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HistoryDec 04, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

openssl - security update


0.953 High




Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in OpenSSL, a Secure
Sockets Layer toolkit. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project
identifies the following issues:

  • CVE-2015-3194
    Loic Jonas Etienne of Qnective AG discovered that the signature
    verification routines will crash with a NULL pointer dereference if
    presented with an ASN.1 signature using the RSA PSS algorithm and
    absent mask generation function parameter. A remote attacker can
    exploit this flaw to crash any certificate verification operation
    and mount a denial of service attack.
  • CVE-2015-3195
    Adam Langley of Google/BoringSSL discovered that OpenSSL will leak
    memory when presented with a malformed X509_ATTRIBUTE structure.
  • CVE-2015-3196
    A race condition flaw in the handling of PSK identify hints was
    discovered, potentially leading to a double free of the identify
    hint data.

For the oldstable distribution (wheezy), these problems have been fixed
in version 1.0.1e-2+deb7u18.

For the stable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed in
version 1.0.1k-3+deb8u2.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed in
version 1.0.2e-1 or earlier.

We recommend that you upgrade your openssl packages.