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HistoryFeb 10, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

pidgin - several






Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Pidgin, a multi-protocol
instant messaging client:

  • CVE-2013-6477
    Jaime Breva Ribes discovered that a remote XMPP user can trigger a
    crash by sending a message with a timestamp in the distant future.
  • CVE-2013-6478
    Pidgin could be crashed through overly wide tooltip windows.
  • CVE-2013-6479
    Jacob Appelbaum discovered that a malicious server or a man in the
    middle could send a malformed HTTP header resulting in denial of
  • CVE-2013-6481
    Daniel Atallah discovered that Pidgin could be crashed through
    malformed Yahoo! P2P messages.
  • CVE-2013-6482
    Fabian Yamaguchi and Christian Wressnegger discovered that Pidgin
    could be crashed through malformed MSN messages.
  • CVE-2013-6483
    Fabian Yamaguchi and Christian Wressnegger discovered that Pidgin
    could be crashed through malformed XMPP messages.
  • CVE-2013-6484
    It was discovered that incorrect error handling when reading the
    response from a STUN server could result in a crash.
  • CVE-2013-6485
    Matt Jones discovered a buffer overflow in the parsing of malformed
    HTTP responses.
  • CVE-2013-6487
    Yves Younan and Ryan Pentney discovered a buffer overflow when parsing
    Gadu-Gadu messages.
  • CVE-2013-6489
    Yves Younan and Pawel Janic discovered an integer overflow when parsing
    MXit emoticons.
  • CVE-2013-6490
    Yves Younan discovered a buffer overflow when parsing SIMPLE headers.
  • CVE-2014-0020
    Daniel Atallah discovered that Pidgin could be crashed via malformed
    IRC arguments.

For the oldstable distribution (squeeze), no direct backport is provided.
A fixed package will be provided through shortly.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed in
version 2.10.9-1~deb7u1.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed in
version 2.10.9-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your pidgin packages.