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HistoryNov 17, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

curl - security update


0.013 Low




  • CVE-2016-8615
    If cookie state is written into a cookie jar file that is later read
    back and used for subsequent requests, a malicious HTTP server can
    inject new cookies for arbitrary domains into said cookie jar.
    The issue pertains to the function that loads cookies into memory, which
    reads the specified file into a fixed-size buffer in a line-by-line
    manner using the fgets() function. If an invocation of fgets() cannot
    read the whole line into the destination buffer due to it being too
    small, it truncates the output.
    This way, a very long cookie (name + value) sent by a malicious server
    would be stored in the file and subsequently that cookie could be read
    partially and crafted correctly, it could be treated as a different
    cookie for another server.
  • CVE-2016-8616
    When re-using a connection, curl was doing case insensitive comparisons
    of user name and password with the existing connections.
    This means that if an unused connection with proper credentials exists
    for a protocol that has connection-scoped credentials, an attacker can
    cause that connection to be reused if s/he knows the case-insensitive
    version of the correct password.
  • CVE-2016-8617
    In libcurl’s base64 encode function, the output buffer is allocated
    as follows without any checks on insize:
    malloc( insize * 4 / 3 + 4 )
    On systems with 32-bit addresses in userspace (e.g. x86, ARM, x32),
    the multiplication in the expression wraps around if insize is at
    least 1GB of data. If this happens, an undersized output buffer will
    be allocated, but the full result will be written, thus causing the
    memory behind the output buffer to be overwritten.
    Systems with 64 bit versions of the size\_t type are not affected
    by this issue.
  • CVE-2016-8618
    The libcurl API function called curl\_maprintf() can be tricked into
    doing a double-free due to an unsafe size\_t multiplication, on
    systems using 32 bit size\_t variables. The function is also used
    internallty in numerous situations.
    Systems with 64 bit versions of the size\_t type are not affected
    by this issue.
  • CVE-2016-8619
    In curl’s implementation of the Kerberos authentication mechanism,
    the function read\_data() in security.c is used to fill the
    necessary krb5 structures. When reading one of the length fields from
    the socket, it fails to ensure that the length parameter passed to
    realloc() is not set to 0.
  • CVE-2016-8621
    The curl\_getdate converts a given date string into a numerical
    timestamp and it supports a range of different formats and
    possibilites to express a date and time. The underlying date
    parsing function is also used internally when parsing for example
    HTTP cookies (possibly received from remote servers) and it can be
    used when doing conditional HTTP requests.
  • CVE-2016-8622
    The URL percent-encoding decode function in libcurl is called
    curl\_easy\_unescape. Internally, even if this function would be
    made to allocate a unescape destination buffer larger than 2GB, it
    would return that new length in a signed 32 bit integer variable,
    thus the length would get either just truncated or both truncated
    and turned negative. That could then lead to libcurl writing outside
    of its heap based buffer.
  • CVE-2016-8623
    libcurl explicitly allows users to share cookies between multiple
    easy handles that are concurrently employed by different threads.
    When cookies to be sent to a server are collected, the matching
    function collects all cookies to send and the cookie lock is released
    immediately afterwards. That function however only returns a list with
    *references* back to the original strings for name, value, path and so
    on. Therefore, if another thread quickly takes the lock and frees one
    of the original cookie structs together with its strings,
    a use-after-free can occur and lead to information disclosure. Another
    thread can also replace the contents of the cookies from separate HTTP
    responses or API calls.
  • CVE-2016-8624
    curl doesn’t parse the authority component of the URL correctly when
    the host name part ends with a ‘#’ character, and could instead be
    tricked into connecting to a different host. This may have security
    implications if you for example use an URL parser that follows the RFC
    to check for allowed domains before using curl to request them.

For Debian 7 Wheezy, these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your curl packages.

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: <;