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openvasCopyright (c) 2007 E-Soft Inc. http://www.securityspace.comOPENVAS:58585
HistoryJan 17, 2008 - 12:00 a.m.

Debian Security Advisory DSA 1363-1 (linux-2.6)

Copyright (c) 2007 E-Soft Inc.

0.012 Low




The remote host is missing an update to linux-2.6
announced via advisory DSA 1363-1.

# OpenVAS Vulnerability Test
# $Id: deb_1363_1.nasl 6616 2017-07-07 12:10:49Z cfischer $
# Description: Auto-generated from advisory DSA 1363-1
# Authors:
# Thomas Reinke <[email protected]>
# Copyright:
# Copyright (c) 2007 E-Soft Inc.
# Text descriptions are largerly excerpted from the referenced
# advisory, and are Copyright (c) the respective author(s)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

tag_insight = "Several local and remote vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux
kernel that may lead to a denial of service or the execution of arbitrary
code. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the
following problems:


Thomas Graf reported a typo in the IPV4 protocol handler that could
be used by a local attacker to overrun an array via crafted packets,
potentially resulting in a Denial of Service (system crash).
The DECnet counterpart of this issue was already fixed in DSA-1356.


iDefense reported a potential integer underflow in the cpuset filesystem
which may permit local attackers to gain access to sensitive kernel
memory. This vulnerability is only exploitable if the cpuset filesystem
is mounted.


The PaX Team discovered a potential buffer overflow in the random number
generator which may permit local users to cause a denial of service or
gain additional privileges. This issue is not believed to effect default
Debian installations where only root has sufficient privileges to exploit


A coding error in the CIFS subsystem permits the use of unsigned messages
even if the client has been configured the system to enforce
signing by passing the sec=ntlmv2i mount option. This may allow remote
attackers to spoof CIFS network traffic.


Alan Cox reported an issue in the aacraid driver that allows unprivileged
local users to make ioctl calls which should be restricted to admin

These problems have been fixed in the stable distribution in version

The following matrix lists additional packages that were rebuilt for
compatibility with or to take advantage of this update:

Debian 4.0 (etch)
fai-kernels                 1.17+etch5
user-mode-linux             2.6.18-1um-2etch4

We recommend that you upgrade your kernel package immediately and reboot";
tag_summary = "The remote host is missing an update to linux-2.6
announced via advisory DSA 1363-1.";

tag_solution = "";

 script_version("$Revision: 6616 $");
 script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"$Date: 2017-07-07 14:10:49 +0200 (Fri, 07 Jul 2017) $");
 script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2008-01-17 23:19:52 +0100 (Thu, 17 Jan 2008)");
 script_cve_id("CVE-2007-2172", "CVE-2007-2875", "CVE-2007-3105", "CVE-2007-3843", "CVE-2007-4308");
 script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"4.7");
 script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C");
 script_name("Debian Security Advisory DSA 1363-1 (linux-2.6)");


 script_copyright("Copyright (c) 2007 E-Soft Inc.");
 script_family("Debian Local Security Checks");
 script_mandatory_keys("ssh/login/debian_linux", "ssh/login/packages");
 script_tag(name : "solution" , value : tag_solution);
 script_tag(name : "insight" , value : tag_insight);
 script_tag(name : "summary" , value : tag_summary);
 script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"package");
 script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");

# The script code starts here


res = "";
report = "";
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-doc-2.6.18", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-manual-2.6.18", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-patch-debian-2.6.18", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-source-2.6.18", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-support-2.6.18-5", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-tree-2.6.18", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-alpha", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-alpha-generic", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-alpha-legacy", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-alpha-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-alpha", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-alpha-generic", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-alpha-legacy", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-alpha-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-alpha", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-xen", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-xen-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-xen-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-modules-2.6.18-5-xen-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-modules-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"xen-linux-system-2.6.18-5-xen-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"xen-linux-system-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-amd64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-arm", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-footbridge", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-iop32x", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-ixp4xx", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-rpc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-s3c2410", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-footbridge", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-iop32x", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-ixp4xx", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-rpc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-s3c2410", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-hppa", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-parisc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-parisc-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-parisc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-parisc64-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-parisc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-parisc-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-parisc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-parisc64-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-486", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-686-bigmem", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-i386", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-k7", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-k7", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-xen-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-486", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-686-bigmem", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-k7", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-k7", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-xen-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-modules-2.6.18-5-xen-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-modules-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"xen-linux-system-2.6.18-5-xen-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"xen-linux-system-2.6.18-5-xen-vserver-686", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-ia64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-itanium", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-mckinley", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-itanium", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-mckinley", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-mips", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-qemu", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-r4k-ip22", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-r5k-ip32", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-sb1-bcm91250a", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-sb1a-bcm91480b", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-qemu", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-r4k-ip22", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-r5k-ip32", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-sb1-bcm91250a", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-sb1a-bcm91480b", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-mipsel", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-r3k-kn02", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-r4k-kn04", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-r5k-cobalt", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-r3k-kn02", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-r4k-kn04", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-r5k-cobalt", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-powerpc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-powerpc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-powerpc-miboot", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-powerpc-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-powerpc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-prep", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-powerpc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-powerpc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-powerpc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-powerpc-miboot", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-powerpc-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-powerpc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-prep", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-powerpc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-powerpc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-s390", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-s390", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-s390x", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-s390x", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-s390", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-s390-tape", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-s390x", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-s390x", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-all-sparc", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-sparc32", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-sparc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-sparc64-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-headers-2.6.18-5-vserver-sparc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-sparc32", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-sparc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-sparc64-smp", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-2.6.18-5-vserver-sparc64", ver:"2.6.18.dfsg.1-13etch2", rls:"DEB4.0")) != NULL) {
    report += res;

if (report != "") {
} else if (__pkg_match) {
    exit(99); # Not vulnerable.