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openvasCopyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbHOPENVAS:1361412562310107830
HistoryMay 26, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

Huawei Data Communication: CPU Vulnerabilities 'Meltdown' and 'Spectre' (huawei-sa-20180606-01-cpu)

Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH





Security researchers disclosed two groups of CPU vulnerabilities

# Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2020-06-05 12:34:50 +0000 (Fri, 05 Jun 2020)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2020-05-26 15:22:01 +0200 (Tue, 26 May 2020)");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"4.7");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:N/A:N");

  script_cve_id("CVE-2017-5715", "CVE-2017-5753", "CVE-2017-5754");

  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"remote_banner");

  script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");

  script_name("Huawei Data Communication: CPU Vulnerabilities 'Meltdown' and 'Spectre' (huawei-sa-20180606-01-cpu)");


  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH");

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"Security researchers disclosed two groups of CPU vulnerabilities 'Meltdown' and 'Spectre'.");

  script_tag(name:"insight", value:"Security researchers disclosed two groups of CPU vulnerabilities 'Meltdown' and 'Spectre'. In some circumstances, a local attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to read memory information belonging to other processes or other operating system kernel. (Vulnerability ID: HWPSIRT-2018-01001,HWPSIRT-2018-01002 and HWPSIRT-2018-01003)The three vulnerabilities have been assigned three Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) IDs: CVE-2017-5715, CVE-2017-5753 and CVE-2017-5754.Huawei has released software updates to fix these vulnerabilities. This advisory is available in the linked references.");

  script_tag(name:"impact", value:"An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities to read memory information belonging to other processes or other operating system kernel.");

  script_tag(name:"affected", value:"1288H V5 versions V100R005C00

2288H V5 versions V100R005C00SPC100

2488 V5 versions V100R005C00

2488H V5 versions V100R005C00

5288 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC620 (BIOS V387) versions

9032 versions Earlier than V100R001C30SPC103 (BIOS V320) versions

AR100 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR100-S versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR110-S versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR120 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR120-S versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR1220C versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

AR1500 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR151-S2 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

AR160 (Exclude AR160F) versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

AR160-S (Exclude AR160F-S) versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

AR2204-XGE versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

AR3600 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR500 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR510 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

AR532 versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

AR550C versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

AR550E versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500 versions

BH622 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC307 (BIOS V518) versions

BH640 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC305 (BIOS V518) versions

BL-W09 versions Earlier than BIOS 2.02 versions

BL-W19 versions Earlier than BIOS 2.02 versions

Barca-AL00 versions Versions earlier than C00B191

Bond-AL10B versions Versions earlier than C00B182

CH121 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC305 (BIOS V521) versions

CH121 V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC255 (BIOS V387) versions

CH121 V5 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC122 (BIOS V059) versions

CH121H V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC115 (BIOS V387) versions

CH121L V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC155 (BIOS V387) versions

CH121L V5 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC120 (BIOS V059) versions

CH140 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC325 (BIOS V521) versions

CH140 V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC175 (BIOS V387) versions

CH140L V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC155 (BIOS V387) versions

CH220 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC305 (BIOS V521) versions

CH220 V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC255 (BIOS V387) versions

CH221 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC305 (BIOS V521) versions

CH222 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC305 (BIOS V521) versions

CH222 V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC255 (BIOS V387) versions

CH225 V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC155 (BIOS V387) versions

CH226 V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC175 (BIOS V387) versions

CH240 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC305 (BIOS V521) versions

CH242 V3 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC325 (BIOS V810 for  DDR4, BIOS V355 for ) versions

CH242 V5 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC111 (BIOS V080) versions

DH320 V2 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC109 (BIOS V518) versions

DH321 V2 versions V100R002C00

DH626 V2 versions V100R002C00

DH628 V2 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC200 (BIOS V518) versions

Duke-L09 versions Versions earlier than C636B189

EVA-L09 versions Versions earlier than C432B398

EVA-L19 versions Versions earlier than C185B397 Versions earlier than C432B393 Versions earlier than C636B396

EulerOS versions V2.0SP1

FRD-DL00 versions Versions earlier than C00B396

FRD-L02 versions Versions earlier than C432B403

FRD-L04 versions Versions earlier than C567B391

FRD-L09 versions Versions earlier than C432B403

FRD-L14 versions Versions earlier than C567B392

FRD-L19 versions Versions earlier than C432B403

FusionCloud versions 2.0.5(KVM) 2.0.6(KVM) 6.0.0(KVM)

FusionCompute versions 6.3.0 V100R006C00 V100R006C10 V100R006C10SPC100 V100R006C10SPH105 V100R007C00

FusionCube versions Earlier than 3.0.1 versions

FusionSphere versions 5.1 (XEN) 6.0U1(XEN) 6.1(XEN)

FusionSphere OpenStack versions V100R005C00 V100R005C10 V100R006C00 V100R006C00RC3B036 V100R006C10

HZ-W09 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.51 versions

HZ-W19 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.51 versions

HZ-W29 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.51 versions

HiDPTAndroid versions Versions earlier than V500R002C00SPC020

KNT-AL20 versions Versions earlier than C00B397

KNT-UL10 versions Versions earlier than C00B397

Kunlun 9008 versions Earlier than V100R001C30SPC103 (BIOS V320) versions

Kunlun 9016 versions Earlier than V100R001C30SPC103 (BIOS V320) versions

Kunlun 9032 versions Earlier than V100R001C30SPC103 (BIOS V320) versions

MRC-W10 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.15 versions

MRC-W50 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.15 versions

MRC-W60 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.15 versions

NFVI versions 6.1.5(KVM)

NTS-AL00 versions Versions earlier than C00B547

OceanStor HVS85T versions V100R001C00

OceanStor HVS88T versions V100R001C00

OpsMonitor versions 1.3.5

PL-W09 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.20 versions

PL-W19 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.20 versions

PL-W29 versions Earlier than BIOS 1.20 versions

Picasso-AL00 versions Versions earlier than C00B191

RH1288 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC613(BIOS V518) versions

RH1288 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC650 (BIOS V387) versions

RH1288A V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC707(BIOS V518) versions

RH2265 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC509(BIOS V518) versions

RH2268 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC607(BIOS V518) versions

RH2285 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC509(BIOS V518) versions

RH2285H V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC509(BIOS V518) versions

RH2288 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC607(BIOS V518) versions

RH2288 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC646 (BIOS V387) versions

RH2288A V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC707(BIOS V518) versions

RH2288E V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC301(BIOS V601) versions

RH2288H V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC618(BIOS V518) versions

RH2288H V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC552 (BIOS V387) versions

RH2485 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC711 (BIOS V518) versions

RH5885 V2 versions Earlier than V100R001C02SPC305 (4P:BIOS V037, 8P:BIOS V061) versions

RH5885 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C01SPC126(BIOS V355)V100R003C10SPC120(BIOS V810) versions

RH5885H V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC217 (E7V2:BIOS V355, E7V3:BIOS V657), V100R003C10SPC119 (E7V4:BIOS V810) versions

RH8100 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC226(E7V2&E7V3: BIOS V697 E7V4:BIOS V810) versions

RSE6500 versions V500R002C00

SMC2.0 versions V100R003C10 V500R002C00

SRG1300 versions V200R006C00 V200R006C10 V200R006C11 V200R006C12 V200R006C13 V200R006C15 V200R006C16 V200R006C17 V200R007C00 V200R007C01 V200R007C02 V200R007C05 V200R007C06 V200R008C00 V200R008C10 V200R008C20 V200R008C30 V200R008C50 V200R009C00

SRG1320E versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

SRG550C versions Earlier than V200R009C00SPC500  versions

VIE-L09 versions Versions earlier than C02B352 Versions earlier than C109B347 Versions earlier than C113B374 Versions earlier than C150B379 Versions earlier than C432B381

VIE-L29 versions Versions earlier than C185B390

VP9630 versions V600R006C10

VP9660 versions V600R006C10

Vicky-L09B versions Versions earlier than C185B178

Vicky-L29A versions Versions earlier than C636B212

Victoria-L09A versions Versions earlier than C605B210

Victoria-L09B versions Versions earlier than C185B181

Victoria-L29A versions Versions earlier than C605B210

Victoria-L29B versions Versions earlier than C635B210

WT-W09 versions Earlier than BIOS 2.02 versions

WT-W19 versions Earlier than BIOS 2.02 versions

XH320 V2 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC205(BIOS V518) versions

XH321 V2 versions Earlier than V100R002C00SPC305(BIOS V518) versions

XH321 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC502 (BIOS V387) versions

XH620 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC625 (BIOS V387) versions

XH621 V2 versions Earlier than V100R001C00SPC205 (BIOS V518) versions

XH622 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC623 (BIOS V387) versions

XH628 V3 versions Earlier than V100R003C00SPC623 (BIOS V387) versions

eAPP610 versions V100R004C10

eSpace 8950 versions V200R003C00

eSpace USM versions V300R001C00

iManager NetEco versions V600R007C00 V600R007C10 V600R007C11 V600R007C12 V600R007C20 V600R007C30 V600R007C40 V600R007C41 V600R007C50 V600R007C60 V600R008C00 V600R008C10 V600R008C20 V600R008C30

iManager NetEco 6000 versions V600R001C00 V600R001C01 V600R001C12 V600R001C30 V600R001C31 V600R001C32 V600R007C40 V600R007C60 V600R007C80 V600R007C90 V600R007C91 V600R008C00");

  script_tag(name:"solution", value:"See the referenced vendor advisory for a solution.");

  script_tag(name:"vuldetect", value:"Checks if a vulnerable version is present on the target host.");

  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");

include( "" );
include( "" );

cpe_list = make_list( "cpe:/o:huawei:ar100_firmware",
                      "cpe:/o:huawei:srg1320e_firmware" );

if( ! infos = get_app_version_from_list( cpe_list:cpe_list, nofork:TRUE ) )
  exit( 0 );

cpe = infos["cpe"];
version = toupper( infos["version"] );

patch = get_kb_item( "huawei/vrp/patch" );

if( cpe =~ "^cpe:/o:huawei:ar(10|11|12|16)0-s_firmware" ) {
  if (version_is_less(version:version, test_version: "V200R009C00SPC500")) {
    report = report_fixed_ver( installed_version:version, fixed_version:"V200R009C00SPC500" );
    security_message( port:0, data:report );
    exit( 0 );

if( cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar100_firmware" || cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar120_firmware" ||
    cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar1220c_firmware" || cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar1500_firmware" ||
    cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar151-s2_firmware" || cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar160_firmware" ||
    cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar2204-xge_firmware" || cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:ar3600_firmware" ||
    cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:srg1300_firmware" || cpe == "cpe:/o:huawei:srg1320e_firmware" ) {
  if (version_is_less(version:version, test_version: "V200R009C00SPC500")) {
    report = report_fixed_ver( installed_version:version, fixed_version:"V200R009C00SPC500" );
    security_message( port:0, data:report );
    exit( 0 );

exit( 99 );