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openvasCopyright (C) 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbHOPENVAS:1361412562310111038
HistorySep 14, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

Web Application Scanning Consolidation / Info Reporting

Copyright (C) 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbH

AI Score




The script consolidates and reports various information for web
application (formerly called

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbH
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: New / improved code since 2016 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later


  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-09-19 05:05:57 +0000 (Thu, 19 Sep 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2015-09-14 07:00:00 +0200 (Mon, 14 Sep 2015)");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"0.0");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N");
  script_name("Web Application Scanning Consolidation / Info Reporting");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbH");
  script_family("Web application abuses");
  # nb: The gb_* dependencies below are additional dependencies setting e.g.:
  # - www/content/auth_required
  # - www/<host>/<port>/content/auth_required
  # - www/<port>/can_host_php
  # - www/<port>/can_host_asp
  # which are used for / in the reporting below and thus have been added here
  script_dependencies("webmirror.nasl", "DDI_Directory_Scanner.nasl", "global_settings.nasl",
                      "gb_twonky_server_detect.nasl", "gb_owncloud_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_adobe_aem_http_detect.nasl", "gb_microsoft_iis_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_greenbone_os_http_detect.nasl", "gb_znc_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_apache_tomcat_http_detect.nasl", "gb_nginx_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_greenbone_gsa_http_detect.nasl", "gb_cassini_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_squid_http_detect.nasl", "gb_apache_http_server_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_znc_irc_detect.nasl", "gb_tenable_nessus_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_h2o_http_server_http_detect.nasl", "sw_lighttpd_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_cherokee_http_detect.nasl", "gb_jetty_http_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_apache_activemq_http_detect.nasl", "gb_orientdb_server_detect.nasl",
                      "gb_carel_pcoweb_devices_http_detect.nasl", "gb_php_http_detect.nasl");
  if(FEED_NAME == "GSF" || FEED_NAME == "GEF" || FEED_NAME == "SCM")
  script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);

  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");

  script_add_preference(name:"Maximum number of items shown for each list", type:"entry", value:"100", id:1);

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"The script consolidates and reports various information for web
  application (formerly called 'CGI') scanning.

  This information is based on the following scripts / settings:

  - HTTP-Version Detection (OID:

  - No 404 check (OID:

  - Web mirroring / webmirror.nasl (OID:

  - Directory Scanner / DDI_Directory_Scanner.nasl (OID:

  - The configured 'cgi_path' within the 'Scanner Preferences' of the scan config in use

  - The configured 'Enable CGI scanning', 'Enable generic web application scanning' and
  'Add historic /scripts and /cgi-bin to directories for CGI scanning' within the
  'Global variable settings' of the scan config in use

  If you think any of this information is wrong please report it to the referenced community

  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"remote_banner");



if( http_is_cgi_scan_disabled() ) {
  log_message( port:0, data:"Web application scanning is disabled for this host via the 'Enable CGI scanning' option within the 'Global variable settings' of the scan config in use." );
  exit( 0 );

function prepend_max_items_text( curReport, currentItems, maxItems ) {

  local_var curReport, currentItems, maxItems, report;

  report  = "NOTE: The 'Maximum number of items shown for each list' setting has been reached. ";
  report += "There are " + ( currentItems - maxItems ) + " additional entries available for the ";
  report += "following truncated list.";
  report += '\n\n' + curReport;
  return report;

maxItems = int( script_get_preference( "Maximum number of items shown for each list", id:1 ) );
if( maxItems <= 0 ) maxItems = 100;

port = http_get_port( default:80, ignore_broken:TRUE );
host = http_host_name( dont_add_port:TRUE );

cgiDirs          = http_cgi_dirs( port:port, host:host );
httpVersion      = get_kb_item( "http/" + port );
authRequiredURLs = http_get_kb_auth_required( port:port, host:host );
cgiList          = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/cgis/cgis_reporting/*" );
excludedCgiList  = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/excluded_cgis/*" );
dirIndexList     = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/dir_index" );
phpinfoList      = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/phpinfo_script/reporting" );
phpPathList      = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/php_physical_path" );
guardianList     = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/guardian" );
coffeecupList    = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/coffeecup" );
chOptOutList     = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/coinhive_optout" );
chOptInList      = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/coinhive_optin" );
chNoOptOutList   = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/coinhive_nooptout" );
chObfuscatedList = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/coinhive_obfuscated" );
frontpageList    = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/frontpage_results" );
skippedDirList   = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/skipped_directories" );
excludedDirList  = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/excluded_directories" );
srvmanualDirList = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/servermanual_directories" );
recursionUrlList = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/recursion_urls" );
maxPagesReached  = get_kb_item( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/content/max_pages_reached" );
cgiDirExcPattern = get_kb_item( "global_settings/cgi_dirs_exclude_pattern" );
maxPagesToMirror = get_kb_item( "webmirror/max_pages_to_mirror" );
maxDirsInKb      = get_kb_item( "webmirror/max_dirs_in_kb" );
cgisExcPattern   = get_kb_item( "webmirror/cgi_scripts_exclude_pattern" );

report = 'The Hostname/IP "' + host + '" was used to access the remote host.\n\n';

if( get_kb_item( "global_settings/disable_generic_webapp_scanning" ) ) {
  report += 'Generic web application scanning is disabled for this host via the "Enable generic web application scanning" option within the "Global variable settings" of the scan config in use.\n\n';

if( http_get_is_marked_broken( port:port, host:host ) ) {
  report += "This service is marked as broken and no web application scanning is launched against it.";

  if( reasons = get_kb_list( "www/" + host + "/" + port + "/broken/reason" ) ) {

    report += ' Reason(s):\n-----';
    reasons = sort( reasons );

    foreach reason( reasons )
      report += '\n - ' + reason;

    report += '\n-----';
  report += '\n\n';

if( no404_string = http_get_no404_string( port:port, host:host ) ) {
  if( no404_string != "HTTP" ) { #nb: Set by no404.nasl if "generally" marked broken.
    report += "The service is responding with a 200 HTTP status code to non-existent files/urls. ";
    report += "The following pattern is used to work around possible false detections:";
    report += '\n-----\n' + no404_string + '\n-----\n\n';

if( httpVersion == "10" ) {
  report += 'Requests to this service are done via HTTP/1.0.\n\n';
} else if( httpVersion == "11" ) {
  report += 'Requests to this service are done via HTTP/1.1.\n\n';

if( http_can_host_php( port:port ) ) {
  report += 'This service seems to be able to host PHP scripts.\n\n';
} else {
  report += 'This service seems to be NOT able to host PHP scripts.\n\n';

if( http_can_host_asp( port:port ) ) {
  report += 'This service seems to be able to host ASP scripts.\n\n';
} else {
  report += 'This service seems to be NOT able to host ASP scripts.\n\n';

user_agent = http_get_user_agent( dont_add_oid:TRUE );
if( _http_ua_include_oid )
  user_agent = ereg_replace( string:user_agent, pattern:"(.+)$", replace:"\1 (OID:dynamic)" );

report += 'The User-Agent "' + user_agent + '" was used to access the remote host.\n\n';

if( get_kb_item( "global_settings/exclude_historic_cgi_dirs" ) ) {
  report += 'Historic /scripts and /cgi-bin are not added to the directories used for web application scanning. ';
  report += 'You can enable this again with the "Add historic /scripts and /cgi-bin to directories for CGI scanning" ';
  report += 'option within the "Global variable settings" of the scan config in use.\n\n';

if( ! isnull( recursionUrlList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport  = 'A possible recursion was detected during web application scanning:\n\n';
  tmpreport += 'The service is using a relative URL in one or more HTML references where e.g. /file1.html contains <a href="subdir/file2.html"> ';
  tmpreport += 'and a subsequent request for subdir/file2.html is linking to subdir/file2.html. This would resolves to subdir/subdir/file2.html ';
  tmpreport += 'causing a recursion. To work around this counter-measures have been enabled but the service should be fixed as well to not ';
  tmpreport += 'use such problematic links. Below an excerpt of URLs is shown to help identify those issues.\n\n';
  tmpreport += 'Syntax : URL (HTML link)\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  recursionUrlList = sort( recursionUrlList );

  foreach url( recursionUrlList ) {
    # Using a fixed list of five items and not the maxItems from the others is expected.
    if( currentItems >= 6 ) continue;
    tmpreport += http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE ) + '\n';
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( authRequiredURLs ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport  = "The following files/directories require authentication ";
  tmpreport += 'and are tested (if enabled) by the script "HTTP Brute Force Logins with default Credentials (OID:":\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  authRequiredURLs = sort( authRequiredURLs );

  foreach dir( authRequiredURLs ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:dir, url_only:TRUE ) + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( cgiDirs ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'The following directories were used for web application scanning:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  cgiDirs = sort( cgiDirs );

  foreach dir( cgiDirs ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:dir, url_only:TRUE ) + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';
  report += 'While this is not, in and of itself, a bug, you should manually inspect ';
  report += "these directories to ensure that they are in compliance with company ";
  report += 'security standards\n\n';

if( ! isnull( skippedDirList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport  = "The following directories were skipped for web application scanning because the ";
  tmpreport += "'Number of cgi directories to save into KB' setting (Current: " + maxDirsInKb;
  tmpreport += ') of the VT Web mirroring (OID: was reached:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  skippedDirList = sort( skippedDirList );

  foreach dir( skippedDirList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:dir, url_only:TRUE ) + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( excludedDirList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport  = "The following directories were excluded from web application scanning because";
  tmpreport += ' the "Regex pattern to exclude directories from CGI scanning" setting of the VT';
  tmpreport += ' "Global variable settings" (OID: for this scan was: ';
  tmpreport += '"' + cgiDirExcPattern + '"\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  excludedDirList = sort( excludedDirList );

  foreach dir( excludedDirList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:dir, url_only:TRUE ) + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( srvmanualDirList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport  = "The following directories were excluded from web application scanning because";
  tmpreport += ' of the "Exclude directories containing detected known server manuals from CGI scanning"';
  tmpreport += ' setting of the VT "Global variable settings" (OID:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  srvmanualDirList = sort( srvmanualDirList );

  foreach dir( srvmanualDirList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += dir + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( dirIndexList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'Directory index found at:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  dirIndexList = sort( dirIndexList );

  foreach dirIndex( dirIndexList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += dirIndex + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( phpinfoList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'Extraneous phpinfo() output found at:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  phpinfoList = sort( phpinfoList );

  foreach phpinfo( phpinfoList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += phpinfo + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( phpPathList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'PHP script discloses physical path at:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  phpPathList = sort( phpPathList );

  foreach phpPath( phpPathList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += phpPath + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( guardianList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'The following files seems to have been "encrypted" with HTML Guardian:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  guardianList = sort( guardianList );

  foreach guardian( guardianList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += guardian + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n\n';
  report += 'HTML Guardian is a tool which claims to encrypt web pages, whereas it simply
  does a transposition of the content of the page. It is in no way a safe way to make sure your
  HTML pages are protected.

  See also :
  BID : 7169\n\n';

if( ! isnull( coffeecupList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'The following files seems to contain links "protected" by CoffeCup:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  coffeecupList = sort( coffeecupList );

  foreach coffeecup( coffeecupList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += coffeecup + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n\n';
  report += 'CoffeeCup Wizard is a tool which claims to encrypt links to web pages,
  to force users to authenticate before they access the links. However, the "encryption"
  used is a simple transposition method which can be decoded without the need of knowing
  a real username and password.

  BID : 6995 7023\n\n';

if( ! isnull( frontpageList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'FrontPage form stores results in web root at:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  frontpageList = sort( frontpageList );

  foreach frontpage( frontpageList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += frontpage + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( chOptOutList ) || ! isnull( chOptInList ) ||
    ! isnull( chNoOptOutList ) || ! isnull( chObfuscatedList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'The Coinhive JavaScript Miner was found embedded into the following pages:\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  if( chOptOutList )     chOptOutList     = sort( chOptOutList );
  if( chOptInList )      chOptInList      = sort( chOptInList );
  if( chNoOptOutList )   chNoOptOutList   = sort( chNoOptOutList );
  if( chObfuscatedList ) chObfuscatedList = sort( chObfuscatedList );

  foreach chOptOut( chOptOutList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += chOptOut + ' (OptOut configured for the user)\n';

  foreach chOptIn( chOptInList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += chOptIn + ' (Opt-In by the user explicitly required)\n';

  foreach chNoOptOut( chNoOptOutList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += chNoOptOut + ' (No OptOut configured for the user, might be malicious)\n';

  foreach chObfuscated( chObfuscatedList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += chObfuscated + ' (Obfuscated, look out for code containing \\x73\\x70\\x6C\\x69\\x74. Very likely malicious)\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( maxPagesReached ) {
  report += 'The "Number of pages to mirror" setting (Current: ' + maxPagesToMirror;
  report += ') of the VT "Web mirroring" (OID: was reached.';
  report += ' Raising this limit allows to mirror this host more thoroughly';
  report += ' but might increase the scanning time.\n\n';

if( ! isnull( cgiList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport = 'The following CGIs were discovered:\n\nSyntax : cginame (arguments [default value])\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  cgiList = sort( cgiList );

  foreach cgi( cgiList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += cgi + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );

  # nb:
  # - Clean up the report from any additional "dynamic" data to not report changed on delta reports
  # - Additional dynamic arguments can be added in the future as required
  # e.g.:
  # https://<redacted>/roundcube/ (_user [] _timezone [_default_] _token [mKJkYjA72zH9rI6FphlcVM56gowowbm4] _action [login] _pass [] _url [] _task [login] )
  # https://<redacted>/piwik/ (module [Login] form_rememberme [1] form_password [] form_redirect [] form_nonce [38b11fc20243e4c3bb841de092508a07] form_login [] )
  # https://<redacted>/phpmyadmin/index.php (token [482e667f30606c737c5e5241226a7d42] pma_username [] target [index.php] table [] set_session [649032kcigqf8k40v8r67b2413] lang [] server [1] db [] pma_password [] )
  tmpreport = ereg_replace( string:tmpreport, pattern:"(token|form_nonce|set_session) \[[^]]+\]", replace:"\1 [***replaced***]" );

  report += tmpreport + '\n';

if( ! isnull( excludedCgiList ) ) {

  currentItems = 0;

  tmpreport  = "The following cgi scripts were excluded from web application scanning because";
  tmpreport += ' of the "Regex pattern to exclude cgi scripts" setting of the VT';
  tmpreport += ' "Web mirroring" (OID: for this scan was: ';
  tmpreport += '"' + cgisExcPattern + '"\n\n';
  tmpreport += 'Syntax : cginame (arguments [default value])\n\n';

  # Sort to not report changes on delta reports if just the order is different
  excludedCgiList = sort( excludedCgiList );

  foreach cgi( excludedCgiList ) {
    if( currentItems >= maxItems ) continue;
    tmpreport += cgi + '\n';
  if( currentItems >= maxItems )
    tmpreport = prepend_max_items_text( curReport:tmpreport, currentItems:currentItems, maxItems:maxItems );
  report += tmpreport;

log_message( data:chomp( report ), port:port );
exit( 0 );

AI Score


