa-hidden does not work for cached
      outlook in ZCP 7.1.10

    - ZCP-12566: gsoap code gets our license attached in
      community distribution of zcp

    - ZCP-12568: ldap_uri slows down webapp and server after
      switching the LDAP-Server

    - ZCP-12574: meeting request copy to delegate - german
      umlauts broken

    - ZCP-12592: Update unsecure swfupload.swf

    - ZCP-12596: senddocument.php allows unauthorized upload
      of files

    - ZCP-12597: OL2013 15.0.4641.1001 shows private

    - ZCP-12600: Sync seems to fail for larger objects

    - ZCP-12608: Compatibility package does not install
      correctly with OEM version of Outlook 2013 in every

    - ZCP-12611: Cannot move appointment to different

    - ZCP-12618: Move temporary patch definitions file to
      systemwide central location

    - ZCP-12629: zarafa-server binary does not check for
      existence of sockets and pids when started manually

    - ZCP-12657: Optimization of dagent incoming e-mail

    - ZCP-12660: Change runlevel of zarafa-licensed to start
      before zarafa-server

    - ZCP-12671: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4659.1000
      client to compatibility component

    - ZCP-12676: IMAP Failed to read line: Interrupted
      system call

    - ZCP-12692: Stores should not be orphaned when
      user_safe_mode is active, even if they are back when
      correcting backend

    - ZCP-12696: SMTP RFC store violation

    - ZCP-12698: compile fail with recent g++ (4.9)

    - ZCP-12716: mails send with x-mailer 'CDO for windows
      2000' loses attachments.

    - ZCP-12720: SMTP RFC store violation

    - ZCP-12754: Document that its a bad idea to switch the
      connection type inside a profile

    - ZCP-12755: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4667.1000
      client to compatibility component

    - ZCP-12762: remove userquota_soft_template &
      userquota_hard_template from documentation

    - ZCP-12766: zarafa-mailbox-permissions doesn't remove
      rules for --remove-all-permissions

    - ZCP-12788: Updating the name of a non-active user will
      change it to a active user

    - ZCP-12790: Message with attachments converted from
      uuencoded to attachments with

    - ZCP-12791: zarafa-server crashing due to ldap.cfg

    - ZCP-12801: Attachments aren't written into the

    - ZCP-12824: zarafa server still logs indexer instead of

    - ZCP-12845: storing attachments in files on disk is not
      optimal implemented

    - ZCP-12847: Change changelog author for debian/rhel

    - ZCP-12850: ECDatabaseMySQL defined twice

    - ZCP-12851: zarafa-gateway: NOOP returns with wrong
      return code

    - ZCP-12852: Reading an encypted or signed email will
      change the receive date of the email to server time

    - ZCP-12865: zarafa-gateway.cfg man page missing
      description of imap_max_fail_commands.

    - ZCP-12877: meeting request copy to delegate - german
      umlauts broken

    - ZCP-12889: Segfault zarafa-server 7.1.8 R1

    - ZCP-12892: Last date of a serial MR is ignored

    - ZCP-12898: zarafa-webaccess no login after update to
      7.1.10 on Ubuntu 10.04

    - ZCP-12901: mails send with x-mailer 'CDO for windows
      2000' loses attachments.

    - ZCP-12908: zarafa-server crashing due to ldap.cfg

    - ZCP-12910: Monitor complains on unused config options.

    - ZCP-12914: Add comment in monitor.cfg for

    - ZCP-12918: zarafa spooler queues mails forever if
      smtpd rejects the mail

    - ZCP-12920: As a user I want to be able to sort the
      global addresses book by Chinese character

    - ZCP-12921: Chinese character broken once received

    - ZCP-12922: remove userquota_soft_template &
      userquota_hard_template from documentation

    - ZCP-12923: Building from source fails when xmlto /
      libical / bison is missing

    - ZCP-12926: ECChannel::HrSelect doesn't handle EINTR as
      it should

    - ZCP-12930: zarafa-dagent segfault when deliver special

    - ZCP-12934: When reporting this traceback, please
      include Linux distribution name, system architecture
      and Zarafa version.

    - ZCP-12944: another chinese decode issue

    - ZCP-12945: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4675.1003
      client to compatibility component

    - ZCP-12949: Update documentation for unsupported Oracle

    - ZCP-12950: zarafa-dagent segfault when deliver special

    - ZCP-12968: ECChannel::HrSelect doesn't handle EINTR as
      it should

    - ZCP-12994: Disabling imap on a pop3 users breaks
      certain mail.

    - ZCP-12995: Example command given in 'Out of office
      management' is incomplete

    - ZCP-13015: add SSL settings for zcp 7.1

    - ZCP-13019: Update documentation for Debian language
      pack installation

    - ZCP-13020: zarafa-admin tool mismatch password gives
      wrong notification

    - ZCP-13024: allowed to create SYSTEM user

    - ZCP-13026: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4693.1000
      client to compatibility component

    - ZCP-13030: Add new OL2010 version 14.0.7143.5000
      client to compatibility component

    - ZCP-13035: Rather use SSLCERT_FILE & SSLCERT_PASS when
      setting up SSO for WebApp/WebAccess

    - ZCP-13039: Add comment in monitor.cfg for

    - ZCP-13046: Improve z-push documentation in admin

    - ZCP-13047: man page zarafa-admin --hook-store
      --copyto-public could use some extra information

    - ZCP-13055: Zarafa outlook client 7.1.11-48011 does not
      work well with zarafa auto updater

    - ZCP-13060: zarafa server still logs indexer instead of

    - ZCP-13061: Sync seems to fail for larger objects

    - ZCP-13062: Merge the compatibility package
      installation into the MSI typical install mode

    - ZCP-13082: patch: wrong charset in HTML

    - ZCP-13120: Add new OL2013 version 15.0.4701.1000
      client to compatibility component

    - ZCP-13123: Simplification of installation targets of
      compat package for manifest and c2r installations

    - ZCP-13143: Spooler.log gives wrong messages

    - ZCP-13153: Outlook: answering on a message in 'send
      items' results in a message with empty Reply-To:

    - ZCP-13154: it would be helpful if phpmapi would
      produce a logfile

    - ZCP-13155: WebAccess /etc/zarafa/webaccess/config.php
      is not a symlink

    - ZCP-13158: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.0.1m on Win32

    - ZCP-13176: zarafa-server binary does not check for
      existence of sockets and pids when started manually

    - ZCP-13177: patch: wrong charset in HTML

    - ZCP-13179: it would be helpful if phpmapi would
      produce a logfile

    - ZCP-13180: Spooler.log gives wrong messages

    - ZCP-13187: Message with attachments converted from
      uuencoded to attachments with

    - ZCP-13190: Setting out of office for the first time
      sets language to Catalan

    - ZCP-13191: When reporting this traceback, please
      include Linux distribution name, system architecture
      and Zarafa version.

    - ZCP-13192: Incorrect message when trying to add an

    - ZCP-13194: remove mail subject from spooler.log

    - ZCP-6294: allowed to create SYSTEM user

    - ZCP-6443: zarafa-admin tool mismatch password gives
      wrong notification

    - ZCP-7085: Updating the name of a non-active user will
      change it to an active user

    - ZCP-7296: Extension on the administrator manual

Note that Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding
description block directly from the Fedora security advisory. Tenable
has attempted to automatically clean and format it as much as possible
without introducing additional issues."
    value:"Update the affected zarafa package."

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"p-cpe:/a:fedoraproject:fedora:zarafa");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:20");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2015/02/19");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2015/04/09");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2015/04/28");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"generated_plugin", value:"current");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2015-2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");
  script_family(english:"Fedora Local Security Checks");

  script_require_keys("Host/local_checks_enabled", "Host/RedHat/release", "Host/RedHat/rpm-list");



if (!get_kb_item("Host/local_checks_enabled")) audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_ENABLED);
release = get_kb_item("Host/RedHat/release");
if (isnull(release) || "Fedora" >!< release) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Fedora");
os_ver = eregmatch(pattern: "Fedora.*release ([0-9]+)", string:release);
if (isnull(os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_APP_VER, "Fedora");
os_ver = os_ver[1];
if (! ereg(pattern:"^20([^0-9]|$)", string:os_ver)) audit(AUDIT_OS_NOT, "Fedora 20.x", "Fedora " + os_ver);

if (!get_kb_item("Host/RedHat/rpm-list")) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_LIST_MISSING);

cpu = get_kb_item("Host/cpu");
if (isnull(cpu)) audit(AUDIT_UNKNOWN_ARCH);
if ("x86_64" >!< cpu && cpu !~ "^i[3-6]86$") audit(AUDIT_LOCAL_CHECKS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Fedora", cpu);

flag = 0;
if (rpm_check(release:"FC20", reference:"zarafa-7.1.12-1.fc20")) flag++;

if (flag)
  if (report_verbosity > 0) security_warning(port:0, extra:rpm_report_get());
  else security_warning(0);
  tested = pkg_tests_get();
  if (tested) audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_AFFECTED, tested);
  else audit(AUDIT_PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED, "zarafa");

5 Medium


Attack Vector


Attack Complexity




Confidentiality Impact


Integrity Impact


Availability Impact



0.049 Low


